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Everything posted by grain

  1. blah...blah...blah.
  2. I actually have 2 X DTAC sims in my phone, one I've had for many years and I keep that current with some credit on it because that number is registered with bank accounts and officials and it'll be hassle to change the number. I get these 12 month sims purely for the data, though having free calls with them is a good bonus, but I rarely use the calls as about 95% of the calls I do make are done using internet apps like Messenger or Line or Whatsapp. I'm currently in Australia (go back to BKK this coming Friday) and here with Vodafone I get unlimited free calls but rarely use them, only if I make a doc appointment, all my social calls to friends are via FB and Line.
  3. I actually have 2 X DTAC sims in my phone, one I've had for many years and I keep that current with some credit on it because that number is registered with bank accounts and officials and it'll be hassle to change the number. I get these 12 month sims purely for the data, though having free calls with them is a good bonus, but I rarely use the calls as about 95% of the calls I do make are done using internet apps like Messenger or Line or Whatsapp. I'm currently in Australia (go back to BKK this coming Friday) and here with Vodafone I get unlimited free calls but rarely use them, only if I make a doc appointment, all my social calls to friends are via FB and Line.
  4. Are DTAC and TRUE the same now, in terms of reception and signals and speeds? In the past I've only used DTAC sims but are TRUE sims the same as DTAC now or are there some differences?
  5. Thanks for the info Andrew, only 6 Mbps isn't much, I want at least 20 mbps, more would be better. I think I'll better get a 60gb or 100gb a month deal and get the faster speed.
  6. Yes that's a good idea, I'll be staying near a BTS line (Nana) so can easily get to MBK and buy cash from the shop, save me mucking about ordering online after I get back to Korat.
  7. @Upnotover: Thanks I'll check it out.
  8. OK I understand now, This sim here would suit my requirements: https://www.alottechs.com/product/dtac-turbo-x100 I'll be in Bangkok for a few days next week, is there anywhere I can buy this cash while in BKK, or does it have to be ordered online? (in which case I'd need to wait until I get back to my address in Korat) It would be very convenient for me to get such a sim on the spot while in BKK next weekend.
  9. I could never get into bed with a woman who has taken a dump then wiped her ass with toilet paper and now got into bed with a dirty ass. That would sicken me.
  10. Many thanks for this info SMIAI, it seems things have changed a lot in the past 12 months. I used to get unlimited data with DTAC for around 1800bt. I notice you say about hotspot wifi, has that changed now? I used to hotspot my laptop and sometimes my smart TV to my phone. Have they stopped us doing that now?
  11. In the past I've ordered pre-paid sims from Lazada or Shopee, usually DTAC for 12 months, with either unlimited data or high monthly data allowance. I'll need to get a new one soon so can anyone point me to the best deals at the moment?
  12. Is there any more nonsense they can come up with? They seem to sit around in meetings all day every day just brainstorming absurd ideas.
  13. One punch and it's all over, he's out cold flat on his back. It doesn't matter who is in the right or in the wrong, it boils down to this. If you don't know the first thing about fighting, if you haven't been in boxing rings, or martial art tournaments, or in street fights or barroom brawls before then keep your mouth shut and don't go around provoking people.
  14. Does anyone give a rat's ass what George Clowny thinks or says?
  15. "His body was severely burned", well, looking at that photo I won't doubt that at all. Poor guy, hell of a way to go. Hopefully for his sake he smashed his head in when he hit the pole. RIP.
  16. Heineken for me. I also enjoy San Mig and Bud from time to time. As for Leo & Chang & Archa, I'll pass on them. For me it's not just a matter of the taste, there's also the hangover test. I do limit my beer intake and keep within my limits but on those occasions when I do have a few too many I can handle the Heineken hangover, whereas Leo or Chang hangovers are soul-destroying things to get through.
  17. I did a check before making my post, previously UK PP was 15 days visa free but it's now 45 days, for US PP I read that a visa is required, but I didn't look any deeper than that.
  18. I love listening to them and counting the number of calls they make, I've lived in several houses that have one and I've never tried to get rid of it, they do eventually move away though.
  19. Yes, if you're used to Thai food, or have a TGF with you then this is a good tip. I always take a couple packs of chilli powder when I go to Vietnam. Also be careful with the coffee unless you have a real high tolerance to caffeine. I had a big mug of black Vietnamese coffee one morning in HaNoi and it totally ruined my day, it whacked me hard and I had the jitters all day long.
  20. As I mentioned above, I've done both, overnight on the boat and the daytrip. The daytrip was a bit rushed as they cram a couple other things in, there's the visit to the cave, which I found tough going 10 years ago when I was in my 60s and would probably give a miss now if I did the tour again, and there was some kyaking around, which was OK. So because the overnight trip is longer you do get to see more of Halong Bay, and we did go around the karst islands more. So I recommend the overnight trip. However, when we did it there was a choice of sleeping on the boat and having dinner on the boat, or getting off at Cat Ba Is and staying in a hotel and finding your own dinner. We slept on the boat and the cabin was ok but the dinner was crap. The people who opted to stay in the hotel told they had a good night, and had a good dinner in one of the many seafood restaurants on the island, then they rejoined the boat in the morning to return to the mainland.
  21. If Thais turn against you the best thing to do is put as much distance as possible between you and them. Even if you took legal action and won the right to remain on in the property, then the Thai owner is going to be even worse to deal with, Thais don't like losing, especially to a farang. They'll make your life a misery and it could even be dangerous for you. If the Thai owner wants you gone, then go.
  22. @fredwiggy: yes with a US PP you need to get a visa. As I have UK PP can now get 45 days visa free (I just checked), and 30 days for TGF. I might try and work out a one-month holiday in VN myself. Maybe rent an apartment at Danang for a month. I like staying a long time in one spot as you can really get into the local thing better. Last time we went to HaNoi we stayed at the same hotel for 2 weeks. Anyway, your plan sounds fine. Fly HaNoi, then Halong Bay. I'm not sure about spending a couple of days there, I've been twice, first time we went overnight and slept on the boat, then back to HaNoi next day. 2nd time we just did a daytrip from HaNoi, off in the morning and back by evening. The first trip when we slept overnight on the boat was better. Then as you say you can make your way down to the Central region. If you want to go to Khe Sahn there's no point going down to Danang first, you may as well hop off at Dong Ha. There are lots of Vietnam War tours operating out of Hue, but we just did our own with a private rent car/driver. He was playing the tour guide and telling us lots of things but I knew more than him anyway having read numerous books. There's a monument at Lang Vei but the site of the Special Forces Camp that got overrun was actually across the road from the monument. There's nothing left today. Khe Sahn was very interesting. You look up at those mountains and can imagine the firepower that poured down on the US Marines.
  23. Thailand, always a decade or two behind the west. The tide is turning in the west now, good decent people have had enough of this nonsense. In the USA now the offical government policy if there are 2 genders, male and female. Hopefully other countries like UK, Australia, European countries will follow suit.
  24. I've been several times, with my TGF, as I have a UK PP I also didn't need a visa as I got 15 days on arrival, which was adequate for our plans. I've flown BKK - HaNoi, BKK - HCMC, and BKK- Danang. Danang is my favorite place in VN, less crowded & hectic than HaNoi and HCMC, very nice beach, lots of nice seafood restaurants, and as you're interested in the Vietnam War sites the best are in the central region of VN. We took the train from Hue to Dong Ha and from there found a tour guide who took us to Khe Sahn, the Rockpile, the site of the Special Forces Camp at Lang Vei, a VC tunnel site, plus a few other war era sites. Our last visit was pre-pandemic, if I was to go again to VN I'd fly to Danang and hang out there and Hoi An, maybe go to Khe Sahn again.
  25. I agree entirely, this will come soon. Just one more requirement on the list.
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