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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Calling people antisemitic is even dumber, especially when you know next to nothing about the topic under discussion and don't justify your accusation in terms which meet the definition of the word. btw: I see that you appear to be conceding my right to call national figures nazis without being labelled antisemitic.
  2. Effectively it was. It was made so hard for those who didn't that it wasn't worth coming here.
  3. No, he did not make his comments in relation to Israel shooting kids or illegal settlements. His comments were out of line. The excuse he used was not justified. Am I allowed to call Putin or Trump a nazi without being labelled antisemitic? What about Netanyahu?
  4. Yes, there are Palestinians who are nazis. That was the point he made and I said so. I also think the Palestinians want Israel out of their land, not to exterminate them. A few might have said that but not many. I'm not here to make the Israeli government feel warm and fuzzy and not get all all butt hurt about being labelled as nazis for shooting kids throwing rocks. Inflammatory rhetoric is never good but it's not in the same league as actually killing kids.
  5. You can make that argument if you want. You also know it's not all Palestinians, right? Just like it's not all Israelis, right? I did say there are nazis in every country. At least once. but this topic is about a Palestinian calling the Israeli government nazis.
  6. Who doesn't have a problem with being called nazis? What about the Israelis calling other Israelis nazis? Are they antisemitic or just me?
  7. Of course it's inflammatory to accuse any government of being run by nazis. What's the problem with that. Does the fact that they are Jewish make is somehow different? Please limit your arguments to the definition of antisemitism when accusing me of being antisemitic.
  8. I accused Russia of being a nazi state as well. They are not Jewish. What's up with that? Stop projecting and start discussing illegal settlements if you want to accuse me of being antisemitic. Tell me again how illegal settlements aren't genocide. Oh, wait, you never addressed that direct question at any time.
  9. Illegal Israeli settlements and shooting kids who protest meets the definition of genocide. Because nazi Germany was of much greater scale in no ways means that comparisons between nazi Germany and any number of other countries can't be made. Russia is a case in point.
  10. I provided a definition of antisemitism. Comparing nazi Germany with modern Israel is not consistent with that definition.
  11. You came across as sufficiently expert as to be able to call me antisemite. Now you profess to not knowing the subject at all. Maybe stay out of threads you know little about or at least refrain from accusing people who might as being antisemitic?
  12. This topic is about Israeli - Palestinian relations. It is not about neighbouring countries.
  13. Then why are you here? That was the first point that I made in this entire conversation. You have given plenty of opinions but when faced with having to provide a direct answer to a pointed question, you demur. Moreover, you should be aware that settlements are the most contentious point in the entire Israeli - Palestinian relationship. To suggest that you are not is at least disingenuous.
  14. Any national action which I consider genocide can be fairly described as nazi. Illegal settlements are genocide. There's no religious aspect to this. You can't deny there are many nazis in Israel and you can't describe them as being antisemite. Try to draw a distinction between fair and legitimate criticism of Israel, no matter how harsh that criticism is and antisemitism. Nothing prevents Israel form achieving nazi status and it;s well on the way there if not already, by its actions and policies alone.
  15. So, it's impossible for the Israeli government to engage in nazi like activities and have those activities fairly contrasted with nazis? You really want to pull the antisemite card but I'm not signing on to that plan.
  16. This is the first and only sentence on the introductory part of the website of the American Holocaust Memorial Museum. At no time since I joined this conversation has the word Jews been written or implied by me. Are you going to insist that it's impossible to criticise Israeli government policies and actions without fairly being labelled antisemitic? "Antisemitism is prejudice against or hatred of Jews. " https://www.ushmm.org/antisemitism/what-is-antisemitism
  17. Thanks. Sincerely. My original point was that there are nazis in every country and that Israel is no exception. I do go so far as to claim that in my opinion and for the reasons I have given, Israel can be fairly described as a nazi state. That's no reflection on Israelis in general or Jews at all.
  18. There's a miraculously long chain of people doing things which coincided with Trump's wishes but not at his direction, apparently. Either that or they are going to flip and become prosecution witnesses.
  19. What the kids were not doping is firing high velocity weapons.
  20. You're like another poster who couldn't debate on the subject matter and so resorted to flinging insults. Sad. 1. Are Israeli soldiers justified in killing kids for throwing rocks? 2. Are illegal Israeli settlements not genocide?
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