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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. Ok all Read all that and you could have cut the entire article and just wrote possible advertising restrictions instead of overdramatizing it.
  2. Ok, so basically no change. Cool. I just bought more Gelato 5 minutes ago and same easy process.
  3. It’s really simple expansion of cannabis will cause tourism to boom. Restricting cannabis will cause tourism to fail and at this point any restriction on what they’ve already started allowing would destroy the Thai economy.
  4. They understand that courts can’t actually change the current laws right? LMAO
  5. That was the point of legalizing it. That’s WHY they legalized it so they wouldn’t have to regulate it anymore. Kind of the whole point of taking it off the narcotics list and letting everyone grow it. You all should stop spreading misinformation and face the facts. It’s legal and here to stay. BTW, you obviously don’t know anything about cannabis kind of hard to regulate the THC level in various plants scattered throughout the country, impossible in fact LMAO. You all have been spreading misinformation about cannabis since they first started legalizing it. The Thai Examiner article is obviously just spreading pro Laksanawisit propaganda and he has his people in parliament doing it as well. This whole article is basing THC levels on the early thinking when they first started legalizing it. You’re dealing with natural medicine not pills with exact MG doses. Nor should anyone care about the THC level, that’s almost comical. Try some it’s easy to buy online. Great stuff to.
  6. This is just propaganda Laksanawisit is using against Anutin. I listened to the article in English and it’s complete bs. What this is is Laksanawisit has his people in Parliament and the media backing him up. This Thai Examiner article is clearly trying to be bias in favor of Laksanawisit, the entire article was complete bull S***.
  7. What was the point of this article? Just literally to spread misinformation. The particular bill you’re referring to is irrelevant. It’s just opposition making noise. They’ve already legalized it, it’s here to stay, and people have been making big money off of it for a few years now. Case closed.
  8. Of course it’ll continue. And they’re not assuming anything they can do it and they’re doing it. Lol
  9. Was the bill to regulate it in the first place? You sort of misrepresented the issue making sound like a bad thing for legal cannabis I think.
  10. Ok so sounds like good news it won’t get passed. The status quo should continue. What dangerous situation? LMAO.
  11. So basically am I understanding this right? This bill was meant to regulate cannabis but as long as it’s not passed everything stays the same? Am I reading this right?
  12. They realize that a lawsuit doesn’t reverse any laws right? Even if they win.
  13. Wait, no it says they’re just filing a lawsuit lol, that’s not going to stop anything no wonder Anutin is not concerned about it.
  14. Is the opposition party anything to be taken seriously? Doesn’t appear so looking it up but they have made some realistic headlines.
  15. President Joe Biden please attend APEC! Please help Thailand and make sure Putin is off the world stage!!!!
  16. This article from 6 days ago says he’s not going to be there. Is this wrong? I’d actually like to know if he will actually be brave enough to leave the safety of the Kremlin. I don’t think he has the B**** to leave the Kremlin. https://thediplomat.com/2022/10/thailands-apec-misfortunes-continue/
  17. He’s gotta be stopped
  18. Putin will be in this Country for two days next month? Need to look into this a lot more.
  19. Is Putin going to make any public appearances in Bangkok? He’s actually going to be in this county????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Is this SOB actually going to be in Bangkok in November? Ok better do some studying in regards to when and where. Hmmm
  21. At least in Thailand they punish cops for this. In the US they do not. I wish I could post my website here. I have really improved it over the last two years. I have a website about this issue in America. I would like to compare this case to American cases because at least there’s justice in law enforcement in Thailand more than I can say for America. But I don’t know if I want to mix Thailand with my USA online project about a local election in North Carolina.
  22. LMAO, not really a “debate” anymore the laws are already passed. “Meanwhile, the Thai government needs to act quickly to explain what can and cannot be done with Cannabis within Thailand before it gets out of hand.” THEY ALREADY HAVE LAWS ARE PASSSD. If we go into the local garden centre and buy a young cannabis plant to grow at home, is this legal? YES EVERYONE HAS BEEN DOING IT FOR A FEW YEARS NOW. Can we smoke the cannabis grown if it is for personal use? OBVIOUSLY YES YOU CAN NOW ORDER ANY THC PRODUCT ONLINE. I hope they will eventually have vape available as well. I’m going to see when I buy more next week.
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