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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. https://www.imobie.com/support/recover-deleted-line-messages.htm
  2. Line is a phone number
  3. https://www.fonedog.com/ios-toolkit/how-to-restore-line-chat-history-without-backup.html
  4. Well it is the safest way to save to sim. If phone only and phone dies you lose them. Sims last longer than.phones. Aps sometimes go bad.
  5. Or delete ap and re instal. Hope contacts contact you.
  6. Pretty easy to save contacts to a sim card. That way you can sms or use Line.
  7. Indians get angry when you say mai ao khrup when they try to sell you a suit. But its the local language. I never buy clothes from them.
  8. Cause they 90kgs. I chawp hah sip kilos. I never abuse people in Thailand. Too risky. Gun ownership is very high.
  9. They do have high zinc levels which raise wood
  10. 2 to 3 weeks my guess. Duck eggs are great for omelletes.
  11. Yes some clinics yes. Google will tell you. Phuket has several small clinics.
  12. Contacts get stored on phone as well.
  13. Those are fines for breaking road rules. All countries have road rules.
  14. If you live in Thailand you need a Thai license. That's the rule. Tourists do not.
  15. https://www.tripfactory.com/trip/best-places-to-buy-electronics-in-chiang-mai-2311
  16. Yes you the troll. I started the topic. Its about card fees.
  17. Stop posting rubbish then.
  18. You pay in different currencies via website or pay cash direct to hotel. Either way there is a currency exchange. 12% discount is better than hotel direct.
  19. 500 baht isnt overpriced
  20. Agoda gives 12% discount on mastercard some days.
  21. Some people lose their jobs. They didnt burn any bridge.
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