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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Happened to me last year (January ----> March) Except I drove myself to hospital.
  2. they have already taken how many billion if him ?
  3. Mmmm baggy of pills. few large bottles of regency. 3 bar girls. 200b a night fan room. Fun times !!
  4. They would be 10 weed shops in my little soi on the darkside of Pattaya, If they are making money it is because the shops are just a front for other activates.
  5. Gimme a few minutes in the sack with her and I can sort that.
  6. Perfect thanks, I was searching soaker hose.... not drip irrigation tape.
  7. Be nice if they would dispense that at the hospital.. My doc could write me a script and my insurance would pay for it !
  8. I was looking for soaker hoses but to no avail. were have you bought/seen them ?
  9. i'll hazard a guess in that the OP does not even have a lawn.
  10. Possibly your immune system is compromised. Go get a HIV check done.
  11. Needing the devils lettuce for the reason of insomnia would surely fall under medicinal usage.
  12. Garden hose and a sprinkler is how is is typically done.
  13. hahahahahaha, wonder how much money people that rushed to open weed shops will be flushing down the toilet !
  14. Pizza's and pornhub, great way to entertain oneself on a bleak Friday evening.
  15. From an "employed in Thailand" perspective. Allowances (for me) are deducted from my gross income.
  16. Do you even bother reading posts ? @ 130,000/yr which tax bracket do you think you would be in ?

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