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Everything posted by tjintx

  1. You have to, literally, run a device across the passport to read the chip (btw, in US and some other passports, it's embedded in the back cover. What scenario concerns you?
  2. "During Covid-19" How many excess deaths due to Covid, how many due to the "vaccines", and how many due to dying with a co-morbidity and just happening to have Covid?
  3. They are asking you to surrender.
  4. Claire, Planet Claire. No one ever dies there. No one has a head.
  5. I grew up in the sticks, left them for good at 17 and never looked back. I like the variety and convenience of big cities (I've lived in most of the larger US ones). Currently, I live in a high-rise condo between Sukhumvit and Phetchaburi and would have it no other way. The country is to visit (briefly), the suburbs are to go through (as quickly as possible).
  6. 2 x 0 = ????
  7. You asked for a well-done burger!?! She did you a favor.
  8. Thanks for the clarification, apologies for my misunderstanding!!
  9. I was replying to this post - note the last line, and I didn't HAVE to refer to an online dictionary - I just thought I would point out the difference to "some people". To which people? I believe that what I wrote questioned, correctly, that the word wasn't used correctly.
  10. Unless, it means thoughtful actions taken after 1 dead already.
  11. "Krittapon announced that officers had planned a crackdown, intending to visit each residence of the teenage members for questioning and to arrest those found guilty. In addition to these proactive operations, officers would also implement a 10pm curfew starting from May 3 onwards." Proactive? I don't think you know what the word means.
  12. Your opinions are as offensive as your user name.
  13. Asking for a friend, under Thai defamation laws, can a beach sue?
  14. If you have airline miles saved up, you have another option. Book your 29th day (remembering that your arrival day is day 1 of 30) ticket for someplace cheap on that airline or a partner. Cancel it after arrival to Thailand, most airlines will fully refund the miles back into your account as well as the money for the taxes to your credit card (check your airline policy on cancels first!).
  15. I've never seen the bright green-neon-glow-in-the-dark relish anywhere outside of a Chicago hotdog restaurant, either. Also, has to have celery salt.
  16. Kids playing with dry ice, what could go wrong?
  17. Everyone in the picture is wearing hygenic hair nets, face masks and frocks. Ergo, the food must be clean. Ergo, the food must be healthy.
  18. I've had an Epson L3250 for 3 years or so. Only problem that I've had was to clean the print heads (via their program). I think that's pretty darn good as it sometimes sits in the unairconditioned condo for months without use (when I'm traveling).
  19. I would add Vienna Beef.
  20. "Ernst & Jung"!! Wow, third-rate bean counters merge with a third-rate shrink? Also, a female goal keeper, it's Mackenzie Wood, without the s btw. Wow, you sure know your sources!!! I'm impressed plaiceholder..
  21. Not correct, you were speaking to more than an individual. The proper form in such a case would d "All y'all have a nice day now." Bless your heart.
  22. "I'll save you Nell, but in two days time"
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