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Everything posted by tjintx

  1. You should drink, likely you'd become a more pleasant person (what I wanted to say was "less of a discus.")
  2. Ding-dong, think of the word "hamburger", now where is a city that sounds like that, hmmmm? Need a further hint, a little known band got their start there. They are called frikadellan in that country and they are wonderful too.
  3. Never in New England, NYC, or DC-MD-VA, places I lived in the 60's, 70's, and 80's Same for Chicago and Dallas where I lived in the 90's.
  4. Not to mansplain to you, dear,, but I think the word you were looking for is inured not injured. What in the name of Gloria Steinem are "Lynx-drenched teen boys", is that something to do with a cougar? Or, that they are fed-up with the Windows and Mac operating systems?
  5. I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in the evening All over this land mm....mm
  6. A foundational requirement to be considered for the Darwin Award.
  7. Turn me on, saw man.
  8. Don't I know it, the Songkran music festival at RCA has been shaking my windows with EDM for three days until 1am. One more day of it even. The decibel levels are incomprehensible but the quality tops that, sounds like the world's largest jackhammer ramping up and down every few minutes all night (they added all afternoon sound joy today, too).
  9. Tape a quarter to the end of the tonearm above the needle.
  10. They are all clothed (thankfully), although one has flesh-colored kinda shorts. Regardless, certainly not a pretty site.
  11. As Geoffrey Firmin says in 'Under the Volcano,' "Some things you can't apologize for."
  12. It was a case of manure, (huMAN natURE).
  13. He woulda sought out the toilets to bath in, no? Porta potties make great bubble baths.
  14. As I think you know, this was an unreleased lp by this band: https://www.allmusic.com/artist/saw-wheel-mn0001537494
  15. 33 and 1/3, my friend. 33 and 1/3.
  16. It is real cutting-edge stuff. On the turntable, it sounds like Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music, only more industrial. Like Lou's, it is believed to be a contractual obligation album.
  17. By way of example, I find that when I bash Russians, it is very useful to do it in proper Russian. When I bash Bob Smith, I do it in proper Drunker_Jibberish_BS. Just by way of a hypothetical example, of course.
  18. Oh my! Who beat you on the flight home? The prisoners you were attempting to visit or the warders? What behavior!
  19. Good summary, also women pay him!!!
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