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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Name me one in Thailand that will loan over 10+ years. A quick ask around the office here and all the Thai's say longest term for a car is 7 years. Yes they could all be wrong but I doubt it.
  2. Reminds me of a lock door party a few years ago on the 6. All the girls took off their shoes and g-strings.... got up on the counter and after a twerk or two squatted and urinated into beer glasses.
  3. Average price for a decent 4x4 pickup (not bottom spec or top spec) is around 1 million. At 8k a month it would take 10.5 years to pay off if there is zero interest. No financial institution is giving loans over 10.5 years for a vehicle.
  4. With a Kalex frame and Triumph engine.... where does Honda come into it ?
  5. Despise with a passion people seeking financial assistance from the public because they do not have adequate insurance in place to cover.
  6. Cannot for the life of me recall any of them that are wanted for murder. Can you be more specific please.
  7. If it has gasahol in the tank it will have gone rotten. Needs to be drain and the fuel system flushed.
  8. I dont think there is a sunset clause on murder. Irrelevant though as Khun Boss is not wanted for murder.
  9. Only 20k a month, do you hate your child and its mother ?
  10. Hard to line the soi's with boats to push the water out when the soi is not flooded.
  11. What wealth ? Owning two older imported vehicles from the Czech Republic keeps my credit cards near their limits !! If the two vehicles were german imports the Thai's would think Iam loaded... instead they think I am a pauper not even able to afford a decent Thai built saloon.
  12. No idea to be honest. Height - 180cm. Weight - 76kg.
  13. I dont buy anything other than meat in bulk. friends company is an importer.
  14. I enjoy the smell of two stoke when carving flesh.

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