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Sparktrader last won the day on November 20 2022

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  1. Nobody thinks that. More irrational comments.
  2. No you falsely claimed several things. You compared Trump with Hitler. You claimed Trump did nothing during protests. You claimed it isnt police job to control protests. After 2 mins on google I proved you wrong. You spent 22 months hating Trump based on incorrect information.
  3. https://www.niskanencenter.org/the-role-of-u-s-law-enforcement-in-response-to-protests/ Police job
  4. Police job. Learn how the law works instead of posting hate.
  5. So you change your words now. Before it was not do anything, now it took hours. You keep changing your story.
  6. So much hate. Explains why you got the facts wrong after 22 months of research.
  7. False claim already proven wrong.
  8. No, its what happens when hate filled people act irrationally. It's not regular people who hate so much. Hating people doesnt affect them, it affects you. You are self harming.
  9. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coffee
  10. Milk has health benefits.
  11. Topic is health benefits not how much you like a style of coffee. Texture is irrevelant.
  12. 90% of coffee drinkers drink instant coffee at home. The health benefits are the same for instant or not. Maybe you should research topics first before embarrassing yourself.
  13. Krabi is great. Lots to do.
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