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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The far right use "patriotism" as a euphemism for nationalism. They are the party of not being able to say the quiet part out loud.
  2. All I saw was irrelevant stuff like the definition of the term "refugee weaponisation". What I wanted to see but could not find was any credible evidence that the war was 1. Started as a pretext to create a refugee crisis to destabilise Europe. Not that it was a by product but started with that motive uppermost as you claimed. 2. That any of the refugees were of middle eastern origin other than those in Ukraine before the war. 3. That there was any connection between the middle east and the war in Ukraine as a pretext for starting the war..
  3. The trick is to make sure your sources actually support your opinion.
  4. The previous guy was the laughing stock of most world leaders. Those who weren't in love with him.
  5. I read the number as having two commas. It's nonsensical to try to get the square root of a decimal.
  6. Yes, I actually didn't notice that there was a decimal point in there. It isn't an integer as quoted but is as intended.
  7. Barring an act of god we are stuck with both of them. I'm getting bored with Republicans canning Biden while never saying what they like about Trump's policies or achievements.
  8. Did you mean not a prime number? It's definitely an integer.
  9. I never did understand what "covfefe" meant. Or how a sentient human being could claim that covid was going away by easter, 3 years ago.
  10. You yourself now admit that a refugee crisis is a by product of the war and not the causus belli. I want to hear you use the words "middle eastern refugees" in the context of Ukraine again. You seem to have dodged that part of your claim.
  11. It is just a war of territory. The soviet union once ruled Ukraine and Putin wants to retrive it back in order to establish his legacy. Moreover, Putin realises his country's reliance on fossil fuels make the Russian economy toast in the face of long term demand destruction. Russia needs Ukrainian land and resources to grow it's economy. It's that simple.
  12. ok, live and learn. I know of plenty of people who use a cpap and who don't have a speech impediment.
  13. Again, you claimed the war was only started to create a refugee crisis. You did not originally claim it was a by product and you never established a link between the war and using middle eastern refugees to destabilise Europe.
  14. Is the speech impediment related to his use of a cpap?
  15. Ukrainians refugees are not middle eastern refugees. Try to keep your own ducks in a row.
  16. You have not remotely come close to establishing that the Ukraine war was started as a way to coerce middle eastern refugees to destabilise Europe. Pointing to a definition of the term is nothing at all.
  17. According to the right wing narrative it couldn't be the Biden's because they use crack. It wasn't found in Don Jr's old office was it?
  18. It is absolutely essential that you keep a recovery email and phone number current at all times. Don't risk losing your Google account.
  19. There is a need to explain, with credible links. You made a claim that there is a conspiracy to send middle eastern refugees to Europe to destabilise it and that this conspiracy was the cause of the war in Ukraine. Now back that up or concede that it's untrue. You can't peddle this kind of drivel without backing it up.
  20. Over here on the right we only like careless and sloppily written narratives. translation: The narrative reads well, find something negative to say. (Fox editor).
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