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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. Another reason why obviously nothing is going to change in the cannabis industry
  2. Right Adam from where? UK or Australia? It’s usually old people from these two countries who hate it.
  3. And he’s slowly learning that the only way to do that is to continue to expand legalized cannabis in Thailand as they’re currently doing a great job of.
  4. Another bull<deleted> article by TVF. Some of you need to go back to the UK or Australia or another country where they have the real authoritarian government that you seek. Because nothing here is changing it’s expanding, especially in the north east.
  5. The best thing to do now for Thai people and especially foreigners with cannabis is BUY IT, smoke it, AND BUY SOME MORE and continue the cycle. Anutin For Prime Minister and USA President.
  6. As far as I’m concerned he can do whatever he wants after the great improvements he made to immigration. Anutin for Prime Minister and for US PRESIDENT!!!!!!
  7. LMAO looked deeper into this story it’s more disinformation once again on this forum. Literally none of this is happening they are quoting the opposition who doesn’t have the power to change anything it’s a Dr agreeing with one of several proposals, in this case the most extreme proposal which obviously isn’t going anywhere under this government. Especially with all the money involved now and an economy dependent on it. Additionally guess who’s STILL Deputy Prime Minister? That’s right Anutin Charnvirakul, so good luck changing anything backwards it ain’t gonna happen. ????
  8. This is just more lip service from Doctors losing money because of cannabis health benefits. Anutin Charnvirakul Is still Deputy Prime Minister nothing will change. This is all just lip service to appease the idiots who oppose it for reasons they don’t even understand clearly themselves. Need more education about cannabis not opposition appeasing lip service like this obviously is.
  9. Not true applies to residents as it says. PR not non-immigrant. I called my bank and confirmed.
  10. Ok that’s what I thought so it doesn’t effect non-residents or rather people on a non-immigrant visa?
  11. Bottom line this doesn’t affect you if you’re on a marriage visa and all of your income is from overseas right? My income isn’t even taxable in the US. I wish Ubonjoe was still here to clarify the nonsense. In the past you read BS on here and just ask him about it and he would totally clear it up.
  12. “On September 15th, the Revenue Department in Thailand issued a clarification stating that from the 1st of January 2024, it planned to tax foreign income on all individuals in the kingdom who have been resident in the country for over 180 days.” Ok so sounds like it actually means permanent foreign residents but double speak to scare readers? Am I right about that? That’s about the norm when reading TVF. This is only for those foreigners already paying taxes correct? If you don’t currently file income tax in Thailand this shouldn’t affect you correct?
  13. It’s actually pretty evil to restrict something so harmless which has been the only problem with it in the first place for decades. Part of it is that it will allow people to live longer the opposition is also about population control.
  14. The tourist industry is dead set on staying the course on legalized cannabis.
  15. My local head shop owner where we live says this is all talk just to appease the opposition and nothing will change in the future either, if anything it will continue to expand. . Sounds like I was right about the right wing News Media theory he said particular news outlets just talk. They ping on the slightest hint or comments from anyone in the government about reversing course. Also says way too much money involved and the tourists industry would literally riot if they classified it as a narcotic again.
  16. Looking some of the comments about home grown weed and even some of the news talking about how they legalized it but “not the strong stuff” it shows how people are still so extremely uneducated about cannabis. It’s a plant and it’s impossible to regulate the THC levels. People are going to grow it however they want. And BTW they now have some of the best weed I’ve ever had. It’s no different than the weed in the US or Canada or Amsterdam. Some of you know not what you’re talking about. The medicinal purposes and recreational are the same thing is something else that a lot of these idiots don’t get.
  17. Lol, look at what the real news media says about it. It’s always the opposite of the source of these articles which is equivalent to bull <deleted> right wing media in Thailand. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/tag/anutin-charnvirakul/
  18. Additionally this is just one guy not really to be taken seriously the opposition to it is not really going anywhere. Health Minister Anutin has already promised that this would not happen. And I’m sure everyone in the tourism industry is reading and shaking their heads at how their names are being used. The tourist industry clearly wants the opposite of this and they have already spoken loud and clear. Now I’m going to my local head shop where you can smoke a test hit right there even outside. It ain’t going anywhere. You all have been spreading misinformation about this since they first started legalizing THC back in 2019. You’re a joke.
  19. Bull<deleted> the tourist industry is not on board with this at all. This would tank the tourist industry and the Thai economy. Stop spreading disinformation about this issue it’s here to stay. And I told you so.
  20. The actual warning was leave it the hell alone because the Thai economy is now depending on it.
  21. Nothing has changed yet since it began in 2019 and nothing will change now no matter what you write.
  22. They can’t shut it off you’d still be able to access it through VPN, and if you have your App Store set for US settings it’ll always be available.
  23. His profile says RIP. Was hoping that just meant he doesn’t work on here anymore like he used to helping people. I mean really helping people with complicated immigration stuff as far as figuring things out.
  24. What happens next? Well that’s easy, a lot more weed.
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