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Posts posted by DaveBKK

  1. Go to photos, touch the little share icon on a photo, touch next....and there they all are, top row.

    Don't like those? Ok...there's Dropbox, Box.com, M$ Skydrive, Google Drive, Google +, various multitude of Adobe apps and methods like Photoshop and Revel, Good Reader....

    ...on and on and on and on.

    iOS is incredibly flexible...and many many MANY non-Apple options.

  2. I made the mistake of syncing my pictures. My laptop was stolen. Now because of iOS stupid restrictions I have 1,600 pictures locked in the phone forever.

    IPhones, Apple, iTunes. It's all so ridiculous.

    Just off the top of my head I can easily think of over a half dozen ways you can get photos off an iPhone without having to install anything. Another half dozen involve getting a certain app.

    You are hardly locked in. That's what makes iOS so great! Very flexible without all the crapware and malware of Android.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  3. hi, I'm looking for a Sipm service, that will give a virtual thai phone number, that i can configure over my smartphone, and/or my compter/laptop - so that my gf can call me. i'd like it to be as cheap as can for outgoing calles aborad and in Thailand.



    If it's just for your GF calling, why not just use one of the many voice apps available? Viber, Line, Tango, Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts?

    Why go through all the rigamarole of a SIP service with virtual Thai number (which can can expensive per month)?

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  4. Ni3 is exactly my beef it's stupid to not be able to move from ALL photos to ur own album and it get removed from ALL photos and into there own album

    IMHO, that would be a stupid and inefficient way to do it. I like having Camera Roll with ALL my photos. If I want a particular photo, I don't want to have to go searching through different galleries. I know it'll be in camera roll. Then anytime I can tag that photo into different galleries.

    To me it makes perfect sense and a GREAT way to easily organize. If only want to see a particular grouping, I look at a gallery. If I want to see ALL my photos regardless of grouping, I look at the camera roll.

    Easy Peasy. It's great.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  5. Dude nobody is coping s attitude but i was looking for advice off people who own iphones, you obviously dont own a iphone otherwise you would know that you cannot move pictures and you would know that if you delete from camera roll it still shows in moments view, but you posted half baked shit that make you look stupid

    See what I mean....try to help this guy and he starts throwing insults and attitude. You can tell some people really have unhappy bitter lives.

    Listen dude:

    1) I do have an iPhone. If I delete a photo from the camera roll and it didn't upload to photo stream, the photo is GONE. From everywhere. From all albums, from collections, from any and every view.

    2) You can move photos into albums. Go to the album, touch select, touch add...and add any photo from your camera roll to the album.

    3) Camera roll is a roll of ALL your photos on the phone. It's not an album. If you delete a photo from the camera roll, it deletes it from the phone....again like I said in 1...it deletes it totally all albums, all views.

    4) If you want to to remove the photo from the camera roll and keep it somewhere else....USE ANOTHER SERVICE. iOS is amazingly versatile and open. You can use:

    - Google+ photos

    - Facebook

    - Flickr

    - Dropbox

    - Box.com

    - Camera+

    and about a jillion other photo services.

    So STOP copping attitude and throwing insults and chill out to someone WHO IS TRYING TO HELP YOU.

    Geezus some people.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Yet again just because of ur anwser no2 puts u in a world of I don't know shit, I have 1 iPhone, 1 iPod and 2 iPads and none if them are able to move photos unless urs is special

    Create a album and move the pic to that album and the. Tell me it's gone from camera roll and it's in the new album then delete a photo from camera roll and tell me it's gone froments then say sorry

    Read #3 again. And read #4 again.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  6. Dude nobody is coping s attitude but i was looking for advice off people who own iphones, you obviously dont own a iphone otherwise you would know that you cannot move pictures and you would know that if you delete from camera roll it still shows in moments view, but you posted half baked shit that make you look stupid

    See what I mean....try to help this guy and he starts throwing insults and attitude. You can tell some people really have unhappy bitter lives.

    Listen dude:

    1) I do have an iPhone. If I delete a photo from the camera roll and it didn't upload to photo stream, the photo is GONE. From everywhere. From all albums, from collections, from any and every view.

    2) You can move photos into albums. Go to the album, touch select, touch add...and add any photo from your camera roll to the album.

    3) Camera roll is a roll of ALL your photos on the phone. It's not an album. If you delete a photo from the camera roll, it deletes it from the phone....again like I said in 1...it deletes it totally all albums, all views.

    4) If you want to to remove the photo from the camera roll and keep it somewhere else....USE ANOTHER SERVICE. iOS is amazingly versatile and open. You can use:

    - Google+ photos

    - Facebook

    - Flickr

    - Dropbox

    - Box.com

    - Camera+

    and about a jillion other photo services.

    So STOP copping attitude and throwing insults and chill out to someone WHO IS TRYING TO HELP YOU.

    Geezus some people.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  7. Methinks that the apple bashers spend a lot more time blagging on and on with the hate talk.

    Us apple lovers just smile serenely and continue using our superior technology. :)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Exactly right?? They come into an Apple sub-forum to talk about how great their cheap pos linux box is....or their Nexus. Who cares??? You like it...good for you, it works for you here's your gold star. No one...and I mean NO ONE cares if you hate Apple. Really tons on insecurity demonstrated from the Apple bashers. (Not all...but certainly some).

    The original thread started cause some dude was having issues with his older iPhone. I tried to help him out and give alternatives....and he cops attitude and the insecure haterz come out of the word work and start trolling....all bitter and hating cause their android probably got p'wned and has all kinda malware on it already ;)

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  8. Question,

    The GF has an iphone, I have a laptop which runs Windows 7. How can I contact her on Facetime? Currently she borrows a friends laptop and we Skype but I had a quick search and there doesn't seem to be a Facetime program compatible with Windows. If anyone knows of one I would appreciate the info.

    Get her to get skype....

    There are a ton of other options beside skype. IMHO Skype is the worst of them...it sucks. That's the great thing about Mac and iOS. Incredible flexibility!!! Try out:

    Google Hangouts




    All have ios / Mac and I think windows apps.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  9. If Apple computers (which are PC motherboards with an intel processor) are so great.

    Why don't NASA use OSX or Macs to guide stuff in to space, why don't the FBI/CIA use them to track criminals etc...

    Well thread was about iPhone but people are brining up linux Netbooks and Macs. Uhm....google "nasa jpl Mac" :) Why doesn't NASA use macs? They do mostly. Don't know about CIA or FBI but the NSA uses Macs like crazy. One of Apples biggest customers. Google "NSA Mac hardening tips" btw for the internal guide to hardening NSA Macs.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  10. Yeah, if you don't like the stock app, try a different option. Just like every other platform in the world. If you by a windows pc and don't like the stock writepad or paint app, or whatever....get a different app. If you don't like Skype....get a different app.

    I'm not sure what's going on with your photos. I turned off photo stream. Took a pic. Deleted from camera roll....I can't find it anywhere...including moments.

    And yeah....BY ALL MEANS...if you're frustrated by M$ or Apple...try Linux. See what it's like trying too find drivers for things. Have fun compiling programs and working from the command line. Have fun searching through all the nerd blogs finding all the little tweaks to make sure your system is secure. If you like that...bully to you.

    I LOL at the "Apple is for naive users" nonsense. That's why it's the preferred system for Google programmers (including Larry and Sergei). That's why it's preferred by Zuckerburg. Go to Silicon Valley into any company actually making and producing stuff and BY FAR the preference is Apple.

    Linux is great for servers and IT nerds who love dicking around with their computer all day. Apple is great for people who use computers as tools to get things done. Microsoft is good for.....hmm...games?

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  11. Most of what you're asking for is doable in other apps. Cobook for the contacts (it's free). Filmpicpro (something like this, not sure the exact name), for the videos at a lower resolution. In any case, Google or Duckduckgo is your friend.

    Pictures showing up in the view, just turn off automatic iCloud upload. Once you delete 'em they'll be gone.

    Regarding the albums, yes you can. Go to the Album / Select / Add to....or something like that, I believe you can add pics to albums.

    Re: battery: how old is your phone/battery? Perhaps consider a battery pack case for the phone if you use it a lot.

    Best to think of it not as a phone, but an always connected computer with some phone capabilities. Generally, if you don't like Apple's specific vision for doing something, there's frequently an app that provides and alternative. And if you're complaint is "well I want the APPLE APP to do it my way", it's silly.....might as well go into McDonalds and complain that they don't sell Somtom.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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  12. Just to comment on VoIP being blocked by Truemove H, I've been using FaceTime over Truemove H for extended period with no problem whatsoever. Perhaps they are just blocking Skype for certain users/certain areas?

    Also, no issues using OpenVPN via a tethered Truemove H connection.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

  13. Mac OS X is simply a graphical front end on BSD Unix operating system. Have you ever heard of a "virus" for BSD Unix? No.

    There are Trojan horses...programs you can download from torrents or comprised websites that you THINK are legit but actually install malware. That's a different story than a "virus".

    That's essentially why Apple started the App Store and implemented sandboxing in OS X. Get your apps from the App Store...no issues with trojans, virus or anything.

    The advantage to OS X over Windows is that to install something on your system usually requires a the user to enter a password. Whereas on Windows you simply click on the .exe file or .com file and you're hosed. So people get easily fooled into thinking they are clicking on a website address...opening a picture or what have you and actually running a .exe file and getting themselves infected. Even just plugging in an infected USB drive will hose you on Windows.

    Now as far as "you have to run a program through email to get a virus", that's not exactly true. There are other exploits through Java, and Microsoft Word that you can get nailed by just visiting a website or opening a document. (EVERYONE...Mac and Windows users alike should DISABLE Java in their browsers...it's a security nightmare).

    • Like 1
  14. The question is, why the hell would you want to store personal documents online when you know the US government will be able to store and look at every one of them ?!!?

    Just out of curiosity, what "documents" do you think you're hiding from them?

    Your bank statements? Uhmmm....uh huh, they definitely don't already have those :)

    Medical documents that are already stored in centralized hospital and doctors systems? Yeah, surely THOSE are safe from the NSA.

    Your emails? Uhm....

    *Maybe* some pictures....but who cares about those? Seriously.

    The great novel your working on?

    I'm not trying to pick on you in particular....but just want to point out that anything of any relevance is ALREADY out there. No one cares about blurry selfie pictures, or your porn. Not to say someone doesn't care...and you should practice good security....just not the NSA.

  15. Who gives a crap about the NSA snooping your data. What is much more damaging is some <deleted> Russian, Chinese, etc. hacker breaking into these fly by night cloud storage (or even major ones) and grabbing your stuff. Or the company itself mining your data and selling off info to marketers. THAT is what you need to be worrying about and protecting against.

    Identity theft, info they can use to scam other companies out of your info or you out of your own info. Even with just vacation photos.....they can call a credit card company or hotel reward program and get where you last stayed. Call that hotel and feign losing info and get your billing credit card details, etc. etc. Stop worrying about the NSA and start worry about the REAL threats and encrypt your stuff.

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