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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. US reluctance to go all in on weapons supplies from the nget go has given Russia time to regroup after initial combat disasters.
  2. That makes the other 10,000 not actually a war crime?
  3. It seems they got about 15,000 of the names wrong.
  4. True, except that it isn't true of all Palestinians. Likewise, when somebody wants to thin your population there aren't many choices. In one case its a minority of terrorists and in the other case it's the actual leader of the country.
  5. That's because you didn't read the posts where I condemned Hamas. More projection.
  6. If the post contained a reference to 15,000 deaths, nobody should laugh, regardless of the rest of the content. One has to wonder about the mental stability of those who do so.
  7. Laughing at 15,000 civilians deaths is much more bizarre. I guess those people wish the number was much higher.
  8. Getting one's knickers in a knot over a 2 day social forum? That was sure scraping the barrel since that aspect wasn't mentioned. One could have been forgiven for thinking he had some influence over policy decisions.
  9. Amnesty have evidence. They collect evidence. What do you think they do with evidence?
  10. I don't doubt any of that nor do I consider his appointment appropriate. Stop projecting. It's the defense of those who have no argument. Astonishing that you project garbage like this. Is slurring your opponents your usual modus operandi?
  11. They help people understand, it clearly failed.
  12. translation: they claim that because Trump is an idiot he can't be a fascist.
  13. Like I'm the only person accusing Israel of war crimes? Do you imagine that evidence is not being collected for a war crimes prosecution? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/
  14. You'll be stunned to know that I know precisely what is a war crime. I'm surprised that you appear to have no clue.
  15. Link to a paywall is unacceptable. The UN is more than one man.
  16. Civilians got killed in their thousands and Israel knew they were going to die but bombed them regardless. Give a link to any credible claim that giving a warning absolves anybody of any crime let alone a war crime.
  17. There's some real disinformation being peddled here.
  18. Civilians were ordered to leave their homes and then they got bombed, killing thousands of civilians. Somehow you think a warning absolves the guilt. Amazing. The mere bombing of those homes was a war crime, apart from any casualties. Retaliation against civilians is a war crime. Revenge is evil.
  19. He never acknowledges that he lost, is the only president in modern history not to concede and falsely claims to this day that the election was stolen. He incited an insurrection in an attempt to prevent he transfer of power. Most people would consider those the actions of a would be dictator. He doesn't need to actually accomplish his goal just as a failed bank robber is still a bank robber.
  20. Indiscriminant bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure, mass displacement of civilians, and so on. These are universally recognized war crimes. Denying that such events have taken place is simply propaganda.
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