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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. Why can’t we get a leader in the United States to do what needs to be done with our police force?
  2. Because legal cannabis takes away their business because less people need medication from a doctor or a doctor to begin with because everyone is more healthy with cannabis. These doctors are sick trying to compromise people’s health to increase their bottom line.
  3. Too late and more misinformation. This time from some quack. Give it up TVF LOL.
  4. Why are they even covering this? It’s already legal. They couldn’t go back now if they wanted to it would cause mass civil unrest. It’s great for the Thai economy and it is good for health. Whenever I make edibles for my Thai in-laws they even tell me how it reduces drinking in their family.
  5. I would like to thank Maj-Gen Surachate Hakpan for everything he did to fix immigration in 2018. Ever since he did what he did immigration has been very professional and easier as far as knowing what is required. And thanks to him I’m no longer getting screwed by a particular visa agent and it always goes smoothly every year. There were growing pains but now it’s perfect. Although I do think they should reduce the amount of paperwork now that they have it so well under control. They could get rid of a lot of the redundant financial paperwork. Other than that it’s great now. I remember a few years ago I thought this guy was gone because of some of misinformation TVF was spreading about him a while back which only leads to rumors and speculation. I’m glad he’s alright. Additionally thanks for legalizing cannabis Thailand this will be really good for their economy and it’ll improve health and reduce drinking. I actually helped my wife’s Sister quit drinking with cannabis treats I make.
  6. They have very very small groups of people in Thailand that are just as clueless about cannabis as our conservatives in the US. But for the most part even their staunchest conservatives in Thailand are ok with it because they have common sense. There really is no REAL serious opposition to cannabis in Thailand. Nothing worth taking seriously at least.
  7. What about the economy? It is saving their economy and now couldn’t survive without it under the circumstances. “The regulation should be set in place that we only allow medicinal and therapeutic uses in Thailand," Sarana said. What’s the difference? This is yet another TVF cannabis misinformation article grasping at straws by quoting any crockpot against it who have no power over it.
  8. By that rationale so is doing it in person lol you can buy it for someone else just as easily in person but it matters not the laws are already here. This is just merely a small group of people who are calling for new laws which appear to be falling on def ears mostly.
  9. No, misinformation the laws are already in place but there is a SMALL group of people calling for new laws. Just require a copy of your Thai ID card or passport when ordering online to verify age. Simple.
  10. Oh wow TVF still has their little heads spinning over this. More Good news btw now when you buy cannabis flower from the legal shops you don’t even need a prescription anymore. Now they just give it to you without anything from the doctor. I’ve been telling you this has been in the works since 2019 TVF and now that it’s here to stay you just can’t take it you continue to post misinformation. Nobody really reads this garage anymore.
  11. You know the real Thai News Media isn’t going anywhere near as crazy as TVF is over the full legalization of weed. Lol it’s here to stay.
  12. Doesn’t matter what some of you who write these articles think it is apparently driving you nuts now that they fully legalized it. If they went backwards on it now they know it would be the final crushing blow to their economy. So they’re going full steam ahead.
  13. It’s here to stay all they are doing is reducing any restrictions even more
  14. It is true ever since this month June 2022 the weed supply suddenly got as good as California.
  15. It’s totally allowed they’ve been selling it for a few years but now suddenly as of this month they’re openly selling flower actually in the shops and they have multiple strains like you’d find in California. He’s only talking about regulations to appease parliament and they are not really putting any rules on it that slows distribution.
  16. No they did not make it a “regulated herb” they can’t I have sources where I live who grow it at home because it’s legal to. They only placed rules on regulated shops so they can only sell to people over 20 and not allowed to sell to pregnant or breast feeding women and supposedly you can’t buy more than a month’s supply per month supposedly but I wouldn’t want to buy that much at once anyway nor have I tried that’s a lot. They’re just treating it like alcohol in the states.
  17. He’s just appeasing the ultra conservatives and it doesn’t actually do anything real to regulate it.
  18. Ok so they are not really regulating it all shops still have it. I asked my shop and they’re only supposed to ask for ID and not sell to pregnant women. Also people are allowed to grow it at home now. That makes it impossible to regulate.
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