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Posts posted by catturd

  1. What I find curious is why is comirnaty required if Phizer is approved, (as they are same ingredients) but not really approved unless it is called comirnaty which is not available (comirnaty) at this time according to pfizer and will be in clinical trials until 2025. Check footnote 9 of the FDA letter sent to pfizer AUG23 attesting to comirnaty availability.

    So, keep using EUA pfizer (no liability) until such time after 2025, if comirnaty passes scrutiny and all know risks and side effects are listed into the record at which time liability becomes a huge issue for pfizer,,,,,BUT not/never as long as EUA pfizer vaccine is used. Very sneaky, underhanded.

    • Haha 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    So 33 of the World's governments are more ineptitude than the Thai government, since this nation only ranks as number 34...????


    Thailand has actually moved up to number 33 today, but some countries haven't reported their daily figurs yet, so it can go both ways. The count is based on total number of registered cases, which says nothing. The count in total rank should rather be death per million population, and that number is 137 for Thailand today.

    Which ineptitude governments do you wish to compare with?
    Average for the whole World is 570 death per million.


    Lets see some other selected countries with ineptitude governments based on deaths per million population...

    Norway 148

    Denmark 441

    Germany 1,100

    Russia 1,211

    Luxemburg 1,302

    Sweden 1,438

    France 1,732

    UK 1,928

    USA 1.936

    Italy 2,134

    Belgium 2,174

    Hungary 3,120

    [ ,,, ]

    Peru 5,908


    If you shall look at registered cases, daily new cases gives a better - but far from correct - view of the situation, but adjusted to cases per million population for making comparison possible. Today Thailand has reported 17,491 new cases among 70 million people, which will be 250 new registered cases per million.


    Now lets compare to one of the best vaccinated population in a larger country, i.e. Israel. They have reported 3,550 new cases in a population of 9.3 million; i.e. 381 new cases per million - worth to think about...????


    And what about UK with 31,914 new cases in 68.2 million, i.e. 467 new cases per million.


    Thailand is actually still performing pretty good - perhaps we shall discuss the ability of leaders and governments in all those countries performing worse than Thailand...????


    Thailand needs to increase testing rate as it lags far behind rates of many, performing a fraction of daily covid testing  (relative to population) compared to the UK (13 x Thailand testing rate), Israel (>17 X Thai testing rate) and so many others. Only then can one get a sense of the situation.

  3. On 8/21/2021 at 9:12 PM, Jeffr2 said:

    They have a very high vaccination rate for ELEGIBLE citizens. Those over 12. For the TOTAL population, it's under 60%. Or right about there.

    555, ok; and you went to what school (request a refund), they teach you "spin"?


  4. 52 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Very misleading information about Israel. As usual, it's complex with no easy answers. Reality is less than 60% of Israelis are fully vaccinated. The vaccine is waning and a majority who got the jab early were elderly or had underlying issues.


    Big super spreader events are coming from schools.


    Like the yearly flu shot, we'll probably be getting boosters for years to come. Variants will keep cropping up until more are vaccinated.


    Shame on the anti vaxxers. The scourge of modern times.



    53 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Reality is less than 60% of Israelis are fully vaccinated

    Actually, reality is more than *60% of Israeli's are fully vaccinated. Your statement is incorrect, and should be revised to reflect actual data values.

    *As of 19-AUG-2021


  5. 7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    It seems like a major issue with ROKU is that it doesn't support running a VPN natively. So now you're wedged into providing VPN access for it via your home network. Which in turn requires a secondary router, which can run VPN software. Some can do this off-the shelf, others require flashed firmware.




    IMO, it might be easier, and cheaper, to get a streaming device on which you can run a VPN client natively. 


    Make sure that device runs apps for the streaming service(s) you subscribe to.


    Which VPN provider do you use, or do you plan to use?


    Simply check to see which clients they support.


    And/or look at which router options may exist with them.



    Both the Firestick and Chromecast with Google TV run VPN apps from most of the top providers. Both devices are available here. Both have NordVPN apps. There may be other streaming devices, on which a VPN providers Android app can run.




    I'd like to know which VPN provider has the most reliable solution for geo-blocking: Netflix, Hulu specifically. 





    Torguard offers a "residential IP" with US locations that circumvents all streaming services geo-blocking and they provide a guarantee in support of their residential iP service. I used them solely for netflix and Amazon and never had a problem streaming them.

  6. 4 hours ago, smedly said:

    anyone got a good free app to use on android box

    see attached lists for media players, browsers. I have 1000's more, paid, premium, all categories. What do u want, let me know and I'll send the apk to you.



    apk categories.jpg

  7. 12 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    I believe the 3BB router is actually a modem and a router in one box and not capable of loading VPN protocols, or providing many other important features. I had the same issue with a TMN supplied modem/router.


    So I bought a ASUS router (RT-AC68U) and put it behind the TMN box via Ethernet cable. Bought NordVPN. Then activated VPN on the ASUS router. All my devices connect to the ASUS router and get VPN to another country, passing through the TMN box.


    The RT-AC68U has been available for many years and is solid, and still gets hardware updates. More modern routers with wifi 6 are available, but very pricey.

    What is TMN, is that the name for 3BB?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Why bother?


    Just put the VPN on your devices then it easy to switch servers or switch on and off as needed.

    Maybe the VPN is required for Apple TV, Smart TV, Play station or other gaming consoles, ROKU, etc, all of which do not support VPN.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    I believe the 3BB router is actually a modem and a router in one box and not capable of loading VPN protocols, or providing many other important features. I had the same issue with a TMN supplied modem/router.


    So I bought a ASUS router (RT-AC68U) and put it behind the TMN box via Ethernet cable. Bought NordVPN. Then activated VPN on the ASUS router. All my devices connect to the ASUS router and get VPN to another country, passing through the TMN box.


    The RT-AC68U has been available for many years and is solid, and still gets hardware updates. More modern routers with wifi 6 are available, but very pricey.

    Have you checked the OpenVPN (UDP or TCP) speeds using NordVPN on the AC68U? Unless using an Asus router with  AES-NI hardware acceleration chip it's unlikely you will exceed 30 or 40 Mbps on OpenVPN. I experienced problems streaming some content with the AC68U, but it is a very durable router otherwise AND is one of only a few routers supported by ExpressVPN's router app which allows you to use Lightway (similar to Wireguard) and IKEv2 protocols which provide much better thru-put than OpenVPN.

  10. me, although I am not a "whiz", setting up OpenVPN on a router is a piece o' <deleted> and takes about 8.5 minutes, give or take. Wireguard protocol is a little more involved but still easily achieved.

    Send me a message, email etc and we can drink some beer, get <deleted> and get your VPN up and running.

    <<<<Email removed>>>>

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. The only method (aside from youtube premium subscription) is the combination of an Asus router, Merlin firmware AND Diversion, a shell script application to manage ad-blocking.

    Its the only know method of blocking youtube ads.




    • Confused 1
  12. Get yourself an Asus router (RT-AC86U is PERFECT) and available for less than 6,000 baht online at invaedit-it in Hua Hin or in the IT marts in BKK and elsewhere.


    Someone mentioned setting up Bridge mode with 3BB and although this is ideal and doo-able (just need to call them), it is not an absolute requirement. You can connect your new Asus router to the LAN port of your current 3BB router, set up NordVPN on the Asus router and use "policy rules" feature on the Asus to route your devices thru the WAN or the ROKU thru the VPN tunnel. It is very flexible and idiot proof.

    As well there are some critical DNS settings offered on Asus /Merlin firmware for DNS configurations that might resolve your Amazon and Netflix streaming issues. Also, check out Diversion the complete ad blocking solution for websites, including Youtube. Diversion is available ONLY for Asus routers with Merlin firmware.



    See this:



    NB: be sure to get the Asus RT-AC86U or your OpenVPN speeds will be in the toilet.



    ROKU vpn.jpg

    • Like 1
  13. I see speeds routinely >500Mbps using Wireguard on a ToT fiber connection (*500/200 pkg.) and about the same on True internet to servers in USA, east/west coast and in between. You should be seeing speeds much higher than your experiencing if you are testing on a fiber connection.

    I test from cli using macbook and Cat6e.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:


    My mates that have Covid have been charged at BPH.


    Do you think they'll be able to claim a refund?

    well, i don't know. Worth a try, if it does not ruffle too many feathers. My initial thoughts are that the  mandatory "covid insurance coverage" for foreigners entering TH was implemented because of free covid treatment. Who knows really.




    I read the following (excerpt from local Eng language newspaper in Bangkok).

    "The government has warned private hospitals not to send medical bills to Covid-19 patients or their families, saying their medical expenses will be paid for by the government.

    The warning, posted on the Thai Khu Fa (Government House) Facebook, follows complaints that Covid-19 patients at private hospitals are being required to pay for treatment and services.

    In some cases medical expenses have topped 100,000 baht.

    The government says private hospitals should keep records of medical treatment and services and send the bills to related agencies for reimbursement."

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