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  1. Drinking generates government revenue, and government revenue builds beautiful cities. So get out there and do your part gentlemen.
  2. Miss the days when one would just go upcountry and buy a wife.
  3. In the later years, often a sign of tooth infection. Try cleaning more often.
  4. Just read the 2023 forms and rates. I'm a bit high. Single with exemption like most retirees without government pension: 65k x 12 = 780,000. 780,000 - 150,000 exemption = 630,000. Between 500k and 750k the tax rate is 12,500 plus 15% tax on amount over 500k. 630,000 - 500,000 = 130,000. 130,000 x .15 = 19,500. So simple tax would be 12,500 + 19,500 = 32,000. Single without exemption: 780,000. Between 750k and 1m tax rate is 65,000 plus 20% on income over 750k. Same math as above gives a tax rate of 65,000 + 6000 = 71,000. Just a cursory read. Obviously other income streams are taxed at different rates. Clarification by mid-June 2024 would be nice.
  5. For those here in the 80's till the tax office mysteriously burned down in 1992. This is how it was done. After 180 days, if one desired to leave the country, they needed a tax stamp in their passport. No tax stamp no exit. The process. Go to the tax office. You wait to be seated with the auditor. They look at you and demand a number. You plead poverty and counter. A number is negotiated and the stamp added. These days the minimum tax would be 20% on 65k per month minus the 140,000 or more for deductions. Or around 130k baht for most single retirees. Excluding government pensions of course. For reference, a few expats realized that provincial tax auditors would issue the stamp for 500 baht. But that was back when Thailand was really fun. Either way, this issue needs to be clarified by the tax office by mid June. No taxation without education.
  6. The Thai girl is sure protecting that wallet.
  7. In the 80s if one stayed longer than 180 days, you needed to get a tax clearance before being allowed to leave the country. Always interesting negotiations. I believe the tax department burned to the ground in one of those 90s coups.
  8. Villa has a sign at the cash registers begging for coins. They happily take my tonnage.
  9. Pattaya Park - the lap pool is not included in the park fee. Hotel use only.
  10. Surprisingly fast how Covid can mutate to evade vaccines, treatments and previous immunities. China is opening and bringing more Covid cheer for the holidays. Happy Holidays to All!
  11. Thank you bother, or whatever you identify.
  12. S Only 30+ years. Seasons Club Pattaya was raided. All those without passport were taken to the station. Like the Big Joke era. Like Thaksin times, maybe a copy is warranted.
  13. Bangkok Bank fixed the problem. Can deposit into own account at CDM. Thank you BKK Bank.
  14. Where to make passport id copy for police? Carrying a passport seems a bit dangerous.
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