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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I hope all concerned in setting these two guys up are happy with themselves. I am sure they are at the temple giving merit as we speak. Karma will see through you and come back and hit you hard, you are as evil as the real purpotators of this hideous, violent crime.

    It would be nice to think karma exists but it doesn't and scum like the police and the murderers they are saving are probably laughing right now.

  2. Scum probably got back most of the original amount already. How generous to forgive the interest after the poor lady immolated herself. alt=bah.gif>

    Scum? If I give you a credit we together grown up sign a contract. Which has a high interest rate because the risk of not getting the money back is high. Later you don't pay your part and I am the scum??????

    No one forced her into borrowing the money. And 400.000 are surely not because she was starving and need some pork to eat together with her rice.

    If you are a small farmer 400.000 is a lot money.

    Scum, yes. I have direct experience of these people through my wife's family and scum is not nearly a strong enough word. You really have no idea what you are talking about. Many of the people taking these loans have no understanding of what they are getting themselves into and while it is in part due to their ignorance, loan sharks charging people 10% per month and taking peoples homes, cars etc is not acceptable. I sincerely hope you have a Thai family and someone in that family does something similar so you can find out first hand what this is like.


  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why is it conspiracy theorists can't grasp the fact that these two admitted murdering rapists have lawyers who can run whatever DNA tests they want including getting the UK involved in the defense.

    How do you come to that conclusion? TIT, I very much doubt the lawyer has any right to have more DNA tests run.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Kingsley Abbott, Bangkok-based adviser for the International Commission of Jurists...adds, the burden of proof rests on the prosecution, as the two men must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    Or as we say back home in Colorado: Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat

    Can someone tell me if Thailand Criminal code does, in fact, have a tradition of presuming one's innocence until proven guilty?

    Thank you

    Burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove the crime 'beyond a reasonable doubt'

    Judge arbiter of facts. They decide if burden of proof has been satisfied.

    That's good to know, I thought it was all down to the size of one's wallet.

    • Like 1
  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    and added that the public can assist the police force by snapping photos or filming police officers who take bribes.

    That can be a dangerous thing to do. You better make sure there is a lot of people about to confirm your story after that cop beats the crap out of you.

    This is just insane, how does taking a picture prove anything? If it was video with clear sound it might work but then obviously as soon as you point your camera/phone at the cop he's going to stop talking. What evidence do the courts require to prove someone offered a bribe? it seems just the cops word, which is scary considering the kind of scumbags in the the RTP, this is beyond belief.

    I thought the General was going to clean up the RTP, not just provide new improved opportunities to extort money from people.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

    Why is it any of his business what people choose to eat?

    Indeed, especially when he's talking &lt;deleted&gt; about athletes eating rice. He is simply trying to find a way to reduce the national riceberg.

  7. Murders, rapes, robberies happen all over the world.. Cover up too.. Iv seen this in Greece, from local police, and Italy as well.... Hopefully the truth comes out... Why hasn't their lawyers, taken and shown pics of the beaten bodies and scolding marks from hot water being poured in them.. Surly if they were tortured, pics would prove so ???

    Dont even need that. The police claims/evidence/lies has been refuted and exposed by Thais on social media. For example the claim that one of the suspect was not DNA tested with other AC bar workers, CCTV however show he was tested. This raise the question how the police could claim that non of the DNA tests on AC bar workers match the DNA found at the scene only later to claim one of these workers was the killer. The planting of the phone etc etc etc. They are covering for the mafia and in the process a foreigner got away with murder. If they arrested him (the foreigner) he would have spilled the beans and the mafia would have been implicated. So he was allowed to escape and scapegoats was found.

    Eh? A foreigner got away with murder, what are you on about? The one thing I do trust in all the BS that has been stated by the RTP is that DNA evidence proved it was Asian's that raped the girl.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Beer and wine?

    Migrant workers?

    Is wine cheap on Koh Tao?

    I know in Bangkok the cheapest wine is about 350 Baht a bottle. Surely these people won't spend a days wage on a bottle of wine.

    I assume you do not know Thailand or this region as a whole. 'Wine' is generally something like a rice whiskey, Lao Khao probably, not wine in the western sense.

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  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    lets hope and pray that the british government get seriously involved.

    Sadly there seems to be zero chance of that happening considering the Ambo's sickening statement the other day. Exemplary, is not a word that he should have uttered in reference to the police investigation. I feel so sorry for the families, they will/have been badly let down by the Embassy.

    • Like 1
  10. It was mentioned some of these kids worked in a local bar. Does anyone know which bar? It wasn't AC Bar was it by any chance? Now that would throw up a few questions.

    I still believe this was about retribution, not sex. If these guys are guilty there is quite a possibility those who ordered it or even helped (I can't see those 2 overpowering the Brits too easily) are going to get away with it.

    It will be interesting to see what the Burmese kids say if they get the death sentence.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Speaking later to reporters, Prasit said: "I don't want to take any action against the policemen, but want to demonstrate my innocence and I will cooperate with other requests in the future. Just don't force me to acknowledge [something] I never knew [about]," he said

    Had a strange experience with a tourist police officer, who played good friend and helper, when an older German man past away last year.

    He lied about everything, said that he'd used his "police credit" and payed 38 K for the hospital bill out of his own pocket, when we were trying to get the dead body out, to his house for the usual ceremony.

    We gave him the cash paid the "rest" at the hospital, but later found out that he was just a freaking liar. 38 K for his pocket.

    When talking to thew hospital superiors it was clear that I wouldn't be in the pole position to tell the truth.So, we just forgot about the money and moved on.

    I'm pretty certain that they'd have found some drugs in my car/house, etc, or that he'd have found a witness saying that I raped a little girl. or anything else that you can think of.

    I fully understand why the cab driver doesn't want his name to be mentioned. Completely. ... alt=laugh.png>

    What are you talking about "doesn't want his name mentioned" His name is all over it.

    ...and why on earth would you pay 38k to a cop because a friend died? What's that saying? A fool and his money are soon parted.

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