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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. And the main point being that stuff has been happening for a while now. This incident proved it.
  2. It's worth remembering that Biden was never popular. Nonetheless he still beat Trump at the last election. It's not Biden's popularity that will see him re-elected, it's Trump revulsion. Just like last time. And every election since where his acolytes crashed and burned for the most part.
  3. Tried to get his relatives positions in government? Who would do such a heinous thing I wonder?
  4. Yes it was a tragic error, the tragedy being that the soldier wasn't properly trained or that there were no strict procedures in place. Pick one.
  5. So, I rest my case. You prefer to believe the account of how a soldier came to shoot 3 obviously unarmed men waving a white flag than the ambassador to the UK based on nothing more than your own biases. That's what I said.
  6. OK. So do you believe the IDF tale about how the hostages got shot?
  7. Means he's educated and knows what he's talking about. Some posters have no qualms about believing IDF statements.
  8. I could do that but I may as well just not read the board at all. I think it does sometimes help the wider readership (or maybe not) to get a more balanced and nuanced perspective on the situation than the team players we see here would have them believe. Just for fun, I will reiterate because a lot of people need constant reminding, I condemn Hamas unreservedly.
  9. There is mass murder being carried out in Gaza and the world is just watching. This can’t go on Husam Zomlot Millions died in concentration camps – starved, worked or gassed to death – alongside political opponents such as communists, trade unionists and socialists. This unprecedented brutality, along with the enormous human and material cost of the second world war, was the motivation behind the push to create the United Nations and a global rules-based system to render war a last resort. That order would set firm boundaries for behaviour in war, for military occupations, in regulating state-to-state behaviour and preventing egregious crimes – even within states – such as genocide, systematic murder, forcible population transfer, enslavement, apartheid and many others. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/09/mass-murder-gaza-world-watching
  10. I'm getting tired of this game. You wrote "considering the PA is corrupt and incompetent".
  11. Your post was about PA (Abbas) corruption, right? Mild compared to double agent Bibi.
  12. https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/survey-results/daily/2023/12/20/edc6d/1
  13. You have offered nothing but the mildest criticism, never accusing him of criminality that I saw.
  14. Even dumb bombs dropped with modern bomb aiming equipment are relatively accurate. These bombs were dropped deliberately where they landed.
  15. You accused the PA of being corrupt. I pointed out they are nowhere near as corrupt as your dear leader.
  16. I'm not sure of read of many accounts of threats like this made by Biden supporters. 'Behead judges': Here are Trump supporters' violent threats in wake of Colorado ruling https://www.rawstory.com/hate-trump-chutkan/
  17. Netanyahu actively and secretly assisted Hamas financially over a period of at least 14 years while they conducted terrorist attacks and planned the october 7 th massacre. He did this to stop the PA from being able to form a united Palestinian state in order to prevent any 2 state solution. Netanyahu shares a religious conviction with his Minister Gallant and various other hard right religious freaks that Israel owns the lot and he's proud to have blocks a Palestinian state. That is as morally and ethically corrupt as it's possible to get.
  18. big swerve there, feigning ignorance. It's almost as if we haven't discussed this at length. Some have difficulty with inconvenient facts.
  19. Hoew do you get more corrupt than aiding and abetting terrorists to attack your own country in order to pursue a religious objective?
  20. PA is the legit authority. Netanyahu has done everything to assist Hamas and block the PA. That won't change
  21. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/from-precision-devastation-unraveling-impact-legality-wesam-tqcsf From Precision to Devastation: Unraveling the Impact and Legality of Israel's Modern Carpet Bombing Tactics in Gaza The evolution of these military tactics has translated into a contemporary iteration of carpet bombing, characterized by the systematic erasure of civilian areas. The human cost is immense, with countless lives lost and entire communities shattered.
  22. The two terms mean exactly the same thing. Again. The term area bombing refers to indiscriminate bombing of an area and also encompasses cases of carpet bombing, including obliteration bombing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpet_bombing
  23. Why are you always complaining that people post the same statements over and over and over again or rehash the same old arguments.
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