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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would think the best way to lower the cost of farming is to increase yields.
    How is that Vietnam can now produce 5 to 700 kilos of rice per rai and Thailand is and has been stuck at 3 to 400 kilos per rai?
    In fact Thailand is the lowest producing country in Asia.

    There are allot of factors that come into play to determine yields, such as soil conditions, irrigation, planting etc.
    We are getting between 500-600 kilos per rai, but my wife puts allot of effort into getting these yields. She cut way
    back on chemical fertilizers and using mostly manure. Stopped the slash and burn thing etc. We rented some land a few years
    ago and no matter what we did the most we could get from than land was only 250-300 kilos per rai. The soil was terrible.

    Yes that's right, a lot of land is not good, the only way to improve it is massive work on composting, reducing chemical fertilisers. Too many farmers rely almost entirley on chemicals which in the long term destroy your soil. Most farmers have no clue as to how to improve their soil, they do not understand the natural process of how micro organisims convert naturally available chemicals like nitrogen into a form that plants can access, the fact that chemical fertilisers provide no biomass and reduce the number of micro organisims makes matters worse. EDUCATION IS WHAT IS NEEDED.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All fine and dandy.....now sort our proper testing and licencing for mini-bus drivers, roadworthiness testing for vehicles and fit tachographs.....might be getting somewhere then instead of playing musical chairs with the parking.

    Agreed, I hope they will get to some of the more nationwide driving issues too, as opposed to trying to improve traffic in BKK, although it's very early days yet. Given how long they have been in power I am impressed with what they have achieved. It's now a question of keeping these changes, I just can't help thinking the mafia boys will just change tactics and or everything will return to normal once the military are not watching. Only time will tell but at least they are doing something sensible to reduce traffic problems.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Could just make the farmers much more efficient... clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif>

    It should not be too difficult to double Thailand's current rice production as they have one of the worst rates of ton's per hectare of all rice producing countries at around 2.6 tons. Vietnam manages well over 6 tons and Cambodia even tops Thailand with 2.9 tons per hectare.

    The suggestions to get the fertiliser/pesticide prices controlled and to make land available to landless farmers so they don't get ripped off are also important. One of the first effects of the PTP rice scam was that land rental prices and fertilser prices spiked.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

    Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

    I think you will find that populist policies like this will be banned by the EC once the next election comes around.

    Eh? How do you plan to ban populist policies? How do you classify a policy as populist? Every policy of every political party would have to be studied and rated by the EC?

  5. To quote the Americans today “In Thailand, we have a lot of beginnings that will hopefully come to fruition, but the report doesn’t look at promises. It looks at results.”

    Seems like they know what the reality is on the ground. While officials continue to be major benefactors of this trade nothing serious will be done. Sadly it seems most Thai's want a personal slave to do their chores or more likely abuse when bored so i don't see any chance of change any time soon. Truly repugnant nation.

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    One more steaming Thaksin sh#t pile being swept up....lots of steam coming off it on days like this....

    In fairness it was a pile of steaming crap before Thaksin came along.

    To get a clue who is doing a lot of the collecting of fees you just have to read the above line. "The operators formed an association to complain about such "fees" but were threatened with stricter law enforcement, intended to pressure them to continue paying the fees, the source said."

    Threatened by whom? That would be the police I assume.

    • Like 1
  7. "Drink more milk"... coming from the countries leading milk producer. I think scientists already proved we do not need milk after our very early years, it is most important to toddlers and in fact causes health problems for adults.

    From what I see in issan, the average Thai villager has no clue about basic health and nutrition, many kids I know survive almost entirely on freeze dried noodles, which have bugger all nutrients. Too many parents are more concerned with how to pay for a smart phone than seeing their kids eat properly.

    EDUC &lt;deleted&gt; CATION!

    • Like 2
  8. They need education to improve yield so they are competitive with the rest of the rice growing countries. Thailand's yield is around 2.6tons per hectare compared to over 6 in Vietnam. Even Cambodia, still recovering from 4 decades of war produces 2.8tons.

    Also the vultures who upped the prices for land rental and chemicals could do with some reeducation from the Junta along with loan sharks.

    And as someone else pointed out, laziness is another big problem. Rice farming is all about short bursts of work, they have plenty of time to 'work' to earn more money rather than spend thier time lounging around in hammocks all day drinking Lao Khao.

    Stopping these morons from pissing their money up the wall on smart phones they cannot afford is going to be harder though.

    For me it is hard to have sympathy with many of these people as they bring much of their poverty on themselves. When i visit my wife's village most of the men are drunk 24-7 it seems and are always on the look out for a free drink. Having slept on the streets on a few occasions due to a lack of money I know what it is like to struggle each day to eat, buying luxury items like smart phones and ipads is just not an option, if I can't afford to eat properly then I certainly am not going to piss it up the wall on drink like far too many Thai men.

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  9. "There have been declines in arrivals from some short-haul markets, while many others are still doing well. Huge losses were seen from Brunei, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but inbounds from many countries rose.

    European arrivals are up 7.6 per cent to 2.76 million. In April, arrivals rose from the Middle East by 17.6 per cent, Oceania by 14.1 per cent, Europe 12.3 per cent and America 1.9 per cent."

    Honestly? These sound like total fantasy figures to me. However the request for extra money for TAT comes as no surprise. These people are total muppets.

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