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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm thinking more sinister. Like a Batman movie bad guy.
  2. Unless you can actually cough up some specifics and evidence of organised crime, you are the one kidding yourself. Can you see where this is going?
  3. I haven't been too interested in BRICS because it will ultimately fail. To me it looks like it is just a gold standard backed currency. They always fail. Russia tried to pin it's currency to gold earlier this year. See what's happened to the RBL since June when the peg was dropped? If it's a fiat currency, how will they finance it? All of those countries except India are on very shaky economic ground right now.
  4. Sorry, I meant to write "illegal US chips". I haven't had my morning coffee yet. ????
  5. You can use words nobody ever uses comrade but it doesn't make that claim true. You need to explain the actual process in a way that mere mortals can understand.
  6. Payback is what it's about for the far right. Not voting for the best man for the job.
  7. W hen there's no gas left in the tank to champion Trump's achievements all that's left is to attack the opposition. When was the last post you read praising Trump?
  8. Abortion is the one point that republicans will get hammered on. Oh, and too many criminals in the ranks.
  9. We're going to find out soon. The US is in talks with Assange over a plea deal. Very coincidental that it should happen at this opportune moment, no?
  10. Funny you should mention Thomas. His mates are a bit busy to pick up the phone right now. D.C. Attorney General is probing Leonard Leo’s network The Federalist Society co-chair and ex-Trump judicial adviser has utilized nonprofit groups to collect more than $1 billion for conservative causes. Leonard Leo played a behind-the-scenes role in the nominations of all three of former President Donald Trump's Supreme Court justices and promoted them through his multi-billion-dollar network of nonprofits. Washington D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb is investigating judicial activist Leonard Leo and his network of nonprofit groups, according to a person with direct knowledge of the probe. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/22/d-c-attorney-general-is-probing-leonard-leos-network-00112331
  11. Donald Trump forced to recall $60m from Super Pac as legal fees grow Ex-president’s political action committee says it had less than $4m cash at end of June, having paid tens of millions in legal fees Burning through campaign funds thanks to mounting legal fees, Donald Trump has been forced to recall $60m from a Super Pac, money originally intended for TV advertising in the Republican presidential primary. In filings with the Federal Election Commission FEC) on Monday, Trump’s political action committee, Save America, said that at the end of June it had less than $4m cash on hand, having paid tens of millions of dollars in legal fees for the former president and associates. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/01/donald-trump-super-pac-legal-fees
  12. My spidey senses tell me that a bankruptcy is looming.
  13. An unsuccessful insurrection is not no insurrection.
  14. I don't believe it will sway many independent swing voters at all. Trump got thrashed in 2020 and somehow these 4 indictments and 91 charges and counting are going to stimulate outrage over political persecution lives only in the minds of the base. There just aren't enough conspiracy theorists and racist nationalists to get him elected. Not to mention that the right wing aren't on most women's christmas card list right now.
  15. I don't know if Xi is a great philosophical thinker or not but my understanding is that he has presided over an economy which has blocked most forms of capital investment other than property and the one child policy, both of which will prove catastrophic for China.
  16. We can agree that charges don't make a person guilty. We can't agree that they aren't relevant, especially in a public popularity contest aka election. Next you'll be complaining that we want to see the court case on TV.
  17. No https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/11/16/few-former-presidents-have-run-for-their-old-jobs-or-anything-else-after-leaving-office/
  18. Then in what way do you think the lefties partying on here are regarding convictions as irrelevant?
  19. Aren't we allowed to celebrate charges now?
  20. The emperor has no clothes. An expression which fits Trump perfectly. This expression is used to describe a situation in which people are afraid to criticize something or someone because the perceived wisdom of the masses is that the thing or person is good or important. https://www.bookbrowse.com/expressions/detail/index.cfm/expression_number/605/the-emperor-has-no-clothes
  21. I said outright that he did earlier. My reply was in response to a post that seemed to imply that His own words "lock her up" were only ever uttered at the 2016 debate.
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