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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. I have been pulled over in the past and asked for my licence. After producing my licence, I was allowed to leave without a fine. I try to abide by the law here, but, as mentioned in previous posts, if they really need the money, they will come up with something.
    So your own experience is: I abide by the law, so I don't get fined. But you read: if they really need the money they will find something. Why do you believe what you read over your own experience? I just don't get this moaning about the BIB, especially not when own experiences are positive.
  2. ok..I do not reside in Thailand but I want to purchasing a new vehicle in Thailand..

    That means i don't have either two..

    I hope you can clarify it.


    Easy clarification: you can not.


    izzit thailand government does not allow any foreigner purchasing a new vehicle in Thailand?

    Nothing to do with being a foreigner yes or no, but with living in the country.
  3. That sounds pretty cheap...you wanna try Bangla, 110 baht a small Singha and a whopping 200 baht a lady drink, no wonder the place is dead with prices like that....nice to see all the bar owners are suffering from the greedy seeds they have sown...serves them right...prices in a seedy little 6x6 brothel more expensive than London, New York and Paris :D

    It is not the bar owners that are greedy, they have to charge these prices in order to try and keep their bar alive.

    It is the landlords that ask and get ludicrous prices. Especially the keymoneys are making them rich.

  4. ok..I do not reside in Thailand but I want to purchasing a new vehicle in Thailand..

    That means i don't have either two..

    I hope you can clarify it.


    Easy clarification: you can not.

  5. LOL

    I have been stopped for doing absolutely nothing wrong here while driving and presented with a bogus charge (driving in the outside lane, speeding...etc) so if you're actually saying that Thai cops play by the book, you're delusional. Underage motorcycle drivers are speeding, going the wrong way, and not wearing helmets consistently, yet I have never (in the 10 or so years I've lived here off and on) seen even one of them stopped by a cop (and that is no exaggeration). We all (but perhaps not you) know why. It's because they don't have money. If Thai cops really had the best interest of its citizens in mind, they'd start getting these underage hot-doggers off the road for their and other people's sake.

    However, I do find these posts from the "Thailand is Perfect" brigade amusing.

    Maybe news for you, but this is the Phuket forum. No fines for driving in the outside lane or speeding here (at least not to my knowledge).

  6. >>Of course giving out tickets is a form of revenue. That's the same the world over, the same as speeding cameras aren't realy there to save lives are they!

    The only difference is that the law is selectively applied here. If the BIB's aren't specifically out to generate some income, they'll gladly look the other way when an illegal samlor is going the wrong way with no helmet on and 6 people in the samlor are being driven by a 12 year old. That's the difference between Thai BIB's and western world coppers in that here the law is selectively applied, while in the west it's (almost) always applied at all time.

    Cops here would make more money by simply riding around and fining anyone and everyone when they commit a traffic offense, which would apply to 99% of the drivers/riders on the road at any given time. But they don't do this as it's much easier to set up a collection station at the side of the road.

    Completely agree with that. But at the same time I like it this way.
  7. I was in a car with my seatbelt on, carrying a genuine IDL and a copy of my PP. I was not breaking any road rules, unless it was excessive use of a blinker to indicate my left turn onto the circle.

    The cop initially started to wave me through, then looked me in the face, saw I was farang and decided to wave me over.

    I assumed, from reading so many threads on the subject here, that the purpose of the roadblock was to extract "tea money". I didn't have any small notes with me to pay said "fine", was in a hurry as I was moving house at the time and others were expecting me, so when I saw the oportunity I kept going.

    It was wrong, I wouldn't do the same thing in my own country, but I wouldn't expect to be pulled over there purely to help pay the coppers wages.

    On Phuket you never pay directly to the cops, always at the (sometimes temporary) station. So nothing to do with tea money.
  8. So can anybody confirm first hand they were asking for passports?

    I was waiting for this one! There's always a doubter. I remember posting a story earlier in the year that no one believed until it made the Phuket Gazette a few days later.

    It was not first hand - for a start I don't ride a bike - but for three people to tell me the same story within 15 minutes, two together and one completely independently, I think it's pretty reliable.

    Unlike some, I try not to post BS (maybe unsuccessfully at times!).

    'I've just been told' simply is not very convincing.

  9. Dreamboy,

    People make business all over the world. Cash isexchange for various reasons. You live in a cottonwool world with your little limited life... and YOU tell ME that my attitude is wrong????

    Thank you for again proving my point.

  10. That's right. You ask the teller to xchange the Baht for any western currencies and they dismiss you point blank by saying that they don't have any foreign currency available.

    You tell them that you want to order Pounds, Dollars or Euro and that you will back in 3 days time to exchange the money (this process is practiced all over the world) and they simple say "NO, CANNOT"

    This is a blatant example that the value of their currency is unrealistic... and another example of double-standard or if you prefer, a legalised scam to our expenses by the thais.

    Banks in thailand only trade in one way... buy our currency at the rate we say, but you cannot buy your money back..


    It makes a lot of sense to know more about valuta markets and rules and regulations about Thai currencies before making these kind of nonsensical posts.

    Plus your attitude is wrong. You don't 'tell them', you ask them. You might be surprised, suddenly they (people in general) are much more helpful when you explain you would like them to help you out than when you tell them to do something.

  11. Good grip patterns and lots of tread assist against aquaplaning.. And if your hitting standing water at speed you better be ready anyway.
    Aquaplanning is about pressure exerted on the road. The pressure is determined by the surface and weight. The bigger the weight for the same surface, the smaller the risk of aquaplanning. On the same token, decrease the surface for the same weight and the risk gets less. So the bike (bicycle or motorbike does not make any difference) with the wider tyres has the bigger risk of aquaplanning.
  12. When research has been done after fatal dog attacks it is often the case that, despite the owner maybe saying otherwise, the dog in question had shown signs of previous aggression and so should have been supervised more closely. There are usually other similarities such as no training/socialization, had been abused/uncared for, had been used as a guard dog and therefore had some sort of aggression training. These are just a few things that can cause a dog, any dog, to be mentally unstable and potentially dangerous.

    It is NOT breed specific which is why if you are out with your kids and you choose to go out of your way to avoid my 'mutt' then it is due to an irrational fear that you have, would you also go out of your way if I had a Golden Retriever or Dalmation? My Rottweiler has been attacked by quite a few dogs people consider harmless, including those two breeds, and has never retaliated. It's not 'very common' that these dogs are owned by 'chavvy low life' actually it's just that the media portrays this image as it sells papers and then naive sheep, who form opinions based solely on the cr@p they read , believe it. And the dog owners aren't biased it's just that they are giving their opinion based on their own personal experience while people like you, who have no experience of these dogs, have an opinion based on a stereotype and nothing else.

    In a country like Thailand with so many people drink-driving you are much more likely to be killed/injured by a drunk-driver than a dog, I bet you happily drive around at night with your kids in the car!

    So using a dog as a guard dog makes it less suitable as a family dog? That sounds completely different from earlier opinions in this thread.

  13. Not sure how much cheaper that is compared to a live aboard.

    Not cheaper at all, more expensive.

    regarding prebooking: there will be last minute offers if you book on the spot, you will need a bit of flexibility, but also take into account that the boats that offer best value for money will be the boats that have more prebookings and less (if any) last minute offers.

  14. its 2,8 times more likely to be bit by a chained (family) dog, than a free walking (family) dog, according to Karen Bravos posted source. well only owned dogs are chained, so lets call them familydogs

    No, that is not what this source said. It said ""Biters are 2,8 times as likely to be chained as unchained", which is different from what you are saying.

  15. KBB, now you are really twisting logic:

    ""Biters are 2,8 times as likely to be chained as unchained", as I said a leashed dog bites more easily"

    Your conclusion here seems to come from your mind, but not from this survey. No connection between your conclusion 'a leashed dog bites more easily' and the survey's conclusion 'Biters are 2,8 times as likely to be chained as unchained'.

    Your conclusion also seems to differ from your earlier opinion: "and the street/beach dogs bite at lower threat level than most dogs".

  16. On a par with the charge of 50bht added to my last bill at The Bangkok Phuket Hospital

    for the lint to cover the needle hole after I'd given blood.

    So it happens everywhere

    The OP got 2 pieces of string, you only one, so you overpaid :angry:

  17. The best way to dive Similans (plus Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock) is by liveaboard diveboat. Do a trip of minimum 4 days to be able to visit all highlights in a nice and relaxed manner.

    Most boats these days depart from Khao Lak, some from Phuket. From Phuket you have a choice of all boats, also those departing from Khao Lak, and transfers will be included. From Khao Lak the offer is more limited.

    Have fun.

  18. I may be wrong but isn't Aquamaster now " All 4 Diving ? They have branches in most of the major tourist / diving destinations. I can ask the guy here on Samui if you want ?

    All 4 Diving is their retail brand, Aquamaster is the wholesale brand. So yes, I should have said 'All4Diving' in stead of Aquamaster.

    They will send it to Hong Kong anyway.

    And of course the guy from Divesupply does not mention this. They don't want to send you to the competition, but would rather send your computer to the competition themselves, so they get some commission.

  19. post-81971-0-77828900-1289280405_thumb.j

    please dont take my ball out of my mouth

    if I want you to play with my ball I drop it myself

    or I drop it when my master tells me to drop

    my job is to take care of this ball and my family. I do my job :)

    so if a kid wants to play with the ball, after having spotted your dog walking around freely, he gets bitten?

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