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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Trump's biggest problem in the election campaign is probably not so much pending indictments, it's Chris Christie. Christie knows where the bodies are buried and will trash Trump badly in the Republican debates. I doubt that Trump will even have the guts to debate him.
  2. Aww, that's cute. Nope, it's Wall Street. Money talks. Nobody gets to even run for president unless they have formidable fundraising ability. The hyper partisan supreme court green lit dark money PACs with unlimited spending power.
  3. Smart money doesn't care how popular he is. He doesn't even make 50% of his own party and many shoes yet to drop.
  4. Bias is not an issue for me, I can see through that, the issue is lies.
  5. He gets much of his funding from the Republican party. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/15/rfk-fundraising-republicans-00106481
  6. Are you going to suggest Russia hasn't committed war crimes?
  7. Is this some kind of 1984 newspeak? Russia already uses cluster munitions.
  8. If not Navalny then any of about 20 Russian military commanders.
  9. Fox have always known that, hence the business model of fear and outrage.
  10. The argument is that the treaty imposed such humiliating terms on Germany that it led to the rise of Hitler a decade later, and then to the second world war – and defeat of Russia would risk the same trajectory. But it’s misleading to say that defeat will nurture the seeds of future conflict; those seeds are already fully grown. And in reality, the whole war has already been a sequence of humiliations for Russia, centring on the dismal performance of its military and intelligence services and its exposure as an unreconstructed, atavistic, primitive and brutalised threat to Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/27/ukraine-west-vladimir-putin-russia-kyiv-volodymyr-zelenskiy
  11. Ukrainians are just waiting for the inevitable Russian self destruction. Similarly, Putin has abandoned all pretense of responsible fiscal policy, running record budget deficits, printing record amounts of money out of thin air, forcing Russian banks and individuals to buy near-worthless Russian debt, and drawing down Russia’s hundreds of billions in sovereign wealth funds, mortgaging away Russia’s future. Amidst such undisguised plundering of the Russian economy, stripping it down for war toys, it is perhaps no surprise that Prigozhin’s failed putsch this past weekend revealed no lost love for Putin domestically from the Russian populace and elites. After all, not only did military leaders and civilians alike passively wave columns of Wagnerites through checkpoint after checkpoint on the road from Rostov to Moscow without a shred of resistance; even Putin’s own regional governors were lethargic in their response, and even now, a whopping 21 of them have yet to express any support for Putin. https://time.com/6291642/putin-cannibalizes-russian-economy/
  12. They will, do you think the Russians are suicidal? Do you think they will start a nuclear war over Ukraine? Who among them are that stupid?
  13. There's no graceful exit for Russia until they front justice for their war crimes. Any negotiated settlement will not involve territory for Russia and will involve surrendering those charged with war crimes. The west has never forgiven war criminals. For Russia, this invasion was a catastrophic miscalculation on Putin's part and it will be a total loss for him, his power and his life.
  14. Another Putin or worse won't have a chance of taking control of Russia. It will be someone who is willing to work with the west. I'm not optimistic because Russia will be required to pay reparations which is why Russia will be pushed out of Crimea. Also because the Ukraine economy can't function well without Crimea. Defeat for Russia is going to look a lot like Germany at the end of ww2. Putin will be dead or tried for war crimes and hung. The west will never ever sign an armistice with a fugitive war criminal.
  15. The Republicans in the senate voted with a super majority to compel Trump to send arms to Ukraine previously. Only the MAGA cultists and Russia loving fascists in the GOP want to stop sending weapons to Ukraine.
  16. I'd like you to explain so even a simpleton like me can understand how the election (American?) might be a game changer. The reality is that Russia is edging towards collapse and the Ukrainian strategy is take advantage of that, presumably even until next spring because Russia's position will be worse while Ukraine will have cluster munitions, more long range munitions, more tanks and fighter aircraft by then.
  17. Russia already uses whatever it can lay its hands on without restraint, other than nuclear and chemical / biological weapons. It isn't going to increase it's use of such weapons just because Ukraine uses them for the simple reason that Russia shows no restraint now. I guess you're hoping that Trump wins that election so the "game changes"?
  18. Or just open the terminal and type "resmon" and hit enter. "Top in Apple and linux computers.
  19. Ukraine is engaging in a war of attrition of ammo and fuel. Ukraine has said it destroyed 6 ammo dumps in recent days. Russia has to maintain its troops in forward positions while it can't maintain the logistics. Russia's command is in disarray and troop morale and discipline is poor. Ukraine is just pressing until it sees a front line collapse and then it will pour in. This is an obvious plan with an obvious result. I believe the current plan is to wait until they have more cluster munitions to take out the heavier than expected Russian artillery and rout the troops dug in at the front.
  20. Ergogan did a rug pull on NATO on a couple of occasions and previously overtly supported Putin until it became clear he was backing a loser.
  21. I did buy the mac mini m2. I'm happy with it. I can highly recommend it. For now, Apple have got a march on their competition and the mac mini m2 at 20,700 is a great price. Notable is that the mac uses a third of the power of previous gen processors. I had to wait almost 2 weeks for it to arrive from Shenzhen because of the extras. RAM and disk add ons were 7,000 each. They can only be added at purchase time. I also recommend the Logitech MX Keys keyboard over the Apple magic keyboard. By a long shot. The Apple magic mouse is good though.
  22. In math, continued record amplitudes aren't regarded as "fluctuations".
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