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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. One of the funniest ideas yet from these idiots. Not least because of the financial impact on local car sales. No one in their right mind will want to buy a car until this is resolved.

    "As of 1 January 2014 all cars sold in Thailand will need to have the
    steering wheel on the left side. Old normal cars can keep their steering
    wheel on the right, but owners cannot sell these cars."

    So all those people who have been encouraged to go into debt to buy cars are now going to find they have a worthless investment that they cannot sell without an expensive modification.

    I wonder how the manufacturers feel about this, they will have huge stocks to sell, what happens to those cars?

    Reality, this will not happen anytime soon, it is simply not feasible by Jan 2014. Change every single signpost in the country? All the traffic lights that need to be re sequenced? Seriously, Jan 1st overnight change when so many are already drunk! Accident rates will go up dramatically to start with, I certainly wouldn't want to be on the roads for the next few days, it would be total chaos.

    Another outstanding and totally laughable plan from the man in Dubai.

    • Like 1
  2. Math check.

    10.5mill tonnes for 22.3billion baht works out to 2,130baht per tonne??????. Is thailand really selling its rice at an average of USD71 per tonne?

    The article suggests Thailand is asking $120 per tonne more than other countries who are asking between $400 and $450 a tonne. So if Thailand is selling at say $520 per tonne they should have made closer to 160 billion baht?

  3. smile.png Very happy these idiots lost. Unbelievable, these Siamese crocodile is very close to extinction in the wild and they want them downgraded to make more money. The stupid thing is the best skins are taken from the hybrids of the 2 species, which are not found in nature. Of course I am sure if the govt is releasing crocs into the wild they are picking suitable habitat and making sure with DNA tests that they release the right species coffee1.gif

  4. Respect to the man for standing up.

    Sadly too many brave souls have lost their lives standing up for their and other rights and yet there is no public outcry, no media dares take up the cause. My friend was murdered here in Cambodia last year for fighting illegal logging, but thankfully we don't see as many deaths of activists as Thailand. It's truly dreadful that the scum that's floating on top of Thai society is allowed to keep getting away with it.

  5. A total of 29.65 million tonnes of rice has been entered to the

    government stockpiles, with warehousing adding to the cost of the

    programme - approximately Bt800 a month per tonne.

    Thats a pretty scary number. Not sure how many tons of this rotten "quality" rice they have been warehousing. So lets just assume ,on average, it has been 10 million tons stored over the last 18 months. At present there is 18.2 mil tons stored.

    10,000,000x800= 8,000,000,000x18months = 144,000,000,000 This just for rice.There are 14 other crops that have been pledged similarly.

    No reports as of yet how much rice has been lost (rotted) to extended storage. But there there has been reports of other pledged crop loss.

    Over 10,000 tonnes of rubber in these three provinces was left to decay, causing about one billion baht in damage

    The government faces a problem of deteriorating quality of red onions. Bt289 million worth of the pledged crop is rotten.

    Some more crop pledging scams schemes:

    The price of cassava remains low at Bt1.30-Bt1.90 per kilo, while the pledging price is Bt2.75-2.90

    The government needs to raise its pledging budget for garlic to Bt1.6 billion

    I read this as there currently being 29.65m tonnes in storage, which equates to 23billion a month in storage fees alone!

    • Like 1
  6. As someone working in the Cambodian conservation sector I cannot have much sympathy to be quite honest. The forests here have been stripped of Rosewood and what is locally called 'Beng' which about 3 years ago reached USD7-10,000 per cubic meter. These species have now become almost extinct here, even in the most remote areas.

    The botanists I have been working with in Prey Long forest for the past few years have not found any over 10cm in diameter, anything much larger gets cut. The forests have been systematically stripped.

    Most of the timber goes to Vietnam and onto the international market. I believe Laos has very similar situation. Here it is headed by certain very well connected people whose companies have basically laundered massive amounts of timber across the country. The few who do get busted are the ones trying to avoid going through the added expense of the launderers.

  7. If two traveling its cheaper and a better trip t take the train up to Aran ( 48 baht, thai's free) and share a taxi to SR for $35

    As the bus will most likely ONLY have farangs it will be a head ache getting thru immigration on the Cambodian side

    Poi Pet is $20 for visa and 100 baht for ticket to buy visa on arrival

    Sorry but I go thru this crossing 8 or 9 times a year since 2001. For sometime now the Thai side has been the problem (getting into Thailand) The Cambodian side is only problematic when leaving if you arrive there with all the early morning buses from Siem Reap, otherwise I have rarely waited more than 2 or 3 minutes. On the Thai side however they have recently taken to slowing the lines more than ever so they can offer an express service (gets you a little closer to the front of the q) for 300-500 baht

  8. Maybe she did do it. Maybe she didn't steal the camera.

    But if you are told, plead guilty and you'll get a suspended sentence and get out of this prison and plead not guilty and the trial could last for 2 years during which time you will be held in custody, what might you do?

    Be like a Thai, once you get in serious trouble,deserved or not, with the authorities here, pay them off at the first opportunity. It is the Thai way.

    The poster who said she has been in prison for 7 months is incorrect, it's 7 weeks.

    Will she be back in the news tomorrow for refusing to pay 7 weeks additional overstay?

  9. it boils down to some thai's attitude that other than thai are a sub species

    Sure they are scum, is guilty, but slow down on the Thai bit, these atrocities happen, unfortunately, in every country in the world, but that doesn't of course lessen the crime.

    Unfortunately you are correct scorecard. Every now and then something like this happens in the US and also in European countries. What is unbelievable to me is a judge gave these people bail.

    Yes these things happen all over the world, however in Asia and the middle east too it seems all to common. I read of this kind of abuse on maids on a regular basis.

  10. I assume that by dams they mean dams accross the actual rivers, to me a very bad idea both in the construction phase and after.

    Instead of building big dams, his company proposed small reservoirs. Even so, he was not totally convinced all projects would win the support of the community and environmentalists.

    Provided they are done along the lines of the Kings monkey cheek proposal and that they are permant bodies of water that can have other uses besides just accepting excess water in the time of flood.

    There is great potentiel for these bodies of water, from recreational use to both commercial fishing and fish breeding to restock the rivers with each reservoir or small lake having its own designated use.

    All of these uses would need people to manage them so everyone displaced by them should be able to be employed at hopefully a better wage than they can now get from the land.

    and most of the native species of fish die out. That's a great idea.

  11. The Thai should be charged with theft !

    You do not try to move another persons car !!

    Parking attentant !! Yes for a private company, who there own the roads of Patong!

    Get real, if someone blocks my drive I would do the same, guess different where you come from.

    I too would react very strongly to coming out of a shop to find some asshol_e trying to steal my car with my wife in it. It's fair to say the woman must have been freaking out too when the attendant decided to get into the car. However I do think that bottling someone is plain nasty, 36 stitches sounds pretty vicious.

  12. Some people might remember 05-08 Thai Rice Millers came under firs for putting in LOWER GRADES of rice in their highest grade Thai Jasmine bags and selling it - overseas. Right there Vietnam picked up a good 20 per cent of the high grade jasmine market. Seattle Asian food mart Uwajimaya had a running spat because of the Thai Jasmine it bought being in reality lower grade. They started promoting Vietnamese Jasmine to their customers And now this .... its like shooting yourself in the foot two times
    And it is extremely easy for even an amateur to see the difference in finished packed rice. Grade qualities or mixing stands out like a sore thumb.

    Yes, but to most Thai's all foreigners are stupid so they probably believed it wouldn't be noticed. The stupidity and greed of some people seems to know no bounds.

    • Like 2
  13. many businesses will move to cambodia and the likes

    the cambodian government must be loving this move by the thai


    Yes, being known for cheap slave labour is awesome. These companies come to Thailand to take advantage of the cheap labour and the lack of benefits for thier employees who are taken advantage of. They will not go out of business by increasing wages, but will not be able to fill the CEOs pockets with nice bonuses and the investors can't buy thier kids that mercedies for thier birthday. These people SUCK. Eventually, even Cambodia wages will rise. This is why Unions started, due to slimy corporation profits more important then the people who make them those profits.

    Spot on. Sadly a few incredibly greedy people are now making massive profits while increasing poverty. Asia's so called 'elites' are merrily following western corporate greed and show a shocking disregard for their fellow human beings. The scum that floats on top of our respective societies is truly awful.

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