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Posts posted by catturd

  1. The study notes the "conclusions are based on making assumptions", and "there is a huge amount of uncertainty in these modeled estimates..."   


    Hang tight, read the next assumption based conclusion based on insufficient data and you can get a different result for the same subject assessment:

    Early assessment of the clinical severity of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in South Africa


    "Early analyses suggest a reduced risk of hospitalisation among SGTF-infected individuals when compared to non-SGTF infected individuals in the same time period. Once hospitalised, risk of severe disease was similar for SGTF- and non-SGTF infected individuals, while SGTF-infected individuals had a reduced risk of severe disease when compared to earlier Delta-infected individuals. Some of this reducton is likely a result of high population immunity."


    Need to have some real world data to be certain where omicron may be taking us.


    For now & FYI here are various media reports and articles swirling the web:

    Real-world data from U.K. suggests omicron is less likely than delta to send people to the hospital


    South African doctors see signs omicron is milder than delta



    And for some of you, never take your eyes off The Atlantic" and this OP:

    Omicron Is the Beginning of the End



    Hopefully omicron does not reset your vaccine passport to Zero, and does bring an end to this pandemic madness. Being extra cautious in the face of omicron is warranted, for now, until the science and real world supporting data are known, confirmed by more than "assumptions" based on "uncertainty".


    Hope this is helpful, be sure to leave a comment.


    CDC-What We Know about Omicron










    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

    No, vaccines can be developed and  produced quickly but "testing" takes years to validate their effectiveness and safety.  The Covid vaccines were done in months. However they did not go through the normal decade long testing to validate their effectiveness or long term safety because of the "emergency use" 

    Now in terms of your comment about years, I might point out that 1987 was 44 years ago. 

    Now in terms of your comment about years, I might point out that 1987 was 44 years ago. 


    It was?

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Danderman123 said:


    You noticed that? Really? Do you spend a lot of time reading the CDC site?


    Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.


    much more likely that your internet friends sent you some propaganda. Don’t pay any attention to them, they lie to you.

    Ok, "correct" this for me, ask your smart friends. And yes, I read this on the CDC site after noticing it reported in the WAPO.

    As per CDC:

    • immunity: "Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease."
    • protection: "Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease."

    CDC PROTECTION Sept 2021-R1.jpg

    CDC vaccine IMMUNITY May 2016-R1.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. If a vaccine was developed and introduced that provided actual immunity instead of short term protection, and tested and shown to be safe, beyond the experimental stage then maybe covid fizzles out.

    I notice the CDC changed their definition of "vaccine" recently on their website and substituted the word "protection" for "immunity" which is fair I suppose since immunity implies that exposure to a virus will prevent infection and the current vaccines do not do that with the current dominant covid variant. As vaccination levels increase the vast majority of infections, hospitalizations and deaths will be in the vaccinated people who while protected somewhat are not immune to covid.

    On the flip side there is very low incidence of covid infection in so many African counties that have very low vaccination levels.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, placeholder said:

    As I just pointed out, I have never claimed that vaccination stops transmission. I was replying to Longwood who claims that it doesn't slow transmission. If you have a problem with this, it's with him. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

    Yeah, more gaslighting. Ok, I don't understand, (along with all the data), nobody understands nothing but you.


  6. 5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    If anyone is doing gaslighting here, it's you. The person I was replying to contends that vaccination does nothing to slow the spread of covid-19 much less prevent its transmission. I have never claimed that vaccination stops the transmission of covid-19.

    No gaslighting at my end, just fact based reality, not your alternate reality based bias.

  7. 13 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Do you think invoking that one study repeatedly is going to establish its authority. It was published in the correspondence section of a journal. It is not peer reviewed. I connect to a CDC tally of many studies showing that vaccination effects transmission. Why do you believe that one non-peer reviewed study trumps all of them? Give it up.

    There has to be a correlation, only a fool does not understand a few simple concepts which are waning protection and MANY so called experts at the CDC and other groups all agreeing the current vaccines DO NOT prevent covid infection or spread, but may only slow it. These same experts do all agree that illness and death are reduced by vaccination. The spread of delta IS NOT 100% preventable at this time. Vaccine efficacy (relative protection only) is about 90% after full vaccine doses, but dips to 20% or less after 5 or 6 months. If the vaccine's are stopping infection why is a 3rd dose required?

    Some good example to reference is the current vaccination and current 7 day infection rates in Indonesia and Netherlands, and many other countries.

    So, stop gaslighting everyone about covid prevention and the vaccines. The evidence is starting to show and is growing daily as scientists collect more data and learn from the current real world scenarios playing out globally.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, SidJames said:

    Can anyone explain why Gibraltar is threatening to lock down & it has the highest vaccination percentage on the planet?

    Also may I bring up the subject of attacks on unvaxxed people filling up ICU beds & ask if we know how many beds are filled with smokers?

    I don't hear any government or political party in the world saying that they will ban smokers from working or going to social events & yet smoking is a real choice whereas catching a virus is not for the most part.

    Will that only happen when the tax revenues from tobacco  don't meet the costs to health care?

    Some countries are saying that they will make these vaccinations compulsory next year so will they also ban smoking?

    Disclaimer: I'm double jabbed & used to chain smoke until I gave up 20 years ago.

    Well, despite the high vaccination rates and emerging trends, data, knowledge, etc., the covid management experts are beginning to better understand the virus and have generally indicated that vaccines alone cannot, will not stop the pandemic, the reproduction rate R0 is >1 in many countries vaxxed or unvaxxed and I did see somewhere that the many in the fray are beginning to question if herd immunity is possible now. Someone, somewhere stated vaccines alone will not work, NPI is required. (non pharmacutical intervention).

    Vaccines effectiveness, especially phizer, is now shown to wane, to dramatically low levels within 6 months time frame and there are the frequently increasing break through infections.


    So, Gibraltar and other countries, Germany included are responding with intervention consistent with what they feel necessary to combat the spread of covid despite high vaccination rates in the face of decreasing vaccine performance.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Come back after you’ve compared countries with reliable data collection and equivalent population densities. 


    Then take at hospitalisations and death rates from Covid-19 (I know this article refers to Covid-19 cases, but the true metric is deaths and hospitalisations - as we are likely to be living alongside covid than eradicating it).

    The topic is about covid spread/transmission. Try to keep up.

    • Confused 1
  10. No premise,  just facts. But okay, so just use Comirnaty then, BUT WAIT....there ain't none yet.


    But there is a huge elephant in the room.  Under EUAs, the government pays for the product and the manufacturer has NO liability, unless you can prove willful misconduct AND the DHHS Secretary allows you to sue. That has never happened.

    But once the product (Pfizer’s vaccine, today) is licensed, the liability shield under EUA disappears. Unless there has a been a secret agreement regarding liability after approval, which is probably not legal, Pfizer will be liable for all injuries sustained by the licensed vaccine. And Pfizer’s vaccine seems to be causing a record number of injuries and deaths, based on the VAERS data.


    Dr. Nass importantly notes that the new, approved vaccine will carry a brand name (Comirnaty) and have liability attached to its use, whereas the unbranded, emergency-use vaccine didn’t/doesn’t. Would Pfizer risk being liable for its product given its current safety record? (A new bill in Congress is trying to have their liability removed).




  11. And, as pfizer states "The FDA-approved Pfizer-BioNTech product Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under EUA have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably..."

    why the notation in footnote 9 stating: "...there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA".

     Like, whats going on with that?


  12. 1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

    Post with unattributed content and responses to it removed.

    Is this acceptable?


    Does anyone know what pfizer's intended meaning of "certain differences" could be?

    My employer will/may terminate any unvaccinated employee within 5 weeks of FDA vaccine approval.


  13. 14 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    This will help with mandates requiring vaccinations for Federal and State employees in the US.


    It will also help private companies to require vaccinations for employment.


    Moderna is next in line.


    Good news!



    If a vaccine attains FDA approval, I argue that all EUA vaccines should be stopped! That includes all vaccines in the US except comirnaty.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  14. 44 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


    You mean in Thailand?


    So far, just 1.5 mm doses donated from the U.S., most of which have probably been administered. Another 1 mm doses from the U.S are said to be "in the works".


    The government said they made a firm order with Pfizer for 20 mm doses, these are due from Q4 21. They also sad they were considering another 10 mm order.


    AFAIK, this is the only vaccine considered appropriate for 12 - 18 year olds.



    All my Thai MoPH/hospital paperwork refers to my two doses of Pfizer as "Comirnaty" in "Name of Vaccine" and "Pfizer, BioNTech" under "Manufacturer", so not sure what you're on about with these sorts of droppings.


    Seems odd that a thai hospital is the only place on the planet offering Comirnaty. It's not available ANYWHERE  in the US, no pharmacies, hospitals, clinics I checked offer it.

    Comirnaty footnote-9.jpg

    • Like 1
  15. Does anyone have knowledge of when/if comirnaty vaccine will be available and where? Anyone been offered this newly branded vaccine?

    Hmm, ok, maybe after the FDA mandated comirnaty trials (investigate the risk of inflammation in and around the heart, as voluntary reporting mechanisms are insufficient) conclude June 30, 2025 (FDA accepted Pfizer’s suggested timetable ) will it be offered.


    For now, If you want FDA cominarty you can have it, but it will be called EUA pfizer.

  16. 50 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Intellectually honorable people back up their claims. I've looked in vain for any evidence either for or against your claim and found none. If I were to claim aliens from Alpha Centauri were behind the covid epidemic, I daresay you couldn't find any evidence for or against that. Does that mean it's true?  To put it another old-fashioned way "Where's the beef?"

    Go read FDA letter issued to a Ms. Elisa Harkins at pfizer on Aug 23. Quit being obtuse, read the letter, absorb the facts and details and maybe go write a poem about it. 555.


  17. 50 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Lewis Carroll wrote a poem called The Hunting of the Snark. In it is made the assertion that if you say something 3 times it's true. So if that nonsense poem is the source of your authority, you may have a point. Just one more assertion and you've arrived. Otherwise, why not try providing some actual proof? You know, the kind that you yourself provide a verifiable link and not the kind where you ask others to look it up for themselves. 

    Prove my statement is false.

    As I thought, you won't cuz you can't. Facts are facts, deal with it or get outta the game if you can't hack it.

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