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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. Not surprized that a fight with fatalities is called a scuffle here because in the midst of this their Government let 3-500 people die in the traffic and repeated twice a year.

    The road death toll is around 26,000 annually, and apparently gun related deaths are not far behind at around 20,000.

    71 and 55 per day respectively.



  2. Kuhn Earache should manage to FUBAR democracy quite nicely.

    As for the MiB, how does he know they were protestors...and if so, why isn't he embarrassed at the MoM's total lack of security? "Not policemen", my great granny's fanny they weren't.

    so why were they firing teargas from the roof -

    and the plan would be to hold uncontested elections on the 2nd then a top up election to fill a few empty seats, I'm sorry but a failed election is a failed election reset back to zero until a proper one can be held

    is this man simply an idiot ?

    In answer to your question. No, he is much more than a simple idiot. Other words that would work equally well include, moron, brain-donor, drunken, fool, liar, corrupt, mafiosi etc etc etc.

    Please can one of the so called journalists ask him why he has not cut his own head off yet, it is 2014 now and he failed to get his boss home.

  3. I mean no disrespect to the dead and injured but I really don't understand why the Thai media make such a fuss over the holiday periods each year. According to stats (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Road-death-toll-in-Thailand-among-highest-in-the-w-30202066.html) there are something like 26,000 road related deaths each year, which is over 70 per day, so actually the figures for the holiday periods seem to show the authorities efforts to reduce the daily slaughter are working. It should be renamed "Seven slightly less dangerous days".

  4. Next he will be asking for armed protection from the Police rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif width=20 alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717> 19x18xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKn width=19 alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609> clap2.gif width=31 alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149>

    Well someone is responsible for ALL the shootings, I wonder who???? who would have reason to disrupt ???? who normally adds fuel to the fire ????

    The police are protesting re shootings

    The protesters are demonstrating re the shootings.

    Would the police want to do it ???

    Would the protesters want to shoot ???

    I have an idea Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben, will know.

    It was Hugh, Pugh, Barney MacGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb.

    • Like 1
  5. "Thaksin, who is now in self-exile" AKA on the run.

    If Thaksin is so guilty, how come no country will extradite him? He's freely travelling to countries like U.S and Singapore without being arrested.

    It's funny how you people keep re-iterating how corrupt Thailand is. But you only apply that corruption where it suits you.

    Well yes there is corruption everywhere but in the case of extradition I think you'll find that is down to the Thai govt and Police to demand his extradition from the country he is in at the time. As they have not done this, there is no extradition, this has nothing to do with corruption anywhere other than in Thailand.

  6. Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

    Speaking of off topic items did you find it strange that George Washington was only elected president after England surrendered?

    Oliver Cromwell?

    Englebert Humpadink!

  7. Another daft farang...like beating on an ATM machine has ever resulted in ones retained card being returned! I can imagine tue Thais probable said to him to go to the branch to report it and get another card and the victim using some choice words telling them to mind their own business. If he happened to include the "F" word among them this is what probably set them off.

    They wouldn't have got aroused to anger by a goofy farang beating on a metal box alone.

    Sounds to me like you are justifying this violent gang attack. Strange.

    Apparently the sight of a penis on a Thai is enough to justify a broken nose, according to most members on this forum, so I've got no problem with rude and obnoxious foreigners suffering a few bruises (if my theory is correct).

    I know you have had your problems with the Pattaya "transport mafia" but immediately jumping on the moto-drivers with no real facts on what happened seems a bit gratuitous to me.

    ...and immediately jumping on the "stupid farang" bandwagon when you don't know the details either is no different.

    All I have to say is from the reported 'facts' it appears 7 Thai's beat up a farang with everything they could get their hands on. Even if he said something rude when approached that still does not warrant the brutal attack.

    Sounds to me like a bunch of thugs looking for the slightest excuse to hurt someone, plenty of those a'holes on the planet.

    • Like 2
  8. The PM posted a picture of her hugging her son with the caption: "I'm inspecting the work in many Northeast provinces and I have many missions to do each day. At least I have my son. We give moral support to each other."

    So it's OK for her to bring her son into politics, but not if anyone else mentions him.

    At least he is safe from fictitious attacks at his school.smile.png

  9. If the Dems ever want to win an election then they need to win the hearts of people nth of Bangkok. Shift their focus away from the minority elites and start working for the people who hold the majority of votes.

    That's it, they never seem to consider the northern peoples, yet without them they have little chance of ever winning the majority of the vote, especially when you add 500-1,000 baht that's always on offer at election time. Having watched this merry go round for since 2001 I am amazed at the lack of any real attempt by the Dems to undermine Thaksin's base. At every election they seem to have nothing to offer, I understand they don't want to make unrealistic promises like the rice scam but they need to start leveling the playing field for the poor of Issan and elsewhere. From the people I speak to around Khon Kaen the support for Thaksin is as strong as ever. I still find many of his supporters understand he is corrupt but they also see the Dems as no better and they all seem to feel the Dems will only ever stand for the traditional elites. Even without Thaksin I think they would never vote Dem. The country needs another party, totally unconnected to existing families and groups, but I think there is a snowballs chance in hell of that happening.

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah. First we had the phony fire and brick attack against a protest leader. Now we have a slow coup going on...

    Same, same... Do Thai laders really think the west supports corruption? No. Our governments might, but governments and people (like here in Thailand) are very different things. Do Thais really think we do not see this as a coup? It is a coup, with a 'soft touch'.

    Resume rants.

    coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

    Not sure it qualifies as a coup just yet, PTP is still in power... just about. The other phony attack was the one reported on Yinglucks kid, which the school categorically denied. It's a total and utter mess and sadly I only see this ending in violence one way or another. Thaksin isn't about to give up and has plenty of money to buy several more elections yet. I too despair at the increasingly dangerous rhetoric being thrown about on all sides and assume that is what the general was referring to as 'taunting'.

  11. Rubber farmers in Bangkok. Urbanites in Bangkok. And now Rice Farmers in the North East. Add the failed amnesty bill into the mix, and one might almost thing things aren't going as well for the PTP as they might have liked.

    Deliberate misinformation.

    Where does it say the Northeast? Another example of extrapolation in order to stir the pot.

    Poster must be a Suthep devotee? Same M.O.

    It says 26 (twenty six) northern and central provinces, it may not SAY Issan (NE) but I think its safe to say there must be a few from Issan among the 26 provinces. You seem to be clutching at straws.

    • Like 1
  12. Think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit....... Clearly she is not a very clever woman if she thinks

    these baldfaced lies are going to fly very far. Or she thinks Thai people are stupid.....

    Perhaps she thinks they are on average stupider than her. Wealth and privilege, even if acquired effortlessly through the family, as in her case, can give people the illusion that they are also smart.

    If you search in Thai for "Ee Poo Ngoh", roughly translated as "Stupid Bitch Poo", you can find multiple references to Thai people's perception of her intellectual shortcomings.

    Other excellent examples of people with an inflated opinion of themselves include the drunk DPM, propeller head and Mr White lies.

  13. As for your hotel example I have seen some places where expats pay less than Thais. As for the fruit example say you want Thai price, if you don't get it walk away. However you are right I hate double pricing. Especially at government attractions. I take the Thai family to one and then I have to pay more. If I wasn't paying for the family they wouldn't be going. I find that I take the family to less attractions, not because I mind paying for them, but because I resent paying more than them.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I feel exactly the same and I don't take my family to places very much for the exact same reason. I find it insulting to go to a national park and be expected to pay 10 times as much as a Thai. The Thai's definitely lose out from me, if the prices were fairer we would be going places all the time and spending a lot more money.

    • Like 1
  14. At least when the Thai wakes up today with little recolection of what he did last night he has a clear picture of the guy he probably wouldn't have remembered without this news feed so he can hunt him down again.

    I am guilty that once in a blue moon my partying with my friends have ended at the late "am" hours however when it's all said and done, a NORMAL person would hire a taxi or motorbike taxi and simply head home. To wonder down beach rd at this hour is just asking for it and makes one think that he was not just looking for another beer. Also I just don't believe an attack without provocation (did I spell that right)?

    As per my reply (above) to someone else about being on the end of an unprovoked attack. Believe me it is not an uncommon event in any country and I can assure you, you would not be making such a stupid comment had you ever been on the receiving end of some drunken moron, who's just looking to hurt someone for fun.

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  15. Whilst there are no doubt many violent characters in that lovely city, I do not buy the fact that he was just walking along, minding his own business, and suddenly gets attacked out of nowhere.

    Unrelated: I think at age 54 it is time to hang up the wife-beater.

    Well it's been happening in USA for some time now and is referred to as a gameblink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_.png alt=blink.png width=20 height=20> . Let's hope the Thai teenagers don't get any ideasermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HC.png alt=ermm.gif width=18 height=18>


    Yes it happens all over the place. I was attacked in the UK by 4 youths when walking home on my own (30 years ago). No reason whatsoever, they just did it for fun and I feel I was lucky. As they walked past me in a line the last one took a swing at me, luckily I didn't go down as I suspect they might have given me a kicking if I had. When I turned to confront them they hurled abuse at me, fortunately I happened to be almost right outside a friends house and was able to retreat in their before things got worse. Plenty of vicious thugs in this world and Thailand is no different. To the original poster, I hope you don't have to find out what it's like but making stupid comments like your makes me very bloody angry. <deleted>!

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