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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. 5 star hotel, drunk and jump.

    She is full idiot and I can't feel with her.

    My best friend girl just started chemotherapy yesterday, and almost same age.

    I guess she received a huge problem, for example:

    - her facebook friends didn't like her last picture which she made about herself in mirror,

    - her pet at home got a runs,

    - her father bought her the new Mini but not in the agreed color,

    - or in her Uni she has to change her seat with other mate in next semester.

    So I can understand her well, she was very very desperate (AND FULL DRUNK)

    Wow, so you know the poor girl and for you she clearly deserved to fall off the balcony? We do not know the details of the story and yet you blame her. The fact that the story mentions spiked drinks (yet again) gives the impression she was not only under the influence of alcohol. I note the young girl is quite a babe so it is not a stretch of the imagination to think that some scumbag spiked her drink in the hope of taking advantage of her.

    The fact is we don't know the reality of this story so for you to make such statements blaming her is disgusting.

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  2. Thaksin said that his big plan for the rice scam to make money was that there would be a natural disaster and Thailand would make a killing. What he didn't think about of course is that the likes of India and Vietnam would grow lots more rice too and of course today there are huge stockpiles elsewhere so no reason for the prices to go up. I think these so called experts are living in la la land.

    Regarding the China deal, I thought that figure was over 4 years, not annually?

    Just more little white lies.

  3. Time to ready the foriegn cash reserves to buy the baht when the ar$e falls out of it like in 1997.

    That's not likely to happen. They are in a much better position this time around.

    But are they? I personally believe that the deficits that the government has owned up to from their various populist policies will prove to be merely the tip of the iceberg. When they are finally ousted and an audit of their time in office is carried out, the final bill may prove to be ruinous for this country.

    Agreed, all the 'white lies' they continue to tell will come how to roost sooner or later. Since the rice scam started I have been saying this is largely about destroying the economy. Thaksin made a fortune in 1997 through advanced notice of the Baht's collapse and I firmly believe that is what he wants to do again as most of his money is now offshore. He could probably buy Thailand if it all goes to plan.

  4. It was an opportunity theft that could of been avoided by the owner of the bag but still the same its stealing.

    Hope he gets caught and shammed on social media and local news.

    48 hours in the lock up and 3000 baht fine and kicked out of Thailand should be the penalty.

    Its a low life thing to do and it he should be treated accordingly.

    Agreed I hope the thieving fat f%&$ gets humiliated publicly. However I can't help wondering what the penalty would be for a Thai, vs that for a Farang for the same offence? The going rate for attacking a tourist seems to be 500 baht and I assume this is a lesser offence?

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  5. One reason why farangs get attacked may be how they present themselves to Thai people. Perhaps they appear 'cocky'?

    More than likely the theifs spot a white tourist and think that he has something worth stealing. Or is it you who think farangs are cocky?

    I've been to Thailand many times and always see the same type of people getting into trouble.


    Are you seriously trying to insinuate that this poor sod did ANYTHING to warrant the attack? These kind of attacks are now being reported almost daily and I am damn sure most are unprovoked... despite the extraordinary number of a'hole tourists coming to Thailand.

  6. whilst you should be able to sit alone on beach road drunk at 3.30 in the morning without any problem but we know that is asking for trouble. More often than not it would have been ladyboys that would have been the attackers. Take care of yourself get drunk with friends.

    With lots of friends, judging by the other post about the 2 Russian's being attacked by 5 drunken Thai's.

    Sorry state of affairs. At least there is no argument here for the apologists, this is clearly just out and out thuggery and in no way did that poor sod deserve it.

  7. Thaksin gave Preah Vihear to Sen as part of a deal for oil and gas concessions in the gulf that personally profited them both.

    I accept this as fact but now we see see both the fearless leader and Sondhi with the same opinion... Is orange the next colour of political despotism?

    Really, how did you come to this conclusion? As far as I am concerned Thaksin had nothing to do with it, it was all agreed in 1962.

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  8. I don't see Thai TV being that anxious to incite further discord in the midst of an already raging protest. 'News' can wait - for now, look to the West for news about the east.

    I am in Phnom Penh and last night my son in Khon Kaen said that Thai TV was saying war would start tomorrow. Not sure what channel he saw that on. As before this is only to distract from the problems in Bangkok... and money of course. I note that after several decades the Thai's only kicked up a fuss when the Cambodians finished the new road from Siem Reap. Up until then most tourists went in via the Thai side. Clearly no foreigner is going to travel something like 8 hours from Bangkok when they can do it from Siem Reap in less than 2. Why they can't both split the tiny area (less than 9 football pitches) or make it a free trade area is beyond me.

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  9. My mother in law freaks out if I am out in the lightest drizzle, but she has bucket showers in January in temperatures lower than 10 C. How is it raindrops will make me sick when body shocking icy buckets won't make her sick?

    It is also forbidden to have anything sweet when you have a cold, but it is OK to have the chickens rummaging through the pots and pans in the outdoor kitchen, an crapping all over the counters.

    Agreed, my wife's family are equally stupid and are convinced that rain will make you sick. They are slowly picking things up though as our 9 year old learns things at school and brings those ideas home, but it's a slow process. They absolutely will not ever listen to anything I say as I am just a stupid farang. I despair at the total lack of education in this country. Same with basic hygiene, no idea whatsoever. Rinsing your hands in cold tap water does not kill bacteria. Some basic education programs on TV could help so much but I guess when there are dumb soap operas as an alternative no one will be interested as they already 'know' rain is dangerous.

  10. Thought "hong nam" was bathroom?, and you ruined your sons day out and time spent with his Dad for 50 baht?

    I understand it was the principal for you, but for 50 baht I would rather have enjoyed the time with my son, sorry but thats my view.

    I understand both side of this argument. I am a wildlife photographer/environmental filmmaker based in Cambodia with a Thai wife and son. I flatly refuse to take them/him to Thai national parks because of the outrageous double pricing and so avoid disappointing my son. Had I gone to the elephant place with my son I would have sucked it up but made my feelings clear and not ruined my boys day out. I am very much looking forward to taking my son into the Cambodian jungle this December... and it won't cost a penny in fees. They do have double pricing here but as it's such a poverty stricken country I feel it is at least slightly more reasonable, also while it is more it is not 10 times the price for foreigners as it is in Thailand.

  11. Why would you care about a random stranger on the road?

    Why would you not? How would you feel if the roles were reversed and everyone drove past you lying in the gutter? BUT, given it's Thailand I would not stop either as my wife said the same to me once in a similar situation, when we saw a cop lying by the side of the road (not moving). I felt bad driving off but I do understand what would quite possibly happen if I did stop. Sad state of affairs.

  12. I don't think that most Thais realize that, even if the verdict goes their way, they won't own the temple. The temple is in Cambodia, all sides agree on that.

    They're just fighting about the parking lot now.coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    Yep, pathetic all this and the deaths for what amounts to roughly 8.5 soccer pitches. Surely it would be so simple to just split it down the middle.... but then that might require common sense. And of course there are many powerful people on both sides of the border desperate to get their hands on the tourist money. The reality is it is never likely to be much of a tourist (foreign) draw in Thailand as the journey is so long from Bangkok. It only takes a couple of hours from Siem Reap these days so most people would travel from there instead of what must be a 6 or 7 hour journey from Bangkok.

    This is all so childish.

    Personally I think the Thai side just wants to make the most out of the junkets and free travel to international meetings on the subject, while at the same time making sure the Cambodian's don't make bucket loads of money from the site.

  13. A new Thai soapie drama began on the popular Channel 3 last night (the 6.30 slot, so that children can watch).

    In the first 10 minutes, fifteen people were shot dead, including a number of policemen, three women who had just given birth along with their babies, and all along the impression was given that waving guns around was a quite acceptable method of getting what you want.

    I know you have to be careful trying to link what happens on-screen with what happens in real life, but even so.....

    I could not agree more. I am constantly sickened by things I see in Thai soaps, such as young men raping the girl of their dreams who then falls in love with him (seen this story line on more than one occasion) and of course an amazing level of violence (mostly using blurred out guns). I would love to meet one of the sensors to ask what they are doing. The country is so f%$& up, from top to bottom.

    Thailand currently number 3 in the world for gun related deaths but closing in on Columbia in second place. According to these stats an average of 55 people are killed with guns in Thailand every day. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir-crime-murders-with-firearms

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