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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. have 500+ employees at my work.... 80% are imports from surrounding countries !
  2. do you ned a tampon for your weeping orrifice ?
  3. They have to report every 365 days !
  4. Yeah... in the shower, what about other taps, Ive not seen hot water in the kitchen very much.
  5. are hot water taps common in Thailand ?
  6. So you do not use hand santizer then...... you have hot water taps !
  7. do you use hand sanitzer after a <deleted>.. or just rinse off in the sink ?
  8. Covid is a <deleted> driven by big pharma... the sheeples swallowed it hook line and sinker.
  9. The upside of covid was worldwide influenza deaths went to zero !
  10. I never caught it either. I started 2023 with severe pnuemonia both lungs though...... but tested negative for the Wu Flu.
  11. Yeah thats gunna turn to excrement on a grand scale ! I put my mother in a care home with advanced alheimers... it was pretty bad at the end.
  12. Surely solo would have to be co-ordinated with airport staff (on both ends) with the niece confirmed to collect.
  13. I made it through un vaxxed and un masked.
  14. Threads like this back '21 would get you banned from the forum !
  15. what a massive steaming pile of BS.
  16. cause he cut and paste... too lazy to write his own posts.
  17. bwahahahahahaha, that awesome. Great job Mr Trump.
  18. Have they gone hard or developed small cracks ?
  19. Was funded by the USA... they are the ones that should be held accountable.
  20. I passed out about 8pm.. prolly shoulda not opened the second bottle of Bundy rum.
  21. I run Cast Iron by Raro.... goes good.
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