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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. If it was 75% back in 2011 (wikipedia) and this election was 45%, that's massive drop.

    And even before the votes have been tallied, at lease 55% of voters have indicated, actively or passively, that they would rather have something other than PTP.

    What's that word ............... oh yes, landslide.

    Abisit must be kicking himself.

    He may have had a chance!

    If only he followed the rules of democracy

    But then again, he only went to Oxford didn't he whistling.gif

    I thought the same, although I wonder if the low turn out was due to PTP and others not paying for votes this time? Anyone have any reports on vote buying in their areas? Was it business as usual or were they holding back money for another election in a few months, which surely must happen?

  2. " Ms Yingluck dropped the party-list ballot into the box for constituency MP, and vice versa. "

    This will likely be the most poignant, poetic image of the election that will linger. Yingluck's own vote will be nullified as per election procedure.

    I noted that the envelopes were colour coded, I assume to make voting simple. I hope that the 2 boxes were not similarly colour coded as that would make dear YL look really dumb.thumbsup.gif

  3. My fiancee told me that on the news this morning they said that only a million people in BKK voted yesterday. Apathy or fear of going out? And did this include 'no-votes'?

    Youve discounted the notion that many millions in Bangkok believe this is a fixed rigged uncredited election. They believe that not playing the game with these thieves is the best way to treat them - democracy YES Thaksinocracy NO!!

    I now know 15 people personally - YES IVE COUNTED many of these friends on a popular media site - who have been to the polling stations and found their votes have been cast for them!!! I know of one guy in Nakhon Sawan who returned with a lawyer to check his vote!!

    Just plain cheating - Just a red shirt excuse for democracy - they're right to block the polling stations - they should burn them to the ground - the red shirts would!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do not wish to be rude and I do not doubt this kind of thing is happening, but I do feel the need to ask what your claim to "know people personally... friends on a popular media site" means. Does this mean you know them physically, in real life, as friends you really know something about? or are they simply people you met online and do not actually know anything about other than what they choose to put online?

    • Like 1
  4. All credit to her. She's faced down Suthep and his thugs well. 80% of the country voted and probably overwhelmingly in PTP's favor. Thailand has chosen. Not oligarchy but democracy. That's a huge step forward.

    80%? I find that a little hard to believe. Also it is clear PTP must have won as the Dems didn't enter the election. This is hardly democracy. I don't agree with either side but claiming a victory in this election is a joke.

    Nothing has been resolved, the protesters are still on the streets, leaders on both sides are calling for violence, the farmers are still getting screwed and the chances of this election resulting in a legal govt seems remote to say the least.

    All this is, is a slight shuffle sideways.

    Actually I just saw the CNN correspondent state that only 45% of voters voted as opposed to 75% that voted in 2011.

    It IS CNN so I'm not totally convinced, but it certainly sounds realistic. Your wild claim of 80% is laughable, even in a good year.

  5. They shot 6 people! Hand them over, especially pop-corn bag man.

    The weapons came in on a van seen with PDRC marches before, so hand in the weapons for forensic and the van!

    Hand over the bomberman, we have his picture, we have video showing he is with the same group.

    The man with the white balaclava seen with the gunman group, hand him over,


    Everyone of these:



    Hand them over.

    I am very confused?

    So these guys came in a van with the PDRC (also seen at previous demos) but then started shooting and throwing bombs at the PDRC? I have yet to see any photos of who these guys were having the gun fight with? It almost seems like PDRC were having a gunfight with themselves?

  6. All credit to her. She's faced down Suthep and his thugs well. 80% of the country voted and probably overwhelmingly in PTP's favor. Thailand has chosen. Not oligarchy but democracy. That's a huge step forward.

    80%? I find that a little hard to believe. Also it is clear PTP must have won as the Dems didn't enter the election. This is hardly democracy. I don't agree with either side but claiming a victory in this election is a joke.

    Nothing has been resolved, the protesters are still on the streets, leaders on both sides are calling for violence, the farmers are still getting screwed and the chances of this election resulting in a legal govt seems remote to say the least.

    All this is, is a slight shuffle sideways.

    • Like 1
  7. Many businesses in the North, as well as markets, food stalls on the street - are noticeably empty as the push to get the Pheu Thai vote is serious business. People vote en masse for Pheu Thai in the North - at least until now. The developments in Phitsanulok are fascinating, because Phitsanulok is profoundly Pheu Thai. Jatuporn is an immense TV personality there, and he gets to indulge in his dream of talking to the camera in extreme close-up for 30 minutes without anyone interrupting him. And yet, the trek of the farmers to Bangkok is clearly going ahead - the most visible sign of a sea-change. This time round, the mood in the North is noticeably different. Campaign posters for Pheu Thai - which two and a half years ago were plastered everywhere - many with Thaksin's image superimposed with the local candidate - are scantily present. Thaksin's image is all but gone - even in Chiang Mai, and there is even evidence of Pheu Thai campaign poster vandalism, both of which would have been considered utterly unthinkable in Chiang Mai before. The North will likely deliver for Pheu Thai. If there is not ballot stuffing, there will likely be a noticeable decline in their numbers. The thrill behind the vote has been replaced more by a sense of duty. It's a recognizable shift. The campaign caravans - always a vital part of the Pheu Thai machine - are conspicuously absent, as reality itself seems to have finally crashed in on the party that was Pheu Thai.

    I believe you are over thinking some of this. The apparent lack of campaigning etc is simply because there is no opposition on the ballot and clearly this election will solve nothing, so PTP are not going to throw huge amounts of cash at it as they will probably have to do it all again in a few months. They cannot lose the election but they must also realise it is highly unlikely the result will be allowed to stand as there are several areas without anyone on the ballots and a fair chance many voting stations will be shut down by Sutheps followers.

    I am waiting to hear from my wife in Khon Kaen, to see if the usual payments were distributed to prospective PTP voters in her village last night. I have a feeling they might not pay out this time around as it would seem a total waste of money given the current situation.

  8. RT@RichardBarrow: VIDEO: Gunfire & explosions in #Bangkok on the eve of national elections - RT @go6tv: คลิปปะทะ แยกหลักสี่ youtube.com/watch?v=_wVmQA… #Thailand

    there's a policeman right there and an army security checkpoint 10 meters away and they do nothing - so much for protecting the people. what a joke.

    That was my thought, the soldiers didn't seem to even take any notice. I also do not understand what we are seeing. Did someone in the car do something or were they attacked for no apparent reason by idiots who had no idea where the shots came from? Towards the end people were looking up at the overpass, so I have a feeling the cars occupants did nothing. Can anyone explain <deleted> is going on?

  9. Can someone please give me a plausible explanation for why these attacks aren't hitting anyone?

    I just can't believe that they could consistently miss their assumed targets with bullet after bullet after bullet, night after night.

    If you fire a fully-automatic weapon into a crowd and you don't hit anyone, you should definitely consider turning the gun on yourself. You have failed at life.*

    *Does it count as a flame if I'm insulting terrorists?

    All of these attacks are drive by style so no time to aim, it's just spray/throw and run. Additionally most of these attacks involve ping pong bombs, which are not particularly deadly as opposed to handgranades. The attackers have seconds to fire a few rounds, throw a couple of balls and then run/drive for it. These sites are often protected by sandbags and with most people sleeping when the attacks occur, thankfully their are few injuries. What guns are being used is not always clear either and I do not personally remember any references to automatic weapons or handguns, or for that matter home made guns, which it seems the average Thai student knows how to make.

  10. And packaging. Its a much bigger problem. Everything you buy is wrapped in plastic wrapped in plastic. And thick plastic, not the thin plastic like the 7-11 bags.

    Plastic doesn't really decompose either I don't think. It just breaks down into smaller and small pieces.

    Sadly many supposedly biodegradable bags are no better, they are designed to break down into small pieces but are still a major pollutant. Lobbying by large corporations in the US led to regulations being loosened so that this could be allowed, it makes a joke of the real 'green' biodegradable bag market.

  11. "five foreigners he claimed are among the PDRC leaders"

    This is not exactly funny...some nut job red-shirts...tanked up on Thai whiskey...may take it upon themselves to help get rid of these foreigners...any foreigners...all foreigners...

    I was in another country...when a civil conflict started using foreigners as whipping boy...became

    dangerous to move about the country...

    It would be prudent...unlike some I have seen mixing in with the protestors...to keep a low profile

    until this thing...if ever...blows over...

    That was also my concern with such an inflammatory statement. I don't agree with foreigners joining these or other political protests anywhere as I feel it can only cause more problems. As we have seen here in Phnom Penh, news of foreigners attending anti govt rallies have been used in an attempt to stir up resentment against the opposition. The Vietnamese here are also getting very nervous because of all the political anti Vietnamese rhetoric being thrown around by the opposition and Vietnamese people/shops have already been attacked.

  12. So region level Gov entities.

    That is a long long way from non-existant agencies.

    Also, the blocking of the sale is... guess what... affecting sales. Transparancy my ass, it is only in motion to try and make trouble for the Government by peddling lies to re-ignite the failed coup.

    I understood they (the govt) was unable to provide ANY evidence of G2G deals, which is why they were called liars. The govt then said that the commission should approach the other countries for proof. If that is not shady, I don't know what is, why on earth would the govt have no documentation for these deals if they are real.

    As for selling half to 1 million tones by the end of the year (really, 11 months away) that doesn't sound very ambitious to me when Kittikat recently stated they still had 10million remaining from the 2010-2013 seasons.

  13. bribery failed because the ptp blew all the money elsewhere so now they settle for good old intimidation by the reds, once again we see the communistic approach of the ptp and reds in action. The country is no longer safe for ordinary rice farmers as the reds are prepared to do what ever it takes to see thaksin returned and that includes demonizing the poor farmers but the red supporters in here dont give a sh*t about the people as they claim, they too just want their leader back in the country with all the graft and corruption that goes with him, all their sympathetic claims for the people are crap.

    "communistic approach"? <deleted> is that supposed to mean?

    If you are referring to violence towards protesters, that seems to be just as much a western (capitalistic???) thing, see how the peaceful Occupy Wall St protests have been stamped out in the US.

  14. "Another protest leader, Chatree Ampoon, could not be reached for comment following reports that red shirts and officials had intimidated his wife over his participation in the protest. "She called him about the threats she faced. He was overwhelmed and cried. Many of us cried with him," Siraprapha said."

    I am sure some red TV posters will blame Suthep and co for this, after all surely it couldn't be true that the reds are threatening their own?

  15. "The protesters have acted too much like gangsters," Mr. Chalerm said, "If they are still acting like gangster by storming Army Club and Police Club, I would like them to storm their own properties".

    What ???

    Nothing like a cool head to lead the masses. What a sad and sorry excuse for a man this guy is. If he's still worried, maybe he should try moving his office to Chaing Mai or preferably Dubai. I have no time for Suthep either but this man is a prize ass...smile.png

    • Like 1
  16. More violence from the pacifists.... so civilian guards are now stop and searching police and metering out street beatings ?

    Time to admit this is beyond the pale now and do something.

    Both sides are beyond the Pale. Both have their share of thugs and cowards prepared to ambush and attack the defenceless in packs.

    Something should be done yes, but on the basis of guilt and actions, not political stance.

    Sadly from news reports I have read over the past 12 years out this way, attacking defenceless people in packs seems to be the Thai way. Not that it doesn't happen elsewhere but it seems to happen all too often here. Given both sides leaderships seem determined that it is there way or the highway, I can see no other end to this than more, and much more serious, violence. The sad reality is most Thai's I speak to want dialogue between the sides but their voices are never heard, only the extremists on each side are heard.

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  17. The government has enough money. They just can't access it because the government is in "caretaker" mode due to the elections.

    So, basically ..the farmers are not being paid thanks to Suthep.

    The fact is, as Mr White Lies admitted, they have not made much money back when selling the rice so the coffers were empty when they were due to pay up. It is very clear they intended to fund this round from the 2.2billion loan. Initially it was the govt's mistake that caused this but now the continuing delays are down to Suthep and co. I want to see the farmers paid NOW as many are suffering terribly for these political games being played by both sides.

    Simple math. White lies stated a couple of weeks back they spent 701billion on 50 million tons over 3 years. They had apparently sold 40 million (He actually said they only had 10 million tons left) but had only recouped 180billion. The govt knew well ahead of October that they would need 150billion+ to pay out for this seasons crop so it has no excuse and cannot blame a'hole Suthep and protests that started a couple of months later.

  18. "I don't know if there will be extrajudicial killings. I will not be among the arresting officers. But whatever will happen or if there may be loss, people should understand that the police will use their good judgement," Chalerm said.


    Taking a leaf out of Thaksin's book. This is a very similarly threatening statement to that Thaksin made when he announced his War on Drugs.

    So still no sign of either side trying to use some common sense and enter into negotiations then, each side seems happy to ratchet up the pressure until it really kicks off.

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