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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. Funny how almost half the women in the photo wear headscarves and long dresses. Imported from the South?

    And just because you are a fat guy with tattoos doesn't mean you are a sexpat.

    I suggest you buy some glasses before making such a moronic comment. I could count roughly 23 women in the picture with 2 in headscarves and one wearing your very traditional rice field attire of a kind of head covering (in green). That does not come even close to "almost half" and the 2 that are wearing head scarves could equally be wearing their normal rice field attire.

  2. In the name of peace, take the man in and beat the sh_t out of him so he will never hurt women again!Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

    I assume you must know them well as you make such sweeping remarks. Thai men resort to violence far too easily from what I have seen in my time in the country so this does not surprise me at all. Also people on both sides of this political divide have shown a willingness to resort to violence whenever someone says something they don't agree with. However, this is not just a Thai problem, there a plenty of thugs in the UK that resort to violence as they are incapable of having an intelligent debate. I am sorry that you feel a man kicking his daughter in the head and threatening her life is so insignificant.

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  3. Sounds like pesticides/herbicide poisoning and is not that uncommon. The problem is if that is the case it is probably from a water source and any contamination may have already (for the most part) been washed away. Here in Cambodia we have had several incidents of livestock dying from drinking water that was contaminated by herbicides. It would be interesting to see a map of the watershed to see what is there. I absolutely cannot believe there could be anything natural causing these deaths.

  4. Beware Thailand... while you are tightening your laws on immigration, Myanmar will be hot on your heals ready to mop up many farangs that you piss off.

    Must be tempting for those who are pissed off with visa runs or trying to find 400,000 baht every year.

    The article only says there will be a permanent residence system for foreigners. It does not say what the conditions for obtaining residency will be.

    Might be the same as with Thailand.

    What odds you reckon they make it the same or harder?

    Could that be possible?

    Online visa system sounds intelligent, so maybe they are thinking it through and going to make the process simpler than Thailand. It would seem hard to make it more complicated.

    • Like 2
  5. This has the smell of a rush to judgement by a kangaroo court all over it. Don't we wait to see the evidence before coming to conclusions, or is that not the Thai way?

    Yes it does, but then the line near the end is rather embarrassing.

    "Deputy Commerce Minister Yangyong Phuangrach urged the NACC to ask trading-partner countries, as well as foreign embassies, about the contracts to balance its investigation of the case, saying they are real."

    Why would the govt not have any of their own evidence to provide?

  6. The first effects of the policy of the missunderstood fugitive. I doubt the billionaire will use some of his own money to help the people that voted for him. The thieves are being cornered more and more. More victims will follow.

    From what I understand the farmers are owed something like USD3 billion so I am not sure even Thaksin can afford that... unless the Baht collapses then he might be able to buy enough Baht.

    It appears BAAC are broke and the govt has no money to pay them as the 2.2 trillion loan didn't happen and they can't sell the rice mountain for love nor money, so it seems PTP are screwed... as is the Thai economy if these muppet's continue.

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  7. As usual the numbers are very confusing but from what I see here they have bought 50m tonnes between 2010 and 2013 for B700billion and they are buying another 10 now (2013/14 season)

    While they fail to say how much they have sold they have made B180billion, which if they sold it at the same price means that have sold only around 17% (given the real price it is probably more like 30% to make 180billion) So that means there should be upwards of 30m tonnes left to sell? Yet they state they only have 15mill tones left, 5 of which is awaiting shipment? <deleted>?

    Of course this latest load of bull is just PTP trying to pass the buck as to why they can’t pay the farmers. Given they are now 5 months late paying I don’t think the farmers will fall for that, particularly as many probably owe most of it to loan sharks by now.

    There is a Chinese/Thai woman (loanshark) in Khon Kaen that told us that she charged 10% per month interest and took peoples cars as collateral. She said she now had over 30 cars as so many people could not pay it back.

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  8. Almost unbelievable what Issaan people say and do for 2,000 Baht.

    2,000 Baht is what the PDRC is paying all the people from Issaan to join the protests.

    I wonder how many went by plane?

    I have to say I am certain some people have been paid to attend, that is just the way these events are organised here. A couple my wife knows in Khon Kaen attended the Yellow shirt protest at the airport for B500 per day plus travel and food, and the girl got B500 from the reds in 2010, while the boy got 1,000 per day as he was prepared to get involved in violence. They are both Red supporters but money talks, especially when you are being offered considerably more than the minimum wage.

  9. "The applicants must also pass training set by the Teachers' Council of Thailand including Thai language and culture, related laws to teaching, and Thai education philosophy, in order to understand the foundation of Thai society, she said."

    I do not want to become a teacher but this course sounds like fun as I would very much like to understand Thai culture (I hope this explains "Thainess") and particularly the apparent "Thai education philosophy".coffee1.gif

  10. I doubt anyone should be surprised by this violence when Suthep is trying to over throw a Government that was elected by nearly 50% of the voting population. You are always going to get some crazies, all sides have them. Amazing that someone would go to the risk of throwing a grenade at the head of the Democrat Party's house without bothering to check whether anyone was actually home. Unless of course it was a false flag attack designed to instigate the army to come out.

    Well the Reds did try to drag him out of his car at Parliament and kill him in 2010 (I think) in full view of the police who were just standing around letting the chaos continue so the risk involved this time was minimal by comparison. But as you say, this could quite easily be a fake attack. Who knows? there is so much bullshit from both sides it is impossible to know what is for real.

  11. To think this time last year this board was full of blokes promising 30 baht to the £ was on its way facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif alt=facepalm.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4031585225 width=24 height=18>

    Errrr... it did go under 30.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

    The baht dropped to under 30 for a pound?

    Do tell when did this happen? BS

    A 3% move from 33. What am I missing? Is that considered large in currency trading?

    The baht has gone from 43 to £1 to 54 in a matter of months, a 20% swing. Whilst preeminent there is more to world currency than the dollar. Even with the dollar its a 15% swing, not 3% as you say - and yeah that is considered rather large in the space of barely 6 months.

    my mistake, I thought he put dollars.

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  12. I can't imagine any of the 300 officials who supposedly witnessed what happens when you get on the wrong side of baby Kim would have leaked the story, so how did the newspaper find out?

    If it's in the Daily Mail it's best to take it with a pinch of salt, however, I would not put anything past the North Koreans, it seems they are in a league of their own these days.

  13. The government could at least send a large quantity to the Philippine typhoon sufferers and write it off the books at full valve. There are also hungry people in other countries that really need food. Give it to them! Give it to poor hungry Thais. That would be a good Buddhist thing to do.

    Yes, nice idea. Except Thaksin actually said in an interview that he was expecting global catastrophes that would drive the price of rice up and they could then sell it at a premium to desperate countries... I'm paraphrasing but that was the jist of it. What I nice chap?

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