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Everything posted by JimboB4

  1. And the Elite Visa is still worth it based on all the other benefits like not having to renew it for 5 years.
  2. I’m on a marriage visa and I don’t understand why anyone would be upset except for MAYBE the Elite Visa people. I might get that in a year or two. But this is good for everyone. Makes back up plans easier and cheaper if you ever had an emergency and messed up your extension or something. If you ever had to do a border run at least things will be more liberal again stamping in and out. It allows long term tourists to stay a year or more it just means immigration is going to be more liberal. Although I wish they would do something for us as well if they are going to do this and lighten up on the paperwork a little bit. Just simply cut out some of the redundant paperwork.
  3. There’s one shop right before walking street I have them on line but I forgot the name off the top of my head
  4. Cannabis is boosting the economy and will continue growing. Better keep it that way to maintain stability in the country.
  5. Title says that they are doing it but not what your own article actually says. There’s no way they are going to get rid of something that is doing people so much good health wise and has actually saved the Thai economy. It would like shooting themselves in the foot economically possibly a lot worse.
  6. “Reclassify as illegal” sounds like you wanted to write reclassify as a narcotic but that’s not what they are doing so you tried to write it in a misleading way another way.
  7. Article very very in-definitive of the title
  8. I’ll be sure and say I told you so again next year
  9. Yeah right . Just spent weeks in Pattaya and no way they are going to peacefully part with that kind of money look at all the shops there. Bullsh!t. Banning it again would do so much damage to their economy at this point it would lead to bad things happening in the streets.
  10. Seems like a writer bias towards making it legal writing it in a misleading way.
  11. This article is such misleading bullsh!t. The majority has already said keep it as is. And the government hasn’t actually “decided” anything yet. “The move will see cannabis flowers and extracts containing more than 0.2% THC being categorised alongside other banned drugs, while branches, stems, roots, leaves, and seeds will remain exempt from this classification.” If the plant is still legal so is THC, doesn’t make sense. Are they going to go around testing the THC levels in every shop? Even the article says less than .2% THC it doesn’t say anything in the article about banning THC title and writing style totally misleading as usual.
  12. Extremely misleading headline 🤣
  13. Keep the walk back articles coming. I knew they were on the way. 🙂
  14. And they probably won’t even be real enforced regulations either other than requiring ID. Everything will get even more liberal regarding cannabis. Take a walk around Pattaya.
  15. The only ignorance is thinking it would even be possible to go backwards on cannabis legalization at this point.
  16. Take a look around pal. They legalized it years ago. Toothpaste is out of the tube people. 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Probably the dumbest walk it back article I’ve ever read on this sight. Where do you all come up with the nonsense written here like “by January next year the plants would have died naturally”? 🤣, uhh they will still be growing it by then obviously. Have you walked a few feet through Pattaya lately? 🤣🤣🤣 Tell me a place in Bangkok and Pattaya where they are not selling weed every few feet 🤣🤣. It’s obviously not going anywhere and to even suggest otherwise is extremely ignorant of what is actually happening. Bottom line I knew this was coming and there will be further walk backs between now and next year.
  18. It says US government pensions are non-taxable in Thailand. Those are the rules they have to follow based on the treaty
  19. There aren’t any restrictions on weed. I recently smoked it at an outdoor restaurant. In fact oh yeah I better bring some joints with me to Pattaya in case we don’t get to a new weed shop right away.
  20. All of their articles are misleading have been for years. Essentially regarding weed.
  21. This is what I thought but so misleading articles on this site about so many different subjects (typically cannabis these days) in this case misleading information trying to imply that this applies to everyone and all income even though it actually does not under the law. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/your-questions-answered/#:~:text=US specific%3A Are Social Security,accounts potentially liable for tax%3F&text=In the US DTA%2C it,are not taxable in Thailand.
  22. This is what I thought but so misleading articles on this site about so many different subjects (typically cannabis these days) in this case misleading information trying to imply that this applies to everyone and all income even though it actually does not under the law.
  23. Don’t worry read. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/your-questions-answered/#:~:text=US specific%3A Are Social Security,accounts potentially liable for tax%3F&text=In the US DTA%2C it,are not taxable in Thailand.
  24. Yeah yeah heard that bs before in 2018 more over exaggerated information from here again.
  25. This doesn’t apply to everyone. You all should clarify exactly what income and visa or residency status this applies to which overall will be very few.
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