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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. Divesuply does NOT service Uwatecs, Aquamaster does. Divesupply is regional service center for Scubapro but not for Uwatec.

    I would not be surprised at all though if it has to be sent to the regional service center in Hing Kong.

  2. Kata to Surin pretty similar tho..

    Kata no:

    "6 pounds a pint in 'The Irish Times'

    Traffic, Traffic and even more traffic.

    Limited parking and even having to pay for parking outside a restaurant your are eating at.

    Adding shedloads to my carbon footprint by constantly having to drive round and round a one way system.

    Although legal, being stopped by police at least once a day.

    Having to say I dont want a suit or ladyboy massage many many times."

    Except for the tailors.

    Being stopped by police at least once a day happens nowhere on Phuket BTW.

  3. So who do we believe?

    I don't believe what I read and see in the media. One picture of someone standing in waist high water does not mean a whole town is flooded. But it does sell a few newspapers extra, so they'll show that picture and not tell that this only applies to a small part of the area. The same goes for TV BTW.

    I'll only trust first hand reports of people I believe, so some people on Thai Visa e.g.

  4. Yeah but you have to enter the round about twice now.....that doesnt make sense...I use it almost every day...I think its slower ...hmmmm most of my friends feel the same way......strange you guys think different....oh well :rolleyes: each to their own....i just try to avoid the place at certain times

    A roundabout with only four roads leading into it has got to be less congested than if it had five roads leading into it.

    Logic innit?

    Not a matter of feeling or thinking but of timing. Agree though, if not busy and coming from Kata it takes more time, but: if busy it is faster now coming from all directions, if not busy and the canes are not removed it is faster coming from all directions except for Kata.
  5. And the Chalong circle hasnt improved at all....yes i remember the traffic lights....i also remember before the cones.....It was better with just the police in the middle without the cones. Just my opinion...its why I started the thread!

    I am there nearly every day in the morning during rush hour and quite often on other times as well, either coming from Rawai or Kata. And from both directions, even from Kata with the U-turn, by car it is much quicker now than it was before, either with or whithout police there.

  6. 3 Months ago I turned right inside the lobby and take the next exit outside (That misses most of the taxi touts) turn right and you will see the meter taxi office with yellow / green taxis outside, they asked for 500, I offered 400 we agreed on 450. The meter was running and when I arrived half way along Nanai Rd, Patong it showed 328 if you then added the 100 airport charge then 450 is very fair, courteous drivers and the 500 baht note covers his tip if you so wish.

    It is a meter taxi, so do not agree on a price but pay what is on the meter, plus 100 baht airport surcharge.
  7. Yesterday, in Karon, I sighted what appeared to be another Tuk Tuk incident.

    Outside The Mermaid Inn, just up from the circle, in an area the TT's have claimed as their own, it appears some tourists had parked their car in the wrong place.

    As I was driving past, I couldn't work out exactly what was happening, but it seemed a Bib was being shown damage to the parked car by a large group of westerners standing on the road near the vehicle.

    There were crowds of people watching the show.

    So maybe something happened there with tuktuks, maybe not.

  8. Also, it is a trust thing, Many Thais don't trust machines with their money. Ive had this conversation many times with Thais. But, Ore Ida invested alot of money in bangkok for french fry vending machines http://www.ryt9.com/es/prg/2121 Unsure if it ever happened

    I love the system where there are no machines doing this. Keeps people at work, and with the prices you pay there really is no need for a machine.

    But I'm sorry that does not help the OP.

  9. I've had no problems with those guys. If anything they can be too helpful, insisting on helping when none is required.

    Semi correct; the "volunteers" are the biggest scam artists around. Why is this thread based on the 2 baht excess in the print shop when there is a colony of self-centered farang vultures in the office.

    Hmm, claims like these would need to be substantiated to get credibility.

  10. Point of this story: I can't recall when was the last time Phuket Traffic Police asked local (Thai) guilty parties involved in road accidents to pay damages to innocent expats. Even when not at fault, foreigners were asked to pay for hospital and bike repair expenses and what not.

    Happened to me as well, about 5 years ago.

  11. OK mate, i am 30KM from the airport it takes me about 55 minutes to get there in normal traffic.

    Take 20 minutes of that makes it 35 minutes for the trip.

    To do this i would have to maintain a constant average speed of 85/86KPH

    This is not possible as far as i am concerned unless travelling between 3AM to 6AM when there is no traffic on the road.

    LOL, 35 minutes with an average speed of 85 kph takes you almost 50 K's Peter.

    Maybe do your maths again?

    To do 30 K in 35 minutes your average speed would have to be about 51 km/hour.

  12. No. It's been called the World Series since at least the early 1900's. Nobody else was playing the game back then. wink.gif
    Ok, make it arrogance in stead of ignorance then. World Series of the USA and Canada.

    Speaking of ignorance, run your theory by any professional baseball player in the world and watch them laugh.

    Yes, the losers, the ones who did not make it to the finals, will laugh, but I'm sure the ones that were in the finals of the World baseball Classic, and beat on the way all those star professional baseball players, will agree.

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