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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. What did u focus on?
  2. My best years were 18 to 19, 26,27 then 34 to 44. Need a new plan.
  3. I wish i had a kid One be enough
  4. My father said that
  5. I want to travel soon.
  6. Yes but after losing half a million dollars its hard to just forget it. My work is patchy. My future is uncertain. 5 years ago I had a plan. Now Im digging around looking for a new plan.
  7. I fear boredom. Loss of purpose. Im middle aged and bored from life.
  8. Dont think so. 3c to 50,000 is luck. $500m. Trying turning 5k into $500m using skill.
  9. Luck is better than skill.
  10. Price up 500 to 1000x Volume has to fall
  11. Actually volume is down due to cost. Price is 1000x higher. Has to fall. $40 vs $40000 for example
  12. I dont believe that chart.
  13. What if it trades 2k to 8k next 5 years after a fall?
  14. He made some tweets. Thats it.
  15. Do you know what fascism means? Trump is a capitalist.
  16. You quoted the Guardian many times. A newspaper website. Do you think that is going to change Chinese co2 output?
  17. What facts? Facts are historical. Future is uncertain. Quoting newspapers wont convert people to adopt your opinion which is based on reading newspaper articles.
  18. Ive read the science. My opinion is different to yours.
  19. How does a poor person make $2m?
  20. Risk vs reward. I prefer shares. Risk 1k on coins. All relative
  21. Technology solves most problems I agree with much of what you say. In 2030 or 2030 science is better.
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