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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. Actually it wouldn’t put an end to anything even if it was passed. 🤣🤣
  2. The Thai government will be concerned about the economy and bringing in the tourists and this is what’s bringing them back.
  3. Yet it was and that’s all they have been doing along. This is just disinformation from the opposition nothing more it’s not facts.
  4. Yet another blatant disinformation article by TVF. They are merely doing what it was legalized for in the first place. And these “changes” are already in effect unless they bring back the medical certificates again.
  5. Yeah I’ve been buying it for years and every single one of my shop sources who know because these changes always seem to go into effect suddenly before announced say that basically nothing is going to change fundamentally as is now except for age restrictions and potentially health certificate requirement worst case scenario.
  6. Next year it will still basically be the same
  7. And actually I have seen medical certificates from when the program first stood up. I still have a few of the old copies from the first shop registered in Bangkok.
  8. Guess what, nothing is changing :)
  9. So I was right about this one as well all along. Told ya so once again TVF.
  10. The changes are all already in effect except for the website registration and ID verification for ordering online, that’ll be later next year. Most of the changes are already implemented such as no more smoking inside the shops. Overall minimal changes to none.
  11. And I’m just laughing at all of the Crinkled faces of the people on here who hate that I’m smoking it. :)
  12. Although the rest of the country seems to love it. Great for tourism, health, and more.
  13. Some people here on this sight for some reason don’t seem to be too happy about my right to do it.
  14. I’m so happy to see that legal cannabis in Thailand is now a successful program. :)
  15. Thailand is very great. I like the way they implemented it in the first place. I was part of the initial experiment when they were first introducing it since 2018 to 2019.
  16. I just ordered from it less than 3 days ago and received my package yesterday. I only bought Kratom this time but I could have bought weed from them online. I usually only buy my weed from local shops these days although they are also going to ban smoking inside the shops you’ll have to take it home. I smoked it at the local walk in shop once before the new rules went into effect. I plan on visiting the Strains shop in person soon because they have some stuff that they are not allowed to sell online that I want. They are following the new government rules and they said next year we might have to register on their website to order online and probably show passport to verify age. Other than that only other changes are no smoking inside the walk-in shops and nothing else is changing there will be no restrictions for those of us over 20 years old. Most of the changes are already in effect there might be more rules on ordering online next year as far as registration and showing ID. Correction they have already started not smoking inside the shops I’ve noticed.
  17. Again not true. :) check it out it’s only government regulations to verify age over 20 that’s it. Here’s the correct website. ;) https://prikpot.com/?cmp_bypass=customer-accesss
  18. BTW here’s the website link that I ordered from yesterday. Try it now especially the nay sayers :) https://prikpot.com/?cmp_bypass=customer-accesss
  19. No u turn coming. That’s obvious at this point.
  20. And no smoking inside indoor shops, in fact I noticed that they have already started implementing that rule. Lately whenever I go no one is smoking and no one is hi.
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