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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Of course AI has a left wing bias. Any thinking person does. The right wing is populated mainly by criminals.
  2. I've always said that but don't hold back. It's not issues, there's only one of them. That issue is racism. Trump is the first president in a long time with an openly racist and nationalist platform.
  3. The counter argument is that Georgia's elections are held under state law and are outside the president's remit. The same argument that the offense was not committed in his line of duty was made in respect of Carroll's case and his appeal was rejected. Furthermore, if convicted even in a federal court, the offense was state law and so not eligible for a pardon.
  4. Interesting, yes. True, no. By the definition I follow, a conspiracy theory has a lot of conspirators, continues over a long period of time and is widely publicized. A real conspiracy is the opposite.
  5. There was a lot to investigate and a lot of co-conspirators. Those plea deals take time.
  6. In general, yes. But you just made me go play Ma Baker really loud.
  7. I think that description better fits the agency men I alluded to iin my previous post, rather than corrupt billionaires.
  8. Isn't there a super number? There's several states to go yet.
  9. "I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting rooting for the anti hero". Who sang this and who is the subject and why?
  10. In general I don't. Most of my music is from Amazon Music and I just leave it set to one of several channels which just play new music. I get bored with listening to old music unless it's a remix (not a remaster). I find that newer music recordings have a lot more clarity and presence than old music as well, especially at hi-res..
  11. A real lot of people here and in the US in particular seem to think the government is run by a deep state consisting of a cabal of agency leaders. There is a deep state but it's actually comprised of a bunch of corporations like big pharma and fossil fuels and of a number of billionaire idealogues (on both sides) who can freely spend to support political candidates and rig the supreme court which the supreme court itself voted along party lines to allow in the Citizens United case. That's the real deep state.
  12. For one of them it's simple. They codified it in the ten commandments. Covet thy neighbours wife = bad, bribe poiliticians = ok.
  13. It's real to me in the sense that it's a guiding principle in my life. It isn't controlled by some kind of god as is usually inferred but is totally under my control and only exists in my mind. I never dare to step outside the boundaries dictated to me by my sense of karma. Should something go horribly wrong I might be tempted to blame bad karma. When things go well I can attribute that to good karma. So, for me, karma is real.
  14. Almost as weird as you feeling compelled to tell us about your toenail accident. Given how off topic that was it must have had a profound effect on you at the time.
  15. Trump has been running a political ponzi scheme. He gaslights his followers into donating to his legal fees by claiming that his indictments are a political witch hunt. Many have invested so much financial and political capital into him that they can't get out. He's going to be playing checkers with Bernie Madoff soon.
  16. The Deep State is desperate and conspiring to bury Trump.
  17. I'd bet London to a brick that Trump doesn't show up. Ranting in all caps on truth social isn't the same as being asked hard questions which must be answered on live TV before millions. And when he doesn't, watch his poll numbers drop. He says he won’t sign the pledge required to participate, but former President Donald Trump’s Republican rivals are actively preparing as if he will be onstage for the GOP’s first 2024 presidential debate next week. https://apnews.com/article/debate-republican-president-trump-pence-haley-desantis-d3192137ee265d8455ff8af64a5f88ef
  18. This is what Trump fears most. A mug shot without the raccoon on his head. If anything weakens magadonians resolve that will be it. Trumps machismo appeal is what they like most about him.
  19. Problem is half the population hates living in the real world. That extends to politics, religion, social and environmental issues.
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