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allan michaud

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Posts posted by allan michaud

  1. heheheh wait until they get there charter rewrites you will have the red shirt bully boys on each soi corner enforceing the new agenda.

    Sadly I can't help feeling your right. The red shirts are beginning to look just like the brown shirts of old, strange how history can repeat itself, especially when ignorant people are fed vitriol and nationalist rhetoric on a regular basis.

  2. The Office of the Attorney General is run by one of Taksins men so you would not expect it to agree with the Constitutional Court. It has been clear since PT has come to power that they have replaced the heads of all agencies and positions of power with their own men, thus further removing any opposition and ensuring the can do as they please. This clearly isn't democracy, even though the Red Shirts and PT keep harping on about democracy when they really mean getting what they want with little regard to others. Failure to have any checks and balances inplace means power can be abused, which is what is happening.

    You hit the nail on the head.

    There is no law but red law in their eyes.

    Master Pangloss taught the metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology. He could prove admirably that there is no effect without a cause, and in this best of all possible worlds the baron's castle was the most magnificent of all castles, and my lady the best of all possible baronesses.

    "It is demonstrable," said he, "that things cannot be otherwise than they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe, for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles; therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly designed for stockings; accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to construct castles; therefore my lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten; therefore we eat pork all year round. And they who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they should say that everything is best."

    Why are you repeatedly posting this metaphyisical <deleted>?

  3. Sorry, but do we know that the lady was killed, I cannot see it in the report.

    you are correct it only says she was gunned down not the outcome, I have lived in thailand for only two weeks and am shocked at the number and variety of attacks on people, shootings, stabbings, muggings you name it have read about it.

    Welcome to wonderful Thailand, land of the crocodile smile.

    • Like 2

    Legislative vote on charter change to be decided today

    The Nation



    BANGKOK: -- The ruling Pheu Thai Party will comply with the today's outcome of a consultation among MPs and senators on whether to vote on charter change, party MP Phiraphan Phalusuk said on Friday.

    The ruling Pheu Thai Party will comply with the today's outcome of a consultation among MPs and senators on whether to vote on charter change, party MP Phiraphan Phalusuk said on Friday.

    "If following the consultation, lawmakers decide to cast votes for the third reading of the charter change bill, then there will be a vote," he said. Phiraphan said the decision would hinge on how MPs and senators draw the legislative conclusion.

    The court order to delay voting will not be a crucial factor because it is not in accordance with the prescribed procedure, he said. The Office of the Attorney General issued a prosecution ruling that there was no cause to suspect the unconstitutionality of the charter change.

    The legal advisory panel of Parliament viewed the court order as not binding to the legislature because it was not a verdict. Opposition whip Pirapan Salirathavibhaga said those pushing for vote in defiance of the court order would have to be held accountable for their action.

    "As sanctioned by the Constitution, any judicial decisions of the Constitution Court are binding to Parliament," he said.


    -- The Nation 2012-06-08


    Legislative vote on charter change to be decided today

    The Nation



    BANGKOK: -- The ruling Pheu Thai Party will comply with the today's outcome of a consultation among MPs and senators on whether to vote on charter change, party MP Phiraphan Phalusuk said on Friday.

    The ruling Pheu Thai Party will comply with the today's outcome of a consultation among MPs and senators on whether to vote on charter change, party MP Phiraphan Phalusuk said on Friday.

    "If following the consultation, lawmakers decide to cast votes for the third reading of the charter change bill, then there will be a vote," he said. Phiraphan said the decision would hinge on how MPs and senators draw the legislative conclusion.

    The court order to delay voting will not be a crucial factor because it is not in accordance with the prescribed procedure, he said. The Office of the Attorney General issued a prosecution ruling that there was no cause to suspect the unconstitutionality of the charter change.

    The legal advisory panel of Parliament viewed the court order as not binding to the legislature because it was not a verdict. Opposition whip Pirapan Salirathavibhaga said those pushing for vote in defiance of the court order would have to be held accountable for their action.

    "As sanctioned by the Constitution, any judicial decisions of the Constitution Court are binding to Parliament," he said.


    -- The Nation 2012-06-08

    Troubles coming, sooner rather than later by the look of things

  5. The timing is excellent - summer holidays in most European countries. They could easily have done this in the low season, but it looks like the repair was overdue and a threat by aviation safety to close the runway was imminent.

    1. It is the low season.

    2. Please explain how you come to this conclusion ("but it looks like the repair was overdue and a threat by aviation safety to close the runway was imminent") because I don't see anything to suggest this was anything other than routine maintenance?

  6. YS "So kiddies this is the on button and if you just point your finger here? errrr, hang on, this isn't the same as an ipad? anyone know how to use this thing? Ah, a manual, thank you. Umm? can anyone read Chinese!"

    The operating system is Android. No issues with documentation.

    Thanks, that's a positive start anyway.

  7. Why do I have a feeling that on June 12-16 something big is going to happen in Parliament and then we'd ask "Where's the PM!? Oh nevermind, she's on a nationwide tour... duh"

    Ask any time. The answer will be "anywhere but."

    But will be using daytime helicoptors, 31 cabinet members on the trip, ???? 555555 Ha Ha ha, "were all going on a summer holiday" la la la la la and at selected hotels ????

    Selected hotels. Owned by the clan and billed to the state, single occupancy.

    31 provinces in 5 days, even with a helicopter that will be impressive. So will the 31 govs be joining the entire trip?

  8. Mazda LaPuta (in spanish: "the whore")

    Nissan Moco (in spanish: "booger")

    Buick LaCrosse (in French: "masturbating teenagers") biggrin.png

    Opel Ascona (in Spain and Portugal: "female genitalia")

    Honda Fitta (in swedish and norwegian: "c u n t")

    Dodge Swinger


    The Vauxhall 'Corsa' failed in, I think, Argentina as it was slang for gayboy.

  9. these crocs need to be careful otherwise it will be a case of Thai people crocodile eaters on the loose, apparently the river populations of these creatures have crashed due to over eating.

    if you look at the population maps for salties their territory extends all the way up from Australia to the Gulf of Thailand but this is the first time I've actually heard of them in the gulf.

    I saw one in the Andaman Islands (Indian Andamans) in 1997. They can travel huge distances, however having seen the pic of the animal they caught I suspect it's an escapee as it looks very underweight (the ridge on it's back looks far too prominent).

  10. Frankly - the yellows are just as bad as the reds - the Red tactics are extreme, and so are the yellows. Both are idiots.

    (But only one burned down 30 buildings in one day. )


    Only the REDS fight against the rich but for the sake of the super richthumbsup.gif

    But who burnt down the buildings. The Head Red. Yes I believe the people in red shirts are poor people. I also believe the people representing them on stage, by phone, and in the news papers are among the richest people in Thailand.

    who is the head red?

    So the poor are fighting against the rich to make the richest richer? while complaining about being poor because of the richblink.png

    And the richest are representing the poor against the rich, so there will be more richwai.gif

    Does that sound reasonable to you?

    Actually yes. He may not have put it very well but I think it's a fair comment. Big T is very much the super rich and he is happily manipulating the ignorant poor to get rid or his hated opposition the 'traditionally' rich elites, so he can enrich himself even more. Sounds like a perfectly good assessment to me, what do you think is happening?

  11. "He had suggested the department stuff the tiger carcass for educational purposes... "

    What educational purposes can a stuffed tiger serve? Maybe, "This is what happens when you take a tiger out of its natural environment, place it in captivity to help get donations"...or "If you are fortunate enough to capture, kill and stuff a tiger, you can sell it overseas as a house decoration".

    I am sure enough tigers are killed and die in their natural environment. They don't need humans to help the process. Let them live as they were meant to live, free and at the mercy of nature.

    Sadly to be released and allowed to "let them live free" would mean a certain death sentence in the wild's of Thailand. Some people here consider it their birth right to maim and or kill anything of beauty that moves free.....sad but history tells us this

    Why pick on Thailand? This applies to most countries and most animals, many of whom have never set foot in Thailand. I guess Thai's went overseas to kill them? Sounds racist to me!!!

    While I don't agree with being racist in any way I have to say, in the case of the Tiger, the loss is largely down to one nation, the Chinese. Or more specifically Chinese men with small limp dicks.

  12. So what's it going to be:

    A) Thousands of young Thais missing out on jobs to better educated English speaking neighbours.


    cool.png A massive loss of face by backtracking and making some bullsh#t excuse for not joining the 2015 intergration.

    To be honest, the way things are going, I don't think it would make any difference if they waited until 2020. I think being thrown in the deep in might be just what Thailand needs. While it might take some time, it might force the nation to finally get its act together.

    I have to agree. I am based in Cambodia and there are a hell of a lot of kids here that speak Thai and English very effectively and they are really eager to learn. The difference between the 2 countries is like chalk and cheese. Thailand is very much stuck in the dark ages in so many ways and it's really hampering the entire nation.

    • Like 1
  13. It's astonishing that the Japanese and Thomson Reuters couldn't swing a big enough you know what to "motivate" the Thais to get to the bottom of this right away.

    Why would Abhisit and Suthep want to do that? This case couldn't proceed until certain parties were no longer in office.

    <deleted> .... it could not happen until enough pressure was brought by the family. Why the hell a UDD lawyer is allowed to present witnesses In this case is beyond me.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    OK let's do it your way. Why is this government ok for the inquiry to go ahead (even if under pressure from the family, as you claim) but Abhisit and Suthep felt it neccesary to resist such pressure for an inquiry?

    The fact its take 2 years to get to this point is damning enough for me. The sad reality seems to be both sides did some really nasty things and neither are in a hurry to admit it. It also seems pretty obvious that it is going to be next to impossible to prove who shot him as clearly no one is going to admit it.

    What about Sa Deang? I always felt Thaksin stood to gain more from his death (in that it would really fire up the reds) whereas on the yellow side there seemed to be plenty who wanted him dead, killing him would have clearly only made matters worse not better.

  14. Splendid tactics, United we stand divided we fall.

    Perhaps the self destruct button is being pushed by certain people as they feel that the foot soldiers in the Red Shirt movement have served their purpose and of course the interested parties are worried that the Red Shirt movement might obstruct their aims..

    One is led to wonder whether there might be a link twixt the self destruct button being pushed and the imminent return of some 111 politicians, all of whom have their own agendas. ?

    One can't let the common masses interfere with the possibility of further career advancement in the political arena and of course the financial enrichment that goes hand in hand with such an advancement can one?

    Sadly as was prophesied by many in the past the Red Shirt movement membership was and is but a sacrifice upon the altar of political and financial power lust for a small group of self serving characters both here in Thailand and abroad..

    or possibly an attempt to foment unrest and start a civil war. I am increasingly concerned with the direction these various groups seem to be taking. But it certainly does appear they have been dumped by Thaksin and his friends. It all just seems to be getting worse not better.

  15. The big T is going to need a bigger trough for all these extra snouts, then again he is an expert in reshuffles. Seems TRT/PTP etc ministers never have long enough to get to grips with their positions before being shuffled off somewhere else. No wonder the economy seems to be heading for a cliff.

    Should have been 5 years jail and a lifetime ban in my opinion, although its fair to say a lot of the 111 have never stopped working in politics anyway so the ban was pretty irrelevant.

    • Like 1
  16. The cost of some kinds of alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power may be higher than traditional fossil fuels.

    No maybe about it -- they are much more expensive.

    Since the vast subsidies used to keep these feel-good industries alive is passed onto the consumer, it inevitably produces very damaging effects, including:

    * 15% of Germans are now considered to be in "fuel poverty", as are an estimated 12 million people in the UK.

    * Germany expects power blackouts this winter as "Because the production of wind and solar power have been given priority in the electricity market, the building of gas-fired power plants is no longer profitable."

    It's so bad that even the Greens are calling for new fossil-fuel plants.

    Winfried Kretschmann (Green Party), the prime minister of the state of Baden Wuerttemberg, is urging Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to encourage the construction of new gas-fired power plants. Especially in southern Germany energy security is at risk, according to Kretschmann.

    If these environmental fantasies can beggar a powerhouse like Germany, just think what they could do to the Thai economy.

    More thought required, indeed.

    What about the massive subsidies given to the oil sector by most countries, this is invariably much, much higher than the subsidies given to eco friendly power. How much money is Thailand wasting on fuel subsidies right now. US oil subsidies are many times higher than their support for solar, wind etc.

  17. I don't think anyone understands the long-term ramifications & that is the 'fear of the unknown' that makes people cautious.

    I've seen organic farmers who swear they would never use GM & they actually go on rallies against it, other farmers who are happy to use it. I don't think there's enough long-term research to know who is right. One concern I heard mentioned was the effect on butterflies & other insects that pollinate wildflowers & thus support other animals that eat those plants. Most of the other stuff is tabloid science and hysteria. I think with 7bn+ people on Earth and estimates at 50bn soon enough, humans will be eating GM & will also probably have to turn vegan at some point unless they own their own land for cattle. Impossible that we can provide organic unmod crops & beef etc. for 50bn people.

    Exactly, the long-term research is unsatisfactory. One astonishing side-effect of GM-tomatoes seems to create inefficience of some anti-biotics.

    Also the experience with Roundup corn in India where yields plummeted and then they needed special fertilisers from the same company. A bee keeper expert I know said it is the pollinator issue that is most worrying. Too little know, screwing with nature has not been a good idea historically.

  18. FYI. Thaksin was a police before he got rich.

    For your information Thaksin was rich before he became a "police".

    "By the time Thaksin was born, the Shinawatra family was one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai." Wiki.

    Considering your quoted source I would be very skeptical but I do believe in this instance that it is a fairly accurate statement.

    Wiki should be considered as nothing more than a starting point when researching anything, certainly not as a definitive source.

    It should be noted a large chunk of his now considerable fortune was made in the 97 crash and via TRT's 2001 changes to telecoms regulations, tax dodging etc.

    Anyway the police or military academies here seem to be nothing more than networking sites for people who are essentially criminals or have criminal intent.

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