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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It has not changed. You are resorting to the tactic of the losers, to attack the messenger. I have clearly and unequivocally stated that I condemn Hamas. Both sides committed war crimes and both sides should be indicted for them by the ICC. People who can see both sides to a story are a problem for the propagandists on both sides.
  2. There's your first mistake, to think your reasoning is sane. Unlike you, I am not a team player. I am capable of condemning both sides and I don't defend my country's war crimes unconditionally.
  3. Who shouldn't vote for a ceasefire? How is support for Israel contingent on vetoing a ceasefire resolution?
  4. There's the inevitable racism coming to the fore. Do you think the Israelis thought about the inevitable consequences every time they established a new settlement or shot a kid? Do you think Hamas should have expected massive war crimes in retaliation?
  5. Do you think they didn't? Are they less intelligent than you?
  6. Yeah, that's the Israeli line. The more they bomb civilians the more Palestinians will blame Hamas. Insanity.
  7. I had a job at 19, doing salaries for a govt dept and they had a data processing center above the main train station which served the entire national government. They used punch cards in long racks. My mate had a job with a state insurance company which mainly involved changing tape reels. I learned to code a few yerars later on an IBM 5100 which had a mini cassette tape for storage. My first computer was an XT with 2 floppy drives (both sizes) and a 32 Mb Seagate hdd.
  8. So you're on board with thinking that no significant protests against, say the Saudi abuses or the Turkish and Syrian slaughter of Kurds occurred in the west?
  9. I think it's completely logical to assume that 100% of Gazans support Hamas at this point and every able bodied person actively assists or fights for them. I believe it's absurd to propose that's not the case. By the way, you have yet to provide any credible link to disprove my assertion and I would suggest that a single old crazy doesn't make your point.
  10. old school, huh? If you don't grab a pitchfork and a bbq lantern and hit the pavement it doesn't count? Is this a protest? Anyway, we are off topic I think. US media channels have numerous segments discussing the ethics of accepting money from a notoriously brutal regime. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/13/saudi-arabia-golf-human-rights-sportswashing
  11. 1. Who would have thought that Hebrew speakers would attack the methodology of a report that was adverse to their world view? 2. Criticising the report for not cherry picking comparisons which reduce the ratio does nothing to mitigate a war crime.
  12. Yes, I get that but do the indictments charge violations of the PRA? I thought not.
  13. Interestingly, I read a report where Giuliani's lawyer offered up the excuse that he's so old that he doesn't properly comprehend what he's talking about. It seems a shame that Trump's team didn't notice this earlier on.
  14. Is there anyone here who believes that this trial is about the PRA? Maybe I'm wrong but I think the charges are not related to the PRA.
  15. I didn't argue with you about Saudi human rights abuses. You suggested that the pinko lefty press wasn't reporting on other Muslim human rights abuses so I posted a link to suggest otherwise.
  16. He also quoted directly from the constitution where is says that there is no presidential immunity from criminal prosecution even if he's been successfully impeached.
  17. I believe the number is steadily decreasing but there's a good number who wear the masks for reasons other than covid, such as when riding a scooter.
  18. Or you could actually read links that don't support your echo chamber view of the world. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/13/saudi-arabia-golf-human-rights-sportswashing
  19. Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds Civilian proportion of deaths is higher than the average in all world conflicts in 20th century, data suggests The aerial bombing campaign by Israel in Gaza is the most indiscriminate in terms of civilian casualties in recent years, a study published by an Israeli newspaper has found. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study
  20. Now you're just lying. There is no credible link to evidence on that page that Hamas is not currently supported by all Gazans. Social media links from non credible actors are not evidence. You should know the rules by now. I called you out and you failed to step up.
  21. A yes or no would suffice. I didn't ask you to repost the link. I'm calling BS on your claim.
  22. Links other than deleted social platform links and since Israel started bombing Gaza?
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