It seems CM immigration as of now indeed accepts documents that are less than 7 days old, including the bank papers (But for how long? Maybe the finally figured out that all these shopping mall banks only open at 11:00). However, they still find nonsense hoops for you. Like, oo i do not see a transaction in the month September. How do I know your money was still there at the time? Duh.. it's not deducted is it? So what was there, still is there. But hey, they want you to go to the bank to get some other statement. So bank manager just wrote something herself. It is so nonsensical. Or some comment like your efficient copying did not leave space for my huge stamp. How about having a clear website that mentions exactly what one needs for what and how including a completed dummy example. I think they do not even want that. The prefer the personalized flexible treatment.. in a negative way that is. Efficiency is not their priority, if it is even on the list. It is also a massive sheep farm there. A new building, not build to specs. Or their process is not to specs ; Lalala