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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. I do but ive got all this junk.
  2. What u do for fun? Ride bikes?
  3. Where do live in thailand? Or move around?
  4. U get visas or fly in and out? What work u do back home?
  5. Thats my plan sort of.
  6. Where do u live in Thailand?
  7. Ive been 14 times Just short trips I speak ok thai Im bored <deleted>less in oz
  8. What would u recommend i keep?
  9. How long did u stay in thailand?
  10. Flat battery. I had a car sit for 12 mths before. I dont need furniture i think. Can sell it. Tools are useful. Car rego costs though. Hard choice.
  11. Oz Storage be $236 a month for car with stuff in it. Furniture dont know. Im just so bored with life. Always wanted to live os.
  12. It doesnt. Thats what the topic is about though. Im pro gay marriage.
  13. Did you think George Michael or Elton were straight before they came out?
  14. You can tell by looking at lots of people. Lesbians are often easy.
  15. https://www.adelaide.edu.au/newsroom/news/list/2022/02/22/meat-eating-extends-human-life-expectancy-worldwide
  16. Map is wrong. Oz inflation 5.1%, tipped to hit 7% by rba
  17. Last day on earth? Find the hottest woman and hire her for the day.
  18. Meat is very nutrient dense. Earlier studies saying meat was bad were flawed. Failed to factor in junk food, smoking, drinking etc. A lot of vegans dont smoke nor drink much. Read the study. Enjoy your steak.
  19. https://www.adelaide.edu.au/newsroom/news/list/2022/02/22/meat-eating-extends-human-life-expectancy-worldwide
  20. Data from adel uni says meat eaters live longer.
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