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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. Dont watch western tv. Do research where? You claim all websites are liars bro. Wake up to what? Tin foil hat theories? Start somewhere? I suggest you start by educating yourself on science instead of conspiracy theories.
  2. 90% of family members are no good anyway. Dating a younger woman is the best way to feel young.
  3. What does that mean?
  4. 600 baht room,large shower, western toilet
  5. Thats not true. I just stayed at the beach. Nice king bed good views.
  6. Is that what you pay?
  7. My rooms are no worse than the Pannarai you recommended.
  8. No I stay in 3 star hotels. Udon is a dump though.
  9. Good luck.
  10. Im aiming for another 40 years.
  11. Me too but got bored and switched to brain surgery.
  12. Id go if they paid me 3000 baht plus free food. I would not pay to watch guys in frocks.
  13. Not rainy season on west coast, only gulf. Railay is full of longtails.
  14. Why wasnt he fined for $200,000? Plus 10 years Jail.
  15. Boring sport anyway. Offer low get half the games. Half the boredom save money.
  16. Yes 20,000 is ok for carry on.
  17. What does IIRC mean?
  18. English one just google it. Mine was free.
  19. Maybe online games on phone are charging money now
  20. You cant eat on Oz beaches. Ban Krut is as good as any Oz beach.
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