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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i saw then get a bunch of monks at don muang the other day trying to smuggle through a deadly box cutter

    Errm! Do you remember a minor event called 9-11? That was perpetrated by a bunch of religious nutjobs with box cutters.

    As far as this incident is concerned I feel it is the airport security that should be pilloried, not the person who showed how useless they were.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Report just heard today, that the African elephant is on the road

    to extinction,as more are been killed than are been born every

    year, and for what,so the Chinese can have an ivory chop to

    stamp their documents.

    The Chinese have a hell of a lot to answer for in regards to all

    animals,plants and reptiles they are exploiting,without a thought

    that they may well not be here in the future.

    regards Worgeordie

    35,000 killed last year. The Chinese are certainly at the head of this problem but the Thai's seem very willing to help with the supply side. I wish them luck, but seeing as how most wildlife trade busts are blown out of the water by corrupt police, who warn the offenders in advance, I can't see much improvement coming anytime soon.

    There is so much wrong in Thailand the boys in green have their work cut out trying to fix things. I hope they are successful.

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What about the other extortion rackets in Bangkok? Were these the only two bad apples in the basket?

    Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey.

    There is corruption everywhere you care to look. It's going to take time to organize a list of corrupt activities, form a plan of action, and act on the plan with the staff available. No sense doing a half-assed job of it. Have you never heard the saying, 'Rome wasn't built in a day.'

    One thing for sure, I never saw so much good being done when the Democrats or any of Dr. Thaksin's puppet governments were in charge. I am amazed at how much positive change the NCPO has effected in such a short time.

    "One thing for sure, I never saw so much good being done"

    It appears that way because that's the way the media reports it. Reporting of corruption within the military or the NCPO is forbidden. The media is army controlled.

    I have to admit it does appear to be heading in the right direction.

    True enough but then the media here has always been controlled by the current govt to their advantage so it's difficult to judge if they are doing a good job of reporting stories. As you say though, the boys in green appear to be meting out justice to scumbags on both sides of the colour divide. As the BMA was democrat run I assume this guy is a Dem too? They have a very long way to go to clean up Thailand.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I thought protest is still illegal in Thailand.

    Why not just arrest the hundreds.

    If they come in thousands, do the same.

    Fine them 500 Baht / day, and kick them out for illegal entry without a visa.

    Smugglers are bad people who do not obey the law of Thailand.

    I agree, if we are talking about the people at the top of the chain, either buying or selling this stuff. But these people are just the poor bastards carrying it across the border for a handful of baht, they have no idea what is real of fake, someone is paying them to put it in their little cart and take it though customs. It would have been more interesting to know who paid them and who in Thailand were they delivering to, but I guess that's too much like hard work for the police.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The ban was lifted to permit tourists to cross the border into Thailand.

    Loss of face better than loss of pocket.

    In the "authorities" tiny little xenophobic minds, they haven't lost any face . . . they are simply doing other people a favor and being nice and promoting harmony . . . there is absolutely NO backpedaling whatsoever.

    You certainly hit the nail on the head there mate.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Seriously, maybe Junta could address the entire Thai electrical wiring is dangerous thing. First off, I am very saddened to hear about the death of a toddler. RIP. Unfortunately anyone who has consistently read Thai news knows that this is not the first time people are getting electrocuted. It's almost shockingly (no pun intended) a regular occurrence.

    From what I have seen the majority of electricians in Thailand would struggle to wire a plug and certainly have no idea what an 'earth' is. Education or the lack of it, as usual.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    that means it was a big succes if only 500 people do not meet payments....

    they have sold hundred thousands of cars.

    again big succes!

    A success for who ?? the poor ?? government ??? thousands of cars on the market, could bring down second hand prices though.

    Considering over 1million cars were sold under the scheme, you have to say a default rate of 0.05% is bloody amazing. I don't believe this figure at all as a loan shark we know in Khon Kaen claimed to have over 30 cars, taken as deposits on loans, which people had failed to pay (at 10% per month), so she now owned them. I think it's far more likely that 500 people per month are joining the list of defaulters.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




    no one answered the door!,then smash it down,get the baby
    out of his clutches,because once a pedophile,always a pedo. 
    its easy to see these babies are a means to an end for him,
    a normal person would not leave his son behind,no matter
    what the kids problems were.
    regards worgeordie

    What sort of woman married a convicted pedophile and arranges for him to get access to a baby girl?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    God only knows. Let's hope she was ignorant to his past

    Of course as yet still no real mention of the role of the agency in this. The honest truth is, if Thailand had proper enforcement of its laws on surrogacy NONE of this would ever have happened.



    She has been quoted as saying she was aware of his first conviction from 30 odd years ago, but it seems not the later one in the 90's. He is clearly a serial offender and should not have access to any young girls. Sick f#$%.

  9. "Pran insisted he had no intention of illegally detaining them or becoming involved in human trafficking. He said he had spent Bt700,000 on bringing them to the island and they had no jobs because he had to negotiate with the resort owner over the construction price."


    How could it have cost Baht 7,000 to transport each person from Arranyapathet to the island? Utter bullshit as is the excuse for taking their passports etc.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "The two suspects were identified by police as Natthapan Loombangla, 40, a motorcycle taxi-driver working at Petchaburi Soi 5, and Charoen Promchart, 38 who works at Rama IX road."

    Personally, I read that as 3 persons... however........... facepalm.gif width=24 alt=facepalm.gif>

    Can you count or am I missing something? It refers to two people who have been identified by Police. One is 40, the other 38. Where is the third one. Is he hiding under a rock somewhere?

    Someone is being pedantic about the comma placement.

    1. Natthapan Loombangla, 40,

    2. a motorcycle taxi-driver working at Petchaburi Soi 5,

    3. and Charoen Promchart, 38...

    Not being pedantic, just thought I was reading the article incorrectly. It specifically relates to two suspects and then identifies them. There is no incorrect placement of a comma. If one was to refer to a third person in the sentence I would imagine it would state three suspects arrested. As far as I can see a third alleged offender, Krisda Chaikae, is apparently on the run and has sought refuge in a neighbouring country.

    You are being pedantic.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So . . . of the warehouses checked so far, there are inconsistencies with 15% of them . . . which is slightly more than ZERO which is what Yingluck claimed. t this stage, she either:

    1. Knew about it and lied about it all on the basis that they'd get elected for another 4 years and could cover it all up.
    2. Didn't know about it.

    I don't see it gets any simpler than that, and as the person ultimately in charge of it all, she should be held accountable, both legally AND financially. If she knew about it, she lied. If she didn't know, she's an idiot and still responsible.

    She would gladly pay the 1 ton of unusual rice at 15% of the warehouses. As we don't know what they mean with unusual and the volume of that unusual rice and the fact that she will have her day in court, lets wait to hear all the facts before playing jury and executioner. If we as a country want to move forward we need to accept the western norm of someone being innocent until proven guilty. If we neglect to follow this principle there will be no justice in the country and thus no future. The modern version of a kangaroo court, the internet, is in danger of destroying the law system, by putting people on trail and finding them guilty without due course of law. Let the court decide if she is guilty or not and if she is guilty let the court decide her punnishment, the same that I expect the courts to do with AV and Suthep in the 2010 clampdown cases.

    Where did you get 1 ton of rice from?

    We're talking about 15% of ALL warehouses checked so far showing irregularities. And from previous statements we are talking about 1,000's of tons of missing, rotten, illegal rice, not 1 ton.

    I have my opinion and I've stated it, but the actual legal process of investigating, charging and convicting where appropriate is ongoing, hardly a kangaroo court.

    By finding someone guilty before they are found guilty in a court of law you are turning the forum into a kangaroo court. I was sarcastic about the 1 ton incase you missed it, neither you nor I know the extend of the unusual rice and what it is. You chose to climb on the bandwagon and condem, I chose the the rule of law path.

    Where I come from the case would be considered sub judice, for your info :

    "In law, sub judice, Latin for "under judgment", means that a particular case or matter is under trial or being considered by a judge or court. The term may be used synonymously with "the present case" or "the case at bar" by some lawyers.

    In England and Wales, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Canada, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Israel it is generally considered inappropriate to comment publicly on cases sub judice, which can be an offence in itself, leading to contempt of court proceedings. This is particularly true in criminal cases, where publicly discussing cases sub judice may constitute interference with due process."

    Well I have to say I missed your supposed sarcasm, even after reading it repeatedly. However I think your assertion that these comments on TV are some kind of threat to future justice is more than a little silly. The facts are that rice in around 15% of all warehouses checked so far showed irregularities. The 'unusual rice' issue is pretty clear too as there is no way anyone is going to make a mistake of having high quality rice logged as low quality. In one warehouse a couple of days ago more that 2 thirds was missing and more was found to be mixed white rice with broken rice. I don't think you need to be any kind of genius to see the reality of this appalling PTP led scam. Try taking your rose tinted glasses off.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They went back to recheck the sane place.

    But I thought there would be such richer pickings to find all over the place.

    Shouldn't this be, more rice missing from warehouse they already checked?

    No. They mean re-checked because the first check organized by the chairwoman of the rice scheme was only a PR plot to cover up the mounting losses until the PTP won another election. This time, they actually opened the doors, looked inside, and found what every warm blooded creature knew they would. Evidence of a scam of biblical proportions.

    In Pathum Thani province, officials rechecked the warehouses of Phoenix Agritech Wednesday and initially found almost 100,000 sacks of rice went missing.

    That's not what I read, and let's be a little realistic here. Its not of biblical proportions. If only that were so.

    There are still 18mn tonnes of rice in the warehouse and no one knows of how good a quality it all is.

    It may say grade A on the bag, but only when it gets reopened and packaged with anyone really know.

    Well this article indicates around 2 thirds of the rice is missing from this warehouse although it also states that, so far, their seems to be something like an average of 5% missing. However, as stated in earlier articles many warehouses have been found to have heavily mixed rice, with cheaper rice being mixed with better qualities and that also seems to be on a fairly large scale. I guess it comes down to your personal view of the term 'biblical proportions'. We appear to be looking at several million tons either missing, lost to damage and from 'mixing' grades. I reckon that's approaching biblical proportions.

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  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Really? Is this the very best they can do?!? No sense of urgency?

    It's both, sad and infuriating how further unnecessary losses will be reaped for the Thai taxpayers.

    Why can't they use pro traders who have a financial interest in selling the rice?!?

    The stock won't become better over time. then there will be the storage cost. And future scandals as moths and mice and humidity etc. all degrade the rice further.

    Really, Thailand was only selling between 6-8m tonnes per year previously so how are they supposed to off load it any quicker unless they drop the price so low they lose even more? PTP totally screwed the pooch with this scam and it will take years to get over it. The other rice producing countries are all producing more rice each year so other stock piles are rising too.

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Good to see more confiscation of these red shirt war weapons.

    Makes Thailand a safer place.

    Every normal person will know , regardless of your allegiance, that any news delivered during these time should be regarded as pure propaganda. If nobody can dispute any article it cannot not be regarded as news. Everything should be viewed as..."awaiting independent confirmation"

    Thanks for that erudite observation, Mr Glass Half-Empty. Rose tinted sppectacles are supposed to make people see the world in a better light. What happened with you and yours?

    I have stated a fact...news that cant be disputed, by another source, is always waiting for independent confirmation. What you rereplied is gibberish

    Silly argument when the BBC, Australian TV and US TV completely ignores massive protests in their countries, in the case of the BBC it was 50,000 people outside their office. Yes I am skeptical of any news coming from the coup boys, but not much more than I am of other media around the world. Personally I am very happy to see these weapons of the streets.

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  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    another week of ....but, but, not us, someone else, unfair, they did it, and other bull from the thaiscoffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    Along with China, Thailand is part of the "Gang of Eight" countries that have faced scrutiny over the ivory trade, but it is now seen as the key offender.

    this statement says everything to make thailand wake up...the country of elephant lovers alt=whistling.gif>

    Elephant lovers, don't make me laugh. Sadly it seems the vast majority of Thai's care about nothing except money in their pockets.

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    one term is more than enought ...get new blood and ideas into thai poitics

    Anyway, with the TRT/PTP and other variations on Thaksin's party, his ministers never stayed in a position for more than a few months before another nose was inserted into the trough. So this idea wouldn't make much difference.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Notice that kidney trade is a "Cambodian" racket to sell in Thailand. No Thais involved. No Thai Dr. Mr. Bigs, no bankers, no Mr. Thai Bigs. This is purely a Cambodian racket from live suspect , to the refrigerated containers, to the vans, down the highways of Thailand, to the Thai hospitals, to the surgeon's knife, and stitch up all the way through the after care nursing in Thailand.

    So not 1 Thai involved? I think that is pushing the realms of reality.

  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This is clearly total nonsense. What about the practice of using tissue paper to blow the nose, for example, surely the direct contact with the sensitive nasal area by the "dangerous" tissue is much more likely to allow the dioxins directly into the body.

    and what about your bum, that's pretty damned sensitive too? Sounds full of shit to me.

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