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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. fair enough lou, but if substituting “motocycle” for “vehicle” might that not fly ? so not complete ns…
    my insurance broker expert told me no first class insurance available for my now 7 uear old MC.

    no members here have said different. my car was privately bought when already over the apparent 15 years old 1st class Car Insurance threshold. btw you could still consider changing you name here….

    he he just messin’ witcha ….. 

    • Haha 1
  2. I’m a humourous guy but cant see anything remotely comical in the OP “ Measures of (Financial) Wealth”. Disaster in Malaysia ? Explain……Get it through your thick cynical skulls that Thailand is tired of hosting deadbeat poor “cheap charlie” addict “playboys” and hobbyist rice farmers, and all manner of worldwide dross, arriving on one way tickets, converting to agent “retirement” visa ( no money/ actual illegal immigrants). Thai Govt. wants to “reset” with quality resident types.  


    Better start would be to require Embassy Visas for all non-PR arrivals and SHUT Visa On Arrival Airport Counters, we see frequented by Nigerian Fraudsters, Indian Scammers, Pakistani Drug Dealers, North African Pimps, etc…..none of whom plan on leaving either…..

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:


    Correction posted here 10am yesterday, well before above unwelcome rude remark, rather typical of  your usual negative insulting language here……..


    Actually nobody cares to be confronted here, on every post, with where members come from, especially that city, which reputation elsewhere in UK , inc. spell as a “ EU City of Culture ” (withdrawn)  and “boycotting” the Sun newspaper, is of course a complete joke, apart from the Merseybeat phenom, LFC & Hillsborough aside. Wherein the entire city identity & pride is forever tearfully invested.


    Otherwise there is the National Giro ( Welfare Benefits) Centre ( how fitting indeed) , four generations of same- family Welfare Claimants, national reputation for work ( pronounced “weerk” for some reason) shyness & thievery. World ( pronounced “ weeeerlld” of course) Capital of Self Pity indeed……went there  (Bootle) once for a business meeting….heard about a one-punch road rage incident , same day nearby, witnessed by my colleague……continually invisible & irrelevant ( LFC aside) place.

    • Haha 1
  4. nobody here paying attention it seems. read the article properly.

    mental health issue. appears first offence. child age. nobody injured.not counting any “PTSD”……. 

    education authority determined to pay bail after her principal’s report to them no doubt.

    how a presumed tiny young girl can conduct robbery without being disarmed & arrested by the people all around, calls for explanation. poor journalism….


  5. spidermike: hideous treatment over your Marriage Stay Extention. first class corrective action though.

    Refer my above opinions ….. attitude is “you are just a glorified Tourist. Go Back Home. Apply There”.

    And no Agent Income as you had the temerity to apply Direct……plus IO a likely poor govt worker with poor thai husband so big time jealously thing….why did you not avoid female IO !? Getting sloppy are we in your dotage ? he he just joking….. personally would never marry ( again) here or anywhere….

    wife status gives women waaaaay too much power over the husband….. could easily take everything here from you, including your sanity……my property & car here in my name….but Will leaves All to my great Lady / Kid…..

  6. Too many cheap charlie illegal farang immigrants playing hobbyist rice farmers or intl. playboys to relax internal visa controls.The internal three month / reg. address visa control system is there for a reason…….

    Stopping “Visa Exempt” entry would remove most riff raff types overnight.

    Require all Tourists to secure Embassy Issued non- extendable Three / Six Month Tourist Visas.

    Resulting in Immediate Tourism Reset to High Quality People Only.

    Stop All Internal Visa / Extention Issues / Agent Use for non-Property Owners.

    Longstay Visas from Thai Embassy Only, including Police Clearance.

    Problem is such measures would drastically cut Imm. Income, so wont happen.

    These suggestions are Post- Covid of course.


    Major Blunt Post Wake Up Calls:


    Immigration here is a BUSINESS to Maximise Profits. To Pinch not help Foreigners. Rules intended to drive exasperated Foreigners to Agents or disadvantage Direct Customers ( 800k in thai bank, etc).

    Clue: Genuine Immigration does not permit “Agents”.

    Everybody here without Permanent Residency is treated as, and  effectively is, a TOURIST.

    The clue is in the term “Longstay” Visa ( not “ Residence” Visa).

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Too many cheap charlie illegal farang immigrants playing hobbyist rice farmers or intl. playboys to relax internal visa controls.The internal three month / reg. address visa control system is there for a reason…….

    Stopping “Visa Exempt” entry would remove most riff raff types overnight.

    Require all Tourists to secure Embassy Issued non- extendable Three / Six Month Tourist Visas.

    Resulting in Immediate Tourism Reset to High Quality People Only.

    Stop All Internal Visa / Extention Issues / Agent Use for non-Property Owners.

    Longstay Visas from Thai Embassy Only, including Police Clearance.

    Problem is such measures would drastically cut Imm. Income, so wont happen.

    These suggestions are Post- Covid of course.

  8. Same “Alien Reg.No.” on Thai Pink ID Card, Yellow House Book & Tax Cert.

    WHO Yellow Intl. Vax Card is Known & Accepted Worldwide.

    Thai Covid Passport will not be accepted outside Thailand.

    It should have Duplicated the WHO vax booklet…….

    Tomorrow I shall get my Completed 2nd Jab AZ Cert. from Public Hospital and get them or the vax centre to so stamp / sign / certify / incorporate within WHO booklet. Job Done. Maximum Effort.

    Not going to MOPH Bkk with Air Ticket for the Thai Covid Passport.

    What nonsense to not have local  hospitals issue that……in WHO Form.

    • Like 1
  9. Same “Alien Reg.No.” on Thai Pink ID Card, Yellow House Book & Tax Cert.

    WHO Yellow Intl. Vax Card is Known & Accepted Worldwide.

    Thai Covid Passport will not be accepted outside Thailand.

    It should have Duplicated the WHO vax booklet…….

    Tomorrow I shall get my Completed 2nd Jab AZ Cert. from Public Hospital and get them or the vax centre to so stamp / sign / certify / incorporate within WHO booklet. Job Done. Maximum Effort.

    Not going to MOPH Bkk with Air Ticket for the Thai Covid Passport.

    What nonsense to not have local  hospitals issue that……in WHO Form.

  10. SIMPLE. Ban Small Mopeds & Sidecars. Saves 50% Road Carnage ( 10,000 lives) annually. Cant afford even a used Large Moped ( 150cc +) ? Share.. and Enforce Laws. ……Huge Neg. Impact on Thai Economy (10%?) which simply doesn’t register with Govt.


    JAIL on First Offense of No License/ No Inspection Tax/ No Insurance/ No Fitness  ( Drink / Drugs/ Overload) / No Helmet.


    PROBLEM: Only the Poor affected. Simply cant afford safe legal transport…..clearly these lives are Worthless to authorities here.


    SOLUTION: Alleviate Poverty & Westernize Education. Liquidate the ridiculous top man landholdings to pay for it all. Use Outside Experts.













    • Like 1
  11. tanomazu: Yeah, from your long but superficial comments, you, and everyone with heavy Spain interest, really DOES need to read Michener’s “ Iberia”. Living in Spain for any period counts for nothing without TRAVELLING extensively throughout Spain, as I did during my four years working in Madrid. Sensational country. Many years not leaving Med Coast for example ,or Madrid even,does mean a person knows Spain, not even close……


    yes, SE Asia is Great but for ONLY for the Simple Idyllic Lofestyle. 

    Spain has that too …and SO much more. Festivals, Art, Sports, Theatre, Culture, Roman History & Architecture, Museums…….

    2500 years of advanced civilization. world super power for 300 years. thailand cannot begin to match that…..started only 800 years ago up north, ancient chinese people, with basically little self- generated change since.

  12. Spain is as far from “boring” as you can possibly get.

    Check out “Iberia” (James Michener). Spain is Rich in Deep Fascinating Unique Culture & History. MUCH more so than SE Asia which is relatively one dimensional I believe, for Westerners anyway. Forget Med Coast.

    That is not representative of Spain at all.Like saying Pattaya is the real Thailand.


    I prefer to live in Thailand when not working for Simplicity & Idyllic Cheap Tropical Island Weather. Somewhat fixed here by Family & Property…..

    But very happy here

    • Like 2
  13. Correction: it’s my Motorbike thats now seven years old where first class insurance not now available, according to my excellent insurance broker.

    My Car was bought five years ago when 15 years old and could never get first class insurance, I suppose because over 15 years old as stated by other posts here. thanks for ever increasing inderstanding here !

  14. hastings battle a single date so just memory. stonehenge built in phases between 2800bc and 2200 bc, might be just memorizing date range ?

    history vital to citizenship so the basics must be learned but evolution of democracy and western ideas is important not dates ….thats what gets history its bad rep. as easy or boring…….

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