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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. atlantis: I forgot your “breakthrough” infections; my AZ gives me full 100% (99.99 then!) protection from death or hospital, per FDA AZ Phase III Vax Trials.can you actually name even one case in ten thousand as “breakthrough” of a fully AZ vaxxed person dying in hospital.  

    bet in fact its zero……no UK case where it was invented and has the most usage….. no known case in thailand either……or anywhere that I heard

    so disingenuous to say I’m spreading misinformation…


    and can you stop using that word “very”…. and term “very very” …..unlettered practice.

    • Like 1
  2. fair riposte Atlantis; higher standard than before; truly did not realize the extent of the anti vaxx lunacy in USA, make that “ few hundred thousands” then; but immune people who have survived covid obviously do not need the vax; good point on efficacy but shall be guided by AZ notices on when booster(s) required.


    yes, I am a “big picture” guy who drills down from the top of the data mountain only so far, big ideas, big statistics, big outcomes only……

  3. atlantis: I am not wounded / outraged / dumb/ offended / faux / feeling trolled / misinformed.

    I can handle over-lengthy misguided patronising posts all day…..with clear fact - based arguments.


    compulsory vax for a few thousand (surviving) anti - vaxx loons, endangering others, for community protection, is not comparable, or morally equivalent, to denying the vax protection to millions of normal sensible people,thereby sentencing some of them to a cruel death.


    Anyone who thinks that is a suitable subject for “ legendary” mockery , with solitary post “trophy” ,

    is indeed to be pitied………or certified…..funny it ain’t.


    I would disagree with compulsory vax on basic freedom grounds. I am fully vaxxed with AZ so these morons cant kill or hospitalize me. BUT the due consequences for them should be full isolation, as a group, from civil society. ……….after first visiting the dying covid victims in ICU begging to be vaxxed….


    neither am I troubled by, or involved in, misinformation or disinformation.

    I have a trained rational educated mind, capable of establishing/separating key facts from fiction.

    hope we are clear and done now.



    • Like 1
  4. “context” ?  clear murderous statement was made then reinforced. if he’s a comedian he’s not funny.

    and completely and stupidly on the wrong side of the argument…….

    couldnt care less about intent or deeper meaning or “sarcasm”. seriously ? 

    give that post a trophy ? arent you then “part of the problem” ? 

    • Like 1
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  5. Surely Expats should be entirely unconcerned with Politics here.

    Safe Cheap Quality Relaxed Tropical Family Lifestyle is All.


    Here we have an ancient primitive people, w/limited IQ, from the backward wild parts of south china.

    Adopted the indigenous Khmer / Mon / Indian culture / architecture, when arriving here around 1200.

    culturally unable to modernize or change (unlike advanced north east asia nations, with high IQ, and even they had modern change FORCED on them by the West). 

    key test: invented nothing / explored no other countries 

    limited change here has all been compelled from modern western influences.


    every people get the govt they deserve.

    here the major causal problems are Poor Education & Passive Corrupt Culture,.

    allowing no real deep outside influence. 


    Civilian Govt. was far worse than present Military Govt. Every MP self- serving & corrupt.

    Country was Chaotic/Divided/Paralyzed. Nobody talks about that, only how bad the current govt is.


    Well Let’s Stop Complaining. We are Not Wanted only Tolerated.

    THIS is as Good as it Gets. Accept It or Go. And many have left for other ASEAN places……

    Too Late for some of us. Malaysia would have been my “ hindsight” choice.

    • Like 1
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  6. jwest: the UK “pathetic”….seriously,  in what way ? UK easily the most successful political union EVER, 315 years old, enabled worldwide British Empire / Culture/ Language / Science / Industry, etc, etc. Seemingly threatened, yes, by the failed “devolved” national parliaments, who if independent  would be insolvent backwaters, pently reliant on English Taxpayers to survive.Now THAT’S Pathetic……..

    • Haha 1
  7. CHUBB PA Insurance. Best / Cheapest Thai / International Cover.

    Child or Age 40 (my Lady & Son)  7,500 baht each yearly. Age 65 (Myself) 15,000 baht yearly. 300,000 baht cover per Accident. Accepted by All Thai Hospitals for Direct Insurer Payment. No Deductible. Just Present your Chubb Carry Card at Hospital Reception & Sign Bill. Have Done It !


    If Minor Accident use Private Hospital for greater Comfort / Service / English. If Major Accident use Best Public Hospital  (Vachira Phuket for example) to consume cover limit at govt. tariff rates ( around one third private hospital rates). 


    Recommend Mr. Eric Dohlon, my expert Swedish / Thai Insurance Broker.

    Website insurance- in - thailand. mobile 089 649 3012.


    CORRECTION ( Following Sheryl Reply to My Original Post)


    Supplemental LMG Low Cost Health Insurance (Thailand Only). 

    EXAMPLE 7,700 baht yearly at age 65. 640k baht cover per incident. 

    Less 200k baht Deductible. 15k baht yearly with 100k Deductible (age 65).

    DOUBLE Cover at Half those Premiums. for Age 40 ( approx.)

    Must Contact Broker for Your Specific Case.


  8. thai govt vax certs have QR codes linked to vax  centres, vax batches and passport data on thai govt health ministry data base. near impossible / uneconomic to forge a cert that would survive such passport level encryption, assuming foreign immigration seek & have such access……..


    problem is that foreign govts dont trust thailand to comply western -style with vax mfr. program ……

  9. 11 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

    Yes, had my litre of beer + free buffet at Rossovivo last night. <burp>


    ha ! cruised past RV last night. saw my gym rat friend sitting outside, with table of friends, with his operated arm strapped up, after bike spill. decided not to disturb the ( full) table. went instead to Veranda Kata 250 baht Friday BBQ with unlimited fish / pork / chicken/  kebabs/ liver/ salad…….


    only live music in patong I found was Sweetie Bar ( bangla) and Terrazzo ( Hol. Inn Beach Rd.)

    stacks of fine looking bar girls in bangla…..alas I’m no longer Single here…….no gogo though…..

    Freedom Bar Rawai great Live Rock restarts 6:30 to 10 pm next Friday 8 Oct. Spead the Word !

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