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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. With complicity from Netanyahu. maybe ask him, he'd know.
  2. "In my view, Hezbollah is going to maintain the tempo of firing into northern Israel to demonstrate its 'resistance' credentials and show solidarity with the Palestinians, but not attempt to do anything that would provoke full-scale war with the Israelis," says Jeffrey Feltman, a former U.S. assistant secretary of state and U.N. undersecretary general. "After all, the primary purpose of Hezbollah's massive arsenal is to deter Israel from a massive strike on Iran or to retaliate in case of such a strike," says Feltman, now a fellow at the Brookings Institution. Hezbollah is considered by security analysts to be one of the most heavily armed paramilitaries in the world. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1219748268/lebanon-hezbollah-israel-hamas-iran-war
  3. In the past decade or so, Hamas, a Sunni Muslim group, has become an integral part of Iran's broader network of Shia militias. But experts agree that while Iran is wary of being dragged into the Israel-Hamas war, it may not be in full control if the militias it backs in the region independently intervene as Hamas suffers heavy blows and the death toll in Gaza continues to mount. https://www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/israel-iran-war-cards-742054
  4. I'm saying that hamas had no reason to take it this time. And guess what, I'm right! They didn't!
  5. The Biden administration has meanwhile restrained Israel itself from full-scale operations in Lebanon. Unfortunately, continued Houthi harassment of shipping through the Red Sea presents a risk of expanding war. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/22/risk-war-middle-east-biden-israel-hamas
  6. as if they were ever going to give up 40 hostages for a week long ceasefire. It was obviously an offer designed to fail. Hamas want a permanent solution right now, something Israel won't contemplate if it involves a Palestinian state and return of the illegal settlements.
  7. Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hangebi said Israel may have to go to war against Hezbollah to prevent a deadlier version of 7 October unfolding in Northern Israel. "The Israelis are anticipating within the next six weeks to two months that if the diplomatic track isn't working, they're going to have to opt for some kind of military solution" https://www.newarab.com/analysis/all-out-war-between-israel-and-hezbollah-horizon
  8. I think it's reasonable to surmise that Israel's reluctance to engage in cease fire talks and stepping up it's bombardment of the west bank is part of a deliberate plan to force a war with Iran, something Netanyau has long yearned to do. "Iran needs them as a deterrent in case Israel struck the nuclear facilities. They want it to be in Israel's calculation that if they were ever to launch a strike inside of Iran proper, Hezbollah would rain down thousands of sophisticated missiles," he said. "But it's the Israelis who seemingly want it to happen because of their new psyche," Allen said, referring to the collective feeling of insecurity prompted by Hamas' October 7 attack. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-next-war-gaza-hamas-hezbollah-lebanon-1854496
  9. You provided that quote to attack the credibility of the mews organisation because you were offended by its content which you won't now acknowledge was accurate
  10. You attacked a media outfit which committed no error as unreliable. Just continuing your track record of attacking everyone who comments unfavourably about Israel.
  11. But you will concede that in this instance they got it right?
  12. ‘Not seen since Vietnam’: Israel dropped hundreds of 2,000-pound bombs on Gaza, analysis shows Weapons and warfare experts blame the extensive use of heavy munitions such as the 2,000-pound bomb for the soaring death toll. The population of Gaza is packed together much more tightly than almost anywhere else on earth, so the use of such heavy munitions has a profound effect. “The use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area as densely populated as Gaza means it will take decades for communities to recover,” https://edition.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html
  13. This video is viewable by me. Visual Evidence Shows Israel Dropped 2,000-Pound Bombs Where It Ordered Gaza’s Civilians to Move for Safety https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/100000009208814/israel-gaza-bomb-civilians.html
  14. Meanwhile, CNN also cited similar findings, stating that Tel Aviv's bombing in the first month of the war "had not been seen since Vietnam". https://www.wionews.com/world/israel-used-2000-pound-bombs-to-kill-civilians-in-gaza-reports-672570
  15. You haven't. All this is about me complaining that you claimed something in that text was moronic and I challenged you to explain what it was. You're finally on ignore.
  16. Did they charge you extra baggage when you brought your hegemony over with you?
  17. You can't now explain what was moronic about that paragraph.
  18. In my opinion, Thais do try to understand but it can be tiring for them. Sometimes farangs mangle the language so badly that Thais just can't understand. Consider these 2 words, near far ใกล้ ไกล Type near far into google translate and hit the audio button. You will get the idea.
  19. More charges coming I expect. Georgia all over agin in a different state. New mug shot, more donations. Recordings reportedly show Trump pressuring Michigan canvassers to not certify 2020 vote: Detroit News https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4372940-recordings-reportedly-show-trump-pressuring-michigan-canvassers-not-certify-2020-vote/
  20. The only time IS is even mentioned in the article is this paragraph. What's moronic there? During the 2014-2017 campaign to defeat IS in Iraq, the coalition carried out nearly 15,000 strikes across the country, according to Airwars, a London-based independent group that tracks recent conflicts. By comparison, the Israeli military said last week it has conducted 22,000 strikes in Gaza.
  21. You claimed something in that post was moronic but did not say what it was but hinted that it was something to do with the number of civilians killed.
  22. Which particular comparison is moronic. Your pronouncements are frequently vague and when you are asked a question about what you considered to be moronic you haul off and start flaming again. Please confine your comments to what I say and stop casting aspersion on my character. Do NOT mention me personally. Ever.
  23. No Thai syllable is pronounced with a final D. A D in spelling is modified to a T when spoken.
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