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Everything posted by stevenl

  1. The order was very clear 'all'. However the consequences not thought through at all.
  2. I hear many things. Some of them are true, some not.
  3. No, they did not. Time for you to get a grip on reality.
  4. They're doing it for a fraction of the costs the US companies are spending. See the much more extensive post on this above mine
  5. Hence the treaty on tax evasion, followed by trump's outrage because he doesn't want those companies to pay taxes in Europe.
  6. So no threat of china taking over Greenland then. So trump's reasons are non existent.
  7. I think it's safe to say the answer to the OP's question is a resounding 'yes'. The discussion is whether that's bad or not.
  8. That high spending on health care is related to the US health care system, not the who.
  9. The same feelings towards foreigners are present in many countries all over the world atm. Dad times we live in.
  10. No, that's not how weapons and other restricted goods delivery works.
  11. That's the issue. There is international consensus and an agreement, but trump has pulled out of that because Tim Cook kissed his behind.
  12. Yes, the FBI and CIA are well known biased towards the left.
  13. He omitted the intention to let Israel have it. I opinioned that many months ago already, was laughed away, but it is heading that direction.
  14. You're getting there. He wants apple taxed in the us. Apple is now for a major part taxed in Ireland because it's cheaper than UK, France and other options.
  15. To start at the beginning, your heading is wrong. Trump is not going after apple, he is trying to protect apple from higher taxes in Europe.
  16. A pity this is above your paygrade.
  17. Please read again and understand. "less reason to file in countries with lower tax burden like Ireland and more in the country where the value is created.".
  18. Hence the 15 pct minimum requirement. A more level playing field would result in less reason to file in countries with lower tax burden like Ireland and more in the country where the value is created.
  19. I think there is a mandatory 30 days notice to Congress required for this. And in that notice 'cause' must be mentioned. Firing st will as seems to be the case here is most likely not allowed.
  20. Aren't you rather supportive of the present republican senators, congressmen and the cabinet members?
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