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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There's no evidence that it isn't true (that's how conspiracy theories work) so that means it might be true. Isn't that what we keep hearing all the time around here.
  2. Therein lies the problem. Anthropomorphic climate change deniers just imagine the misinformation they peddle. Science and evidence are missing from the equation.
  3. The really sad part about this story is that about a third of the US population uncritically lap that up as gospel.
  4. Neither here or in any subsequent post have you provided any evidence that there was an application made by Ukraine or a an invitation from NATO to Ukraine to join NATO. Discussions about the consequences of Ukraine joining NATO doesn't cut it. Australia has conducted military exercises with nations it doesn't have alliances with, it's a routine practice.
  5. They're still using cluster bombs. How should Ukraine react?
  6. "came up" lol. There was nothing even remotely close to an application.
  7. Funny, Putin wants to fight to the last Ukrainian as well. He's been wiping out the future fighters every chance he gets.
  8. Ukraine had no plans to join either NATO or the EU before the Russian invasion.
  9. A fish rots from the head. It is Russians who will end this war and only by removing Putin.
  10. Ask the English and French if they think they won the second world war.
  11. One doesn't need to look far to find the easiest way to stop this war. Unfortunately the only option appears to be the hard way. Putin doesn't have a claim toi any part of Ukraine that needs to be negotiated.
  12. You mean like the agreement that Russia would guarantee Ukraine's independence if they gave up nuclear weapons. Negotiations like those? Or do you mean promises like Putin flatly denying he was going to invade Ukraine?
  13. You're understandign of a proxy war is completely at odds with what most people think. Apart from mercenaries and volunteers, the only combatants in the Ukraine are Ukrainians. Perhaps you are thinking of the Russian allies helping it as a justification for your claim?
  14. What scintilla of evidence do you have that that corner, which controls Ukraine's access to the Black Sea would prevent Russia from continuing to destabilise and arm separatists as they have done since at least 2014. Of course they would. Russia needs to end this war themselves and put in a government which will deal with the west instead of wantonly attacking random countries and perpetrating horrific war crimes. There's no room here for appeasement.
  15. I don't either but I read an article which explained there weren't many russian fighter jets in the air over ukraine because they were susceptible to small missiles.
  16. There is a reason you don't see many aircraft in this war, they get shot down easily these days. I thought he was trying to kick the Russians out of his country.
  17. It's only a war crime to use them against civilians. You know, like Russia already does in Ukraine. The allies are running out of artillery rounds and so need these things which are more effective. Plus there are millions in storage.
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