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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. Pollution, COVID, I can’t imagine tourism must be taking a huge hit after the last 3 years, hard times. Better keep weed fully legalized that’s the only way to save the economy at this point. It’s the cure for the economy and for tourism issues it’s more than a bandage it’s the total fix for the problem.
  2. Here’s a local news website that is a little more honest. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/after-election-thai-cannabis-ready-to-roll-with-the-changes/
  3. Lol I’m sure the cannabis shop took detailed notes lol.
  4. HA HA looks like the narrative of this article is the only thing to “Go up in Smoke” judging by the results so far. LMAO, you have been trying to spread misinformation about cannabis since they first started legalizing it in 2019.
  5. Ran this article by a few of my dealers and they laughed at it something about the source of the article. Basically not to be taken seriously. Basically it’s not going anywhere. Might be a little more controlled worst case. And mysteriously everything else this site posts about the subject is usually bs or over exaggerating or downplayed if it’s in favor of it.
  6. What was the point of this article? To try to give someone attention that very very few people if any are listening to? LMAO WEED IS HERE TO STAY! Get used to it ????
  7. At 8AM how long is it taking to drive 12KM from Mo Chit Bus Station to downtown Bangkok? Anyone know? Was thinking about making a quick trip to Park Ventures Place in the morning. Is traffic bad in the morning? Will it take more than an hour to drive 12K at about 8AM? Thanks
  8. Prachin Buri, which way could they be headed?
  9. This material is also used in hospitals I believe for CT Scaners and X-rays. Unless 137 is a higher grade? WTH is going on?
  10. This is not on the news anywhere else that I’ve seen yet. Please provide updates when the cesium is found.
  11. Caesium Can be used to make a DB when the hell did this happen? Do they have any idea who and where?????
  12. Korat immigration is very honest and they are strict about making sure everything is done correctly and legally. Nakhon Ratchasima.
  13. Yeah lol I know we got that sorted out in 2019. Doing it correctly now I didn’t know back then. Korat helped me get everything sorted out legally. I finished sorting it out even last year when they found one more thing that I had to do. Because the agent also had skipped a step on my marriage certificate so last year I even had to go back to the embassy, and back to the MFA in Bangkok to correct it. But now everything is correct and legal and Korat helped me get it that way that’s why I know they are NOT crooks. And because they are very strict about doing everything exactly right. You see back then I didn’t know the agent was doing incorrectly and Korat knew that that’s why they helped me get it done the right way after they started fixing all that stuff back in 2018.
  14. And I can say for the record I never bribed anyone in Korat they are nothing but professional. When I used the agent several years ago that was Bangkok immigration. Korat helped me fix everything the agent messed up and got all my paperwork legally done correctly. Took a lot of work too and they were very patient. And when I used the agent in Bangkok years ago I didn’t know he was bribing anyone and I think Korat immigration knew that when they started fixing everything in 2019 that’s why they helped me fix it and make everything legal.
  15. Yes exactly what it probably is. I do it all myself now but when I first got here my first 3 extensions were done through an agent because I thought it was easier. The agent was actually bribing everyone to get my long stay marriage visa done the same day and at the time I didn’t know that. After this same immigration chief fixed immigration in 2018 Korat immigration actually helped me get all my paperwork fixed and exactly right. Even last year I had to redo our marriage certificate because I didn’t know the agent had paid for that back in 2016 and I had missed the step of going to the embassy. So I went to the embassy and got it done correctly through MFA. Now I finally have it all fixed and I do it all myself. But I’ve never seen anything except professionalism and helpfulness at Nakhon Ratchasima immigration. I hope no one there who helped us is in trouble. The supervisor was so nice and helpful I’m actually hoping it’s not her. They were all so professional so I’m shocked. I’m actually hoping none of those good people are in trouble.
  16. I just recently got my stamp. I’ve never seen anything but great people at Nakhon Ratchasima immigration office.
  17. Or facility or farms I don’t know. All I know is his original source was up Mukdahan.
  18. I have a question I’m trying to figure something out that I strongly suspect. Now that you can buy Cannabis from just about anywhere is the government farm up in Mukdahan still running? If not when did it shutdown? Before you could only buy the oil legally and I had a military contact who was selling it to me as well. He was regular if asked him for the flower I would have it within a few days. That contact suddenly disappeared in May last year literally one month before they fully legalized it lol. I don’t think that was a coincidence. I have a suspicion that it might have been part of a government experiment. I’m curious I wouldn’t be mad if it was, the opposite I would have been happy to have been a part of it, if it was. The contact I had was a senior person from an organization I will not name, name and location of contact will remain unknown. I’m just really curious if it was an experiment because he was getting it from Mukdahan. Or maybe they just shutdown Mukdahan where he was getting it a month before legalization. So I am very curious is the Mukdahan facility still in operation? That answer would help answer my question and satisfy my curiosity. Moderators please delete this post after 12 hours. If no one responds before then I’ll ask someone else I know who connected me to him again. But now there are legal sources everywhere. It was just odd and obviously not a coincidence that my source dried up literally one month before full legalization. Very interesting.
  19. When we took the channel boat which starts in the harbor I saw bigger passenger boats going out into the main bay and I assumed they must’ve been going somewhere like an island or something.
  20. Where do the big boats in the bay go? I’ll see if I have a picture of what I’m talking about.
  21. Or they could be just going to a different part of the shore further south or across the bay.
  22. Some of those islands are closer in the bay. And I’ve seen big ferry and yacht style boats going out into the main harbor. So I’m assuming they must have some island shuttles at least for the closer ones. I guess even Ko Tai is pretty far. So are they just going out and coming back in the same day or something. Do any of those boats actually take you anywhere?
  23. Ok well does anyone know how to find the red light District on Grand Theft auto III? That’s where the hideout is supposed to be.
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