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Everything posted by Tubulat

  1. Massive increase? No, I just pay much less..... ...but recently I mount solar panels ;-))
  2. I'm sorry it is stil not easy, they, (government/hospital) do very difficult. I've got my 2 jabs in the government hospital in Chaam. After the second jab with Pfizer, I got a Pink card, yes with the name (Thailand Certificate of Covid enz.), but NO 13 digit number what starts with 6000, but in my case with 0113 etc. The nurse who gives me the card told me to make a picture of the QR code in the upper/right corner of the pink card. And yes it brings you to website with in green "COVID-19 Vaccine and test result certificate" so is that what I need? I need the yellow book because I like to go out of the country, so went back to the hospital for the yellow book but NO, no yellow book, very complicated. So I wonder to where do I have to go, district office? Another hospital?
  3. As human beings we all have our faults, as long we can accept that from each other it will be fine. It was our opposite characters that collided. In normal circumstances I visit her once a year, and also to visit my children, without any problem.
  4. She knows, we all living together as friends.
  5. I live for more than 12 years with my mia noi, the mia luang stays in Europe and accepts it. From time to time she comes to here and we have a nice time together.
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