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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. In other words... you are spouting BS.
  2. Got a link to immigration provided flights ?
  3. There is 3 others lanes on the 7 to use if you want to travel under the speed limit. Do 100 in the RH lane... FAFO.
  4. Why would one carry 10 baht of gold on a 5 day study trip ?
  5. Extra meal for Jennifer and Mitchel to share... winner winnner chicken dinner !
  6. Be nice if the morons on the 7 motorway that do not do 120 in the right lane would move over to the slower lanes.
  7. permit... as in license? License is not a requirement to purchase a motor vehicle... Who is telling you this ?
  8. You do know people who enter the country on 30day visa exempt are not required to do 90 day reporting.... don't you ?
  9. BiB and immigration see it as a success, in reality it is a BIG failure of their system. Bravo, Mr unknown: Catch me if you can, movie #2 coming out soon.
  10. Errrr.... go ask someone at immigraton.
  11. He arrived visa exempt so the 90-day reporting is irrelevant. TM 30 was introduced late 70's.... but yeah not really enforced until 2020.
  12. do you not understand what "years ago" means?
  13. They should remove Yaba from the naughty list... Years ago it was sold OTC at petrol stations to keep the drowsiness at bay !
  14. Neither applicable to this Brit criminal.
  15. Yeah I do not get out of my vehicle until the insurance person has arrived.
  16. well... you was getting stooged then... are you are telling porky pies. It has always been 7yr for cars (5yr for bikes). I bought my first (new) car when I moved to Thailand in 2005. current have 3 vehicles over 7 and 2 under 7. 3 over require yearly inspection.
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