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Posts posted by Kanada

  1. I think the rush on vaccinations all of a sudden would have something to do with the Govt. push to open Thailand completely by Jan.1 next year and ChiangMai by October 1


    Theyre finally understanding the only way forward economically is thru vaccinations as countries like Canada, Portugal, Spain for example have done.

    The vaccines will come…the majority of the population will vaccinate and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel! The rest will be forced to vaccinate when they want to travel or renew their visa etc etc.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Neilly said:

    That's a heck of a lot of water considering the the coolant capacity of a bikes cooling system! Usual suspects to check would be the rad cap and the tale-tale hole on the water pump (if it's got one?). I suppose there is a chance you had an air lock when you last filled it and that has now cleared? If it takes more than 100ml the next time you check it I'd say you've got a problem somewhere.


    I've never run any bike (or car for that matter) on straight water, I've always used a coolant mix as it stops corrosion and does lower the running temp of engines I believe.

    Do not use straight water

  3. Ordered an Airhawk seat pad…I’ve owned them before and highly recommend them for long or short distance!

    You “will” out too much air in it first time…can’t believe how little air you need to make the difference!

    You can bleed air out on the go or at least as you sit on it…once you get it right you’ll love it????????????



    ps: I’m having mine sent to me from Canada but if anyone finds one here in Thailand let me know 



    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    "Children should have enough freedom to be themselves - once they've learned the rules."

    - Anna Quindlen.



    Children appreciate structure in their lives…makes them feel safe!

    My sons are in their 30’s and 40’s now and we did have a time to talk about my early days as a Dad and their days as kids…I wasn’t a perfect Dad and they weren’t perfect kids but we were good! A good Dad and good Boys but the one thing that came up was rules….it ended up they were glad of the “rules”!

    They could play street hockey but they couldn’t go past the tree one way and the lamp post the other way….those kind of rules….

    They broke some rules but they knew what they were???? (and I would have been disappointed in them as young men if they hadn’t).

    They are respectful of others and so are their kids I’m happy to say


  5. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Generally speaking, environment is stronger than willpower, especially for someone young. But, a good upbringing at least gives you some tools, and teaches you the meaning of self discipline. I am wondering how so many kids of today are going to turn out. Very few contemporary parents seem willing to keep their kids in line and show them the limits. Without limits, kids are lost. 

    I think it’s pretty easy to get an idea how today’s kids will turn out!

    You can see how the last generation  was parented and how they turned out just by reading the above posts..

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    Nature significantly trumps nurture. It's easy to boast of well behaved kids if you were lucky enough to have ones with a docile character.


    One of mine happens to have a real fire in nostrils. It obviously has nothing to do with "<deleted>ty parenting" because like I said, one is an absolute angel at all times, and regularly gets compliments on her behaviour.


    It's purely nature, ie the character of this other one. Kids can be taught, but only up to the level their cognitive development allows. Even your "bike bike" miracle child would have been unable at 2 years old to be "taught" and understand certain things.


    You're clearly overestimating yourself.

    I think kids at two-four years old are a lot smarter than some of you give them credit for….

    Any idiot can have a child but it takes work, time and patience to prep. one to go out into the world and be appreciated and successful.

    Being a “yes man/woman is not being a good parent….that’s just the easy way out????

  7. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    Well, now I know. but I will decide myself whether I obey them or not, but I promise one thing, I will never be selfish, or do anything to the detriment of ordinary people.

    Good for you!

    You'll sleep better…you’ll be happier and healthier than some of these nasties writing here (and someone might even like you).

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Re: kids throwing tantrums.

    I have done this - and it worked.

    Get up, go to the child, and tell them in a loud voice to "Shut the Hell Up"

    This gets the parents into the act, and they get told the same thing. Control your children. Unable - then leave.

    At times I have even received applause.

    Peace and Harmony restored.



    Well we don’t have to wonder why you left your country????

    I hope you left your attitude and bad manners back there and came here with a smile!


  9. 6 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    I quite agree with that. And when the tantrums were very bad then the removal was done several times out of social responsibility. However, I am not weakening the context, if you look at the original post that triggered this discussion it talks about children making some noises, not tantrum and screaming. There is a certain level of noise that has to be tolerated.


    The problem is that with a 2,3 or 4 year old communication is very limited, because they


    A) Can not speak any language


    B) Can not understand what you are saying.


    What's more toddlers have severe difficulties to put into practice self control, your bike bike example notwithstanding.


    There is really nothing that can be done when a toddler gets going, except remove him or her from the room. And they get triggered by the most ridiculous things that have nothing to do with parents. To have your wife leave the room is however only a nuclear option in case of a very serious, loud and obnoxious tantrum. In the face of slightly raucous toddler noises people just have to accept it.


    And whether there are weird children's cinemas is irrelevant, I'd only take them to a kids show anyway, not to see an adult show obviously.

    Your A and B is so wrong I have to think you actually don’t have kids if your own….


    These “tantrums” you keep droning on and on about seem to be more of a problem for you!

    Being a Dad I’ve seen a few but they really aren’t a memory that comes to the forefront as it does in your experience.

    We handled them as parents…and we handled them quickly….we didn’t force other people to put up with them and be a part of raising our kids

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    Instill common sense in a 2 year old? Do you even hear yourself?


    A 2, 3 or 4 year old simply does not know right from wrong because they are too small to understand even what you are saying!


    It has nothing to do with lazy parents, it has to do with the cognitive abilities of 2,3 or 4 year old children.


    I am guessing your child-rearing days are a long time ago and you've completely forgotten what toddlers are like. And since 1928 there have been significant advances in child psychology. We now know what toddlers are capable of and what not.


    If you think you can teach a 2 year old common sense then I'm guessing your'e not a CEO.

    Well that’s just sad…..most kids are a lot smarter than your experience has shown you

    I’ll put it a different way then

    you “start” teaching at two by spending time with them!
    I’m not talking about between TV commercials…I’m talking about real time outside away from distractions 

    My kids were all going to a preschool at 4 (not a day care)….my Grand daughter is four and had already been attending Montessori classes for a full year! 
    I guess there probably no point in going on trying to explain it to you….except to say we spent a lot of time and money raising our kids but not one dollar on legal fees????
    Our neighbors…people in restaurants and movie theatres etc. didn’t have to spend even one minute raising them or putting up with them and they’ve gone on to parent the same way

    • Like 1
  11. Again I’m the Father of four boys so I have a little experience and I promise you that you only have from 0-13 years or so to “do your job as a parent” and get your kids prepared to go out into the world….after that their friends become the most important people in their worlds!

    If you’re a lazy parent they’ll be more than happy to raise themselves…

    You’re not their best friends….you’re their parent(s). You have a responsibility to teach them to right from wrong and hopefully instill some common sense that will tide them over until they’re old enough to develop an intuition!

    If you think kids that are running wild in restaurants and theatre's without supervision are the CEO’s and Presidents of tomorrow I think you’re wrong!

    • Like 2
  12. 18 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    Perfectly understandable, people have had enough of small minded child haters trying to impose their meaningless notions on them.


    I would have probably been even more forceful and you would have had even less quiet.

    Wow…was that your outside voice????

    • Haha 2
  13. On 8/16/2021 at 4:38 PM, Ryan754326 said:

    Most anti-vaxxers have had all of the usual childhood vaccines too. Their issue with these ones is that they are so new, are only approved under emergency circumstances, and that the pharma companies who manufacture them are not currently liable for any damages. Plus people just don’t like being told what to do. 

    To be clear, I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’ve had the Jab, I think it’s safe, and I would tell others that I think they should get it, but I’m not in favor of forcing it on anyone. 

    The statistics show that your chances of having a serious reaction or dying after getting the vaccine is very low, but there have been enough documented cases to cause concern for a lot of people. If they are coerced into getting the shot, and happen to be one of the unlucky few who suffers a bad reaction or dies, their family will understandably be very upset. If governments are going to make these jabs mandatory, then people expect to have some recourse if someone they love dies as a result. 

    This is just my opinion and not meant to inflame or upset but I’m pretty sure everyone will be coerced into being vaccinated (I’ve been vaccinated already by the way) when things settle down a bit!

    Youll have to show a Vax card to travel anywhere inside your country or out..…go to any events with large crowds…cross borders…renew visas apply for a new job or university or send your kids to Grade school…private hospitals etc etc.

    In order to increase vaccination rates at some point you’ll need to show your card to renew drivers licence or renew car registrations and apply for any Govt. position for example! 
    Again it’s just my opinion of course but we’re just starting down the Covid road and it’s going to be necessary to vaccinate a larger percentage of the population in order to control i!!

    Covid is world wide so all countries will agree whether they want to or not.

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    • Haha 1
  14. 4 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Actually, the true total is vastly underreported. Less developed nations have poor public health reporting systems and don't offer much in the way of care for the ill and vaccinations for the vulnerable.

    Possible and even very likely but I don’t have those numbers…

    but it’s at least that many.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Be kind   -   for who .

    Tip people -  i'm tired of tipping thieves and liars and cheats

    Give compliments  -   what to a stupid 7-11 cashier who can't ad up 2 + 2 without a calculator

    Drive safe -    with these road maniacs'

    Help people -   and get stabbed or shot in the process 

    Wow I’d hate to wake up tomorrow morning and be you all day????


    • Haha 2
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