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Everything posted by Sparktrader

  1. I prefer bank shares. 1 higher yields 2 growth LT 3 backed by gov anyway. Better to own the bank then make deposits. Same theory with gold. Own the company not the resource. Yield plus growth.
  2. 20 to 35yo asian women are cute.
  3. Decentralised. Fiat has lost every year for 100 years. 100 year bear market.
  4. Im.an idiot. I looked at amazon 20 yrs ago
  5. Buffet didnt get rich on his own money. He ran a company. He bought Amazon in 2019. About 20 years after they started lol Fiat is a pyramid. You already invest in that.
  6. Why do people quote billionaires? Like copying Tiger Woods swing and expecting to improve your game by 10 shots lol There would be 100 billionaires that did things Buffet wouldnt like. If they listened to him would still be poor.
  7. I have no idea but billionaires know 1 or 2 things well. Buffet didnt buy Amazon or Microsoft cheap. Loses money 40% of years. Musk loves coins. He is richer than both those guys.
  8. Yes income while wheels stopped. Add up cba dividends since 1998.
  9. Shares are better. 1992 you buy a top 10 stock. Whats it worth now?
  10. Who cares what Gates thinks???? Is he the expert who is right 100% of the time?
  11. He was mates with Epstein
  12. I like shares that pay divs. Hold a share for 10 years at a high yield you get a free carry. Bhp $14 in 2016. 250k worth 800k, 86k pa div. 180,000 baht a month. Buy quality in a bad year, hold forever. You get growth and divs.
  13. I bought at 5k, 23k. Did some trades at other prices. More interested in shares. Big chances to buy good shares soon.
  14. It depends how u trade. 1 day, 1 year, 5 years...
  15. Whats the pound worth now compared to 1992?
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